Love Magic: Creating Your Own Spells for Attracting Love & Inspiring Passion

“The sound of music slumbers in the shell, till waked and kindled by the master’s spell; and feeling hearts, touch them rightly, pour, a thousand melodies unheard before.”
– Samuel Rogers
Spellcraft is a very ancient, will-driven art. By definition, spells combine the elements of actions, words, components, and thoughts into a kind of mini-ritual. A Wiccan chooses each spell element carefully to create a specific type of energy (love, joy, prosperity, health, luck, and others). The casting of a spell then generates, releases, and directs the thematic energy. This power becomes a motif in one’s environment reaching ever outward to manifest the magician’s intention.
Folk Traditions and Love Magic
In early magical traditions our ancestors, not having international supermarkets available, chose mostly backyard components for their spells. Incantations were composed of socially or culturally familiar words. And while some special timing might have been added for symbolism, generally people worked spells whenever the need arose. This type of folk magic, in its beautiful simplicity, blended everyday life and environmentally generated symbols with spirituality for meaningful, and often potent, results. Today, Wiccans continue to honor the art of folkways in spellcraft. As in times past, heartfelt approaches to spellcraft that take into account personal realities and spiritual vision are by far the most popular. That holds true for love magic.
Props and Processes for Love Spells
You can think of designing a spell much like you might draw a realistic picture. When you’re done you want all the elements working together to make a recognizable whole. Extending this idea, your choices of colors, techniques and even drawing implements make a difference in the end result. Love magic is no different.
Truth be told it’s difficult to narrow down all the symbols and constructs you might use in a love spell. There are a LOT of them. What’s presented here are those that seem very common in spells designed by Wiccans and Witches.
Magickal Love Spell Components
Think of components in spellcraft like the ingredients to a terrific recipe. You don’t usually tinker with what works well, but you might want to make some minor adjustments to suit personal tastes. Spellcraft works similarly.
Everything in the world has various metaphysical associations and powers ascribed to it. These associations determine the potential ingredient list for a successful magical recipe. But, since Wicca strongly advocates personal vision and modification, each individual may choose a different ingredient from this list to make her love spell more personal, meaningful, and spiritually fulfilling.
Certain components were, and are, popular in spellcraft because of their range of uses. Just remember in your design that what’s most important is that each ingredient works harmoniously with the others and that each ingredient makes sense considering the purpose of your magic.
Aromatics: Aromas activate our sense of smell, which can influence the outcome of magical procedures just like any other sensual input. That’s one reason why the ancient temples often had incense burning. By using an aromatic in spellcraft you not only affect the vibrations in your own aura but also the energy in the air wherever the aroma reaches, your magic can reach out and bless others, even without your knowledge!
Burning incense or herbs is but one option−an option that in the ancient world represented our prayers and wishes floating up the Great Spirit. Another possibility is to dab scented oil around the room where you’re working, or perhaps just put some on your tools. Decorate the sacred space with fresh flowers whose color and aroma accent your spell. Use personal perfume or cologne as one of the components in your love spell.
Candles: The flame of a candle represents the human spirit that must be fully engaged for spellcraft to work. So, it is not surprising that many spells include the lighting, carving, dressing, and blowing out of a candle as part of the mixture. For example, a person might light a candle to ignite their love spell, or blow one out to dowse unwanted attention.
Colors: Color influences our conscious and subconscious actions and reactions. Consequently, it can strongly influence magical results. In spellcraft, components may be chosen for their color’s mystical associations as shown in the chart below.
Color Correspondences for Love Magic
- Red: Energizes love. The brighter the red, the greater the symbolism for passion.
- Orange: Kindness and generally warm feelings between two people.
- Yellow: Communicating effectively and being creative in relationships. Fertility.
- Green: Supports the growth of feelings and devotion.
- Blue: Peaceful, happy interactions.
- Purple: Spiritual love.
- Brown: Creating firm foundations.
- White: Reconciliation spells. Clearing out negativity.
Exactly how the color is added into the spell is up to you. Put accents of color in the working space via tablecloths, colored lightbulbs, altar decorations, among others. Use components that are the same color, such as apples and cherries for healthy, joyful love. Wear a blue robe when working a spell for peace in a relationship, red jewelry for increased sexual energy, and so forth.
Crystals, Metals & Minerals
Our ancestors loved using crystals, metals, and minerals in their spells because they were very portable. This made them perfect for love-attracting charms that could go with a person anywhere with none being the wiser. Sacred crystals and gems have also become part of jewelry or clothing accents with symbolic purposes.
Crystal, Metal, Mineral Components for Love Magic
Agate: Inspires amiable agreements and truthfulness.
Agate: (black)−Represents spiritual love.
Amber: Inspires beauty, the ability to give and receive love, and sensuality.
Amethyst: Generates improved self-control. Eases heartache. Stimulates good judgment, hope, and emotional love. Attracts women.
Aquamarine: Helps with keeping a cool head and a kind heart.
Beryl: Prevents fascination and increases friendly feelings. Attracts love.
Copper: stimulates and conducts energy.
Fluorite: Clarifies perception.
Garnet: Emphasizes passion, affection, and friendship.
Gold: Encourages a long-lasting love.
Jade: Represents eternal love and commitment.
Jasper, red: Attracts passionate lovers.
Lapis: Motivates fertility, devotion, and spiritual love.
Lodestone: Attracts wanted attention.
Moonstone: Highlights tender love, intuition, and gentle protection.
Mother of pearl: Focuses on fertility.
Onyx: Decreases or balances sexual desire.
Pearl: Represents purity of intent.
Quartz (clear): Increases or stores energy.
Quartz (pink): Stimulates friendship, affection, and fidelity.
Rock (plain): Establishes firm foundations and durability.
Ruby: Improves passion and deepens love.
Silver: Inspires love, peace, and protective energy.
Sodalite: Inspires emotional balance and wisdom.
Tiger’s eye: Accentuates confidence and warm feelings.
Topaz: Warms relationships.
Foods & Potions
Numerous clever humans use food as a way to the heart. There are many edibles considered aphrodisiacs. Then too, a nice hardy meal prepared with love certainly makes people happier. Here is a brief list of edibles