Practical Candle Magic for Decision Making

“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”
– Tony Robbins
Yes or no. Stay or go. On the surface making choices doesn’t seem that hard. But when you look at all the surrounding factors, suddenly everything’s convoluted. Saying yes could hurt someone. Staying could leave you wondering about the “what ifs” for years.
The concept behind practical candle magic for decision making actually has two angles. First is your personal focus. When your mind can’t sort things out, the techniques you’ve learned in spellcraft for focus come in handy. Second is the goal, namely making the right choice. While spells alone usually won’t give you the whole answer, they often manifest just enough information so you can decide wisely.
Candle Spells for the Conscious Mind
Some people might wonder what magick and the conscious mind have in common. Our conscious mind helps us to know what we need, when we need it and provides ideas as to how to fulfill those needs. Spells that support the conscious mind support overall alertness, our ability to enumerate, and happily the wherewith all for embracing a sound course of action.
- Time your spells for the noon hour (or when it’s sunny) as the sun stresses the logical/rational self. When the moon is in Leo is a good alternative because of the strong solar nature of this sign.
- Add aromatics such as rosemary, which is said to improve memory. Lilac and honeysuckle are alternatives that support mental keenness.
- Use red, yellow, orange, or gold colored candles (a nice blend of the Air and Fire Elements).
- Include other components such as fluorite, aventurine, sphene, maze patterns, and walnuts, all of which accent cognitive functions.
Igniting the Conscious Mind
For this spell, you’ll need nothing more than a candle (your choice of color) and a toothpick. On a morning when you know you’re going to need to be particularly “on” mentally, get up a little early. Sit in the light of the morning sun and carve an emblem of the area in your life where mental accuracy is most needed /required. Focus wholly on your goal, then place the candle into a holder and light it, saying:
“Logic’s power takes hold-uncertainty bind,
with confidence and alertness,
empower my conscious mind.”
Repeat this incantation several times, allowing your voice to grow naturally. When you feel completely-filled with confidence and warm solar energy, blow out the candle and seize the day!
Conscious Mind Charm
If you’d like a portable charm that supports the conscious mind, begin by saving the candle from the first spell under this topic. You’ll also need a 3”x 3” swatch of yellow fabric, a piece of yarn about 6 inches long, a fluorite crystal and sprigs of rosemary. Light the candle, repeating the incantation provided in the first spell. Visualize the light of the candle saturating the cloth, crystal and herb bits. Now, place the fluorite crystal in the middle of the cloth saying:
“This represents the successful application of my skills and knowledge.”
Sprinkle the rosemary over the stone saying:
“This represents information that stays with me.”
Drip some of the candle wax into the bundle, then tie it together like a sachet saying:
‘‘A keen wit and a keen mind, herein I bind.”
Carry this with you or keep it where its energies will do the most good (like an office desk drawer). If you ever need speedy help from your conscious self, open the sachet and cast one piece of rosemary to the winds with your wish.
Magic to Allay Uncertainty
Every day we’re faced with decisions ranging from what route to take to work, to determining the right career path! Very few of those choices boil down to a simple toss of a coin. It’s not surprising then that we sometimes find it difficult to sit back and sort it all out. When you’re having trouble with uncertainty regarding a particularly sticky decision try a spell, ritual, or perhaps a divination method to help you finalize things.
- Time your spells similarly to those for the conscious mind, as decisions rely heavily on the logical, rational self. Alternative timings include when the moon is in Sagittarius or Libra when the moon is full (for really keen instincts), and on Tuesday (for good strategy).
- Add aromatics such as vanilla, rosemary, nutmeg, and apple, all of which encourage alertness and improved observation skills.
- Use black and white colored candles (this color symbolism works especially well for binary or yes/no type questions).
- Include other components such as a coin, straw, a hat, or anything else people typically use when making random choices.
Candle Divination for Dilemmas
Begin with a piece of white paper, one black candle, and one white candle. Dab both candles with an aromatic you prefer. If you’re not using the suggested ones, consider finding a scent that mirrors the theme of your choice. For example, if choosing between lovers, try rose. Light the candle side-by-side saying:
[wisew_rectangle_large align=”left”]“A light in the dark,
insight abide
between the options,
help me decide!”
Carefully take both candles in one hand (your strong hand) and tip them, so they drip on the paper. Keep concentrating on your dilemma for about two minutes.
