Crystal Wisdom: The Rocks are Alive

“I believe in mystic healing and crystals’ powers — which could make me a witch. I believe in truth, honor, and forgiveness — which could make me a Christian. I even believe in the existence of past lives and that each and every one of us is watched over by guides from the other side — which, to some, would make me totally woo-woo squared.”
– Emma Mildon
The Secrets Magic Crystals Hold
We would add to Ms. Mildon’s observations that the belief in healing and mystical crystals may specifically make her a Shamanic Witch. In the shamanic worldview, rocks are alive in their own way. While moving far more slowly than other things on earth, they patiently sit, watching. In this manner, stone wisdom connects us to our ancient tribal past and all of human history.
Multi-Purpose Magical Quartz Crystals
Quartz is a very popular shamanic stone, having been used for dreaming, healing, luck-giving, and divining. It may, in fact, be the most utilitarian of all crystals for shamanic work. Many tribal societies, including those of Australia and South Africa, considered quartz a living rock because of its spiritual radiance. Today, science recognizes that quartz does, indeed, generate energy. So, when you first begin studying stone wisdom, quartz is certainly an excellent option to explore.
Metal Magic
Science has also kindly shown us other things about stone wisdom that the clever urban practitioner can easily apply. Copper, for example, directs energy. It then becomes an excellent addition to a talking stick or a fetish bag for when you want the power to go somewhere specific.
Choosing the Right Magic Crystals
Just like a plumber is unlikely to use a saw for a clogged drain, the practitioner must find the right stone for their goals. How exactly? Begin by consulting an excellent metaphysical correspondence list, but don’t stop there. A stone’s color, size, facets, and environment all affect what wisdom and powers it has. A book can’t predict or portray these quirks; that’s for your insight to determine.
Once you do find a suitable stone, mineral, or crystal, it will need some care and pampering to function best as a teacher and ally.
Care and Keeping of Sacred Stones
Follow these guidelines for keeping your stone’s power active, ample, and working as
Cleanse and bless the stone in any manner suited to your tradition and its purpose.
- Find a protective covering for the stone. This should be made from a natural fabric, fur, feathers, soft leaves or flower petals, moss, or leather. Replace the leaves, flowers, and/or moss regularly for suppleness.
- Keep it to yourself: Do not show this power object to anyone unless the stone spirit instructs it. To do so is considered a show of vanity, and it insults the stone spirit.
- Hungry stones: Regularly feed your crystal by placing it in sunlight, moonlight, water, soil, or whatever seems most suitable for at least three days. For people getting bombarded with the ongoing negativity that depletes the stone’s power, do this quarterly (minimally) – at the spring and fall equinoxes and during summer and winter solstices. The elemental mediums and the timing suggested both recharge the stone’s figurative battery. Your stone’s spirit will let you know if it needs a boost before the regularly scheduled maintenance time.
- Powering up: moments when you want to release a little extra stone wisdom into a particular situation, rub the stone on your body. For example, when you feel flighty or light-headed, rub yourself with a grounding stone like hematite or obsidian. The static created by rubbing carries the energy to your aura.
Alternatively, if you want the stone’s power to radiate away from you, tap the stone lightly on a rock three times, then turn it to face the desired direction. This creates a vibration, releasing the energy desired. Do not, however, do this with all your might. Breaking the crystal is considered a terrible omen, which is often followed by a loss of personal power.
Using your crystals, minerals, and rocks in the best way supports their symbolic value in your magic.
Applied Rock Wisdom
Shamanism offers many ways for you to apply stone wisdom to your daily practices.
– Meditate with a specially chosen stone on your third eye for insight (perhaps fluorite).
– Place them or on your chakras for healing (i.e., bloodstone, coral, or carnelian).
– Put one under your pillow (i.e., silver, amethyst, or azurite) for prophetic or spiritual dreams.
– Use them for pendulum work, wear them for increased vitality, put them in medicine bundles, on dream catchers, and on your altar.
– Place them at the four corners of the Sacred Space as representatives of the Elements.
– Carry them as charms, amulets, and talismans.
– Use them as spell components or ritual symbols.
Working regularly with stone wisdom extends your understanding of the energies in the Natural world. If you talk to your plants, don’t leave your sacred stones on the sidelines!
Adapted from “Shaman in a 9-5 World,” by Patricia Telesco. All Rights Reserved.