Seasonal Spells for Wiccans, Witches & Pagans

“Whosoever readeth spells daily over himself, he is whole upon the earth.”
-Egyptian Book of the Dead
Every season has its own flavor and personality. As magical people, we can use that thematic energy for creating our spells. The idea here is putting together a proverbial double-whammy. You have the symbolism inherent in your spell itself along with the vibrations the season offers naturally.
Simple Hints for Seasonal Spellcrafting Success
- Incorporate the season’s Elemental correspondences into your spell somehow (like burning magical herbs in a Summer spell).
- Add colors symbolically suited to the season (like an orange colored candle in Fall).
- Design the spell so that the way you cast, the spell also represents the Element involved and the season (such as singing a spell in Spring).
- Use stones, sacred crystals and plants with suitable symbolism for the Element and the season (like salt, iron, oats, or patchouli in a Winter spell).
- Casting the spell during auspicious moon phases or Zodiac Signs (like using a Waxing moon in Aries for a spring Spell).
Spring Spell Work for Witches
Spring is the season for new beginnings and renewed hope. It will also be associated with the Air Element, so this spell combines wine with the desire for an upbeat outlook for magic that draws heartening energy to you.
Spell for Hope & Happiness
Go outside at dawn with a handful of lavender flowers and freshly picked morning glories. As the sun first shines over the horizon, scatter these to the wind moving clockwise, saying:
“Happiness without, hope within
I give this joy to the winds.
As these petals fly free,
Bring happiness back to me.”
Spell for Love
Love stretches the range of human interactions by asking us to do and be the very best person we can be. For some people, however, it’s extremely hard to open themselves to love because of past failures. For others, it’s hard to accept love because they do not love themselves. This spell is designed to overcome past pains, instill self-appreciation, and open the path for giving and receiving love during the fresh, revitalizing energy of Spring.
Enact this spell on a Friday, the day traditionally beneficial to relationships (including the way you relate to yourself). Have a bowl of rose petals ready and a small mint candy. Hold the candy in both hands, visualizing it filled with a pinkish-white light saying:
“Healing within, let it begin
Self-love grow where this sweetness goes.”
Eat the mint then take the rose petals in hand. Visualize these filled with a vibrant red light then sprinkle them around yourself in a clockwise circle outdoors. As you turn, repeat the phrase:
“Petals be free, love return to me.
Lady Fate, carry these petals to potential mates.”
Spells for a Magical Summer
Summer Embodies all the zest of the Fire Element, and one filled with social activity. This spell releases energy by fire to improve personal physical energy for the demands of the season.
Spell for Energy
Go outside at noon on a day when the sun is bright in the sky. Have a barbecue grill or other fire source lit and a handful of bay leaves and red carnation petals. Hold these in your hands, visualizing the fire of the sun and the fire in front of you as filling your being until you nearly burst with energy. Then, release the bay and carnation to the flames saying:
“As carnations and bay begin to ignite
So my magic takes to flight.
The flames release energy
So the power grows in me!”
Friendship Spell
Friends are among the most treasured things in life. We need those who stay with us through good times and bad, long into the future, also those who are often part of a karmic group. This group learns and grows together spiritually. This spell is designed with the social nature of Summer in mind. It draws people with whom you can interact on this level for many years to come.
For this spell you’ll need a pink candle with the word friendship carved on it and a handful of dried lemon peel. If possible, work when the moon is in Aquarius. Place the candle in a window where you live. Light it, thinking about all the qualities you would joy in a friend (common interests, adventurous spirit, or whatever). Now, go outside and sprinkle the walk up to your home (or apartment building) with the dried lemon saying:
“Come to me, friends who will be true and kind
Come to me, to share, those of a like mind
Come to me.”
Repeat this incantation until you’ve used up all but one pinch of the lemon. Keep this remainder with you as a portable charm to help draw potential friends your way.
Fall Magic with Simple Spells
Fall is associated with the Water Element and is characterized by abundance. This spell releases energy through water to improve figurative or literal prosperity in any area of your life.
Prosperity (Abundance) Spell
To begin, you’ll need a flowing water source. A natural one’s best, but a hose will do. You’ll also need a bundle of dry chamomile (empty out a tea bag). Go to the water source in the late afternoon. Stand in such a way that the water source flows award you, then reach out as far as you can and sprinkle the chamomile on the water upstream saying:
“Abundance to me, Abundance flow free
Today I claim prosperity.”
If you wish to, gather a little of the chamomile from the water and dry it to carry as a charm.
Opportunity Spell
It’s a lot easier to shake loose the energy of abundance when you have possibilities on your side. Waiting for your ship to come in? Tired of knocking on brick walls that never give way? This spell is designed to create opportunities in your life. Once these doors open, it’s up to you to step through them.
For this spell, you’ll need a handful of daisy petals and an open window, preferably one that faces east (beginnings). Stand by the window at sunrise holding the petals in hand. Visualize the petals being filled with green and gold light until they feel almost warm in your palm. Then open the window and release the petals saying:
“Through this window I open the way
For more opportunities starting today!”
To further energize the magic, repeat the spell every day for one full week−then just keep your eyes and ears open!
Winter Magic with Powerful Spellcasting
Winter is aligned with the Earth Element and is characterized by frugality. This spell combines soil with the energy of conservation to improve prudence.
Protecting your Resources Spell
Begin with a coin, some brown wrapping paper, and a patch of earth. Wrap the coin in the paper, symbolically preserving it, as you say:
“A coin wrapped, a coin conserved
Help me keep resources preserved!”
Plant the coin and paper in the soil near your home so that frugal energy comes to you. Come spring, dig up the coin and carry it as an amulet that preserves finances.
Health Spell
Another focus for the Winter months is staying healthy. This spell is designed to safeguard all aspects of a person’s health.
Begin with a blend of orange juice and apple juice to which you add a drop of mint extract (the amount is less important than the symbolism). Put this in a clear glass and hold it up to the sunlight
Healthy body, healthy mind
Healthy spirit, here the magic I bind.
Chase all maladies neatly away.
Bring renewed wholeness starting today.
Drink the juice to internalize the magic
Summing It All Up: Magic by the Season
Seasons offer us one more timing option that can support all manner of magical goals. Meditate on what that time of year means to you personally. Make a list of the “themes” that come to mind and put it in your Book of Shadows for future reference.
Adapted from “Wicca 2000,” by Patricia Telesco. All Rights Reserved.