Return the candles to their holder. If the black one has melted more than the white, then the course of action you preferred is not the best one. You can gain additional insight by scrying the wax drippings using this brief list as a starting point for interpretive values:
- Black wax covering the white wax: This indicates while your ideas were sound, the results will be negative if you continue on this course.
- White wax covering the black wax: This indicates a rough start, but good finish! Stick with the present plan.
- Lots of intermingled black and white dots: This indicates a very uncertain future. The web of fate is tangled right now. You may want to wait a while before making a choice and gather more information.
- Dots scattered all over the paper: This indicates trying to do too much; scattering your energy to the winds. You need to narrow your focus and the choices at hand to something more manageable.
By the way, you can use the resulting piece of paper as part of a portable decision-making charm, too. Just wrap it around a coin and keep it handy for when you’re pressed for a decision.
Candles and Pendulum Work
This second method of candle divination requires two black candles, two white candles, and a pendulum of some kind. You can make a pendulum yourself out of a length of string (three times the length of your hand to your elbow is good). To this string tie anything that has a discernible point so you can determine the direction of movement. Place the white candles at North and South of a circular area on a tabletop. Place the black candles West and East and light all four.
Next put the elbow of your strong hand carefully on the table outside the circle created by the candles. Hold the pendulum string, so it sets a few inches above the table surface in the middle of the candles. Make sure it’s still, then concentrate on ONE of the potential paths ahead of you. If the pendulum begins to move between the two white candles (up and down), that’s an affirmative answer, whereas between the black candles (left to right) is negative.
For clarification stop the pendulum and ask more detailed questions. For example, if you received a “yes” about whether you should join friends on a trip, you might qualify that by asking, “should we drive?” If the answer is “no” then ask “should we fly?” and so forth.
Candle Spell for Wisdom
There are so many situations that challenge our sagacity: Making decisions is certainly among them. Ignite your intuitive wisdom for your choices by putting the symbolism of candles to work yet again.
- Time your spells according to the area of life in which you need wisdom. For example, wisdom on deciding your spiritual Path is best accomplished by working with a full moon, whereas conscious wisdom for daily tasks is more solar in Nature.
- Add aromatics such as iris, peach, and sage, all of which support this goal.
- Use purple candles (especially for spiritual wisdom).
- Include other sagacious potential components and symbols such as an owl. Among stones, we find jade (especially for wisdom in relationships), sodalite, and sugilite. Edible items include almonds, peaches, and olives.
Powerful Wisdom Potion
Use this potion for balanced wisdom. Begin with a dark purple candle lit in the kitchen while you’re working. When you ignite the candle, say:
“Wisdom’s light shine, within and without,
Consciousness awake, wisdom be mine!”
[wisew_rectangle_large align=”right”]Next, take some peach juice. Leave this adjacent to the candle in a sunny window of the kitchen for about five minutes to absorb the light. Blow out the candle, and put the glass of juice away until evening.
When the moon rises, repeat the procedure, but altering the incantation to:
“Wisdom’s light shine, within and without,
Intuition awake, wisdom be mine!”
Again, leave these two items in the moonlight for a few minutes, then drink the juice to internalize the energy. By the way, if you can’t find juice, a fresh peach works effectively, too.
Wise Work Choices Spell
To bring wisdom into your professional decisions, find two nice candle holders, a purple candle, and one candle that represents your work. Carve the purple candle with an image of an eye (for example, the eye of Ra) for insight. Carve the other candle with an image of your profession (if you’re a writer, carve a quill or pen, for example).
On the three nights of the full moon, enact this spell. Place the two candles across from each other on a table or altar. Each night as the moon rises, light the business candle from the wisdom candle, saying something like:
“Like this candle’s light
My wisdom shines bright!”
Afterward, move the candles slightly closer together and let them burn for forty minutes (four being an Earth-oriented number). On the second and third nights repeat as the first, but by the third night, the candles should be sitting side by side. When the 40 minutes are completed, blow out the candles and bind them together.
If possible keep these at your place of work or store them with symbols of the struggle you face until its resolved. Afterward, you can re-melt the wax for other magical workings.
Candle Magick, Focus, and Awareness
By bringing together your conscious mind and a heaping portion of wisdom, our choices become clearer. Stay focused and aware. Let the universe bring you signs and portents about your next move on that chess board called life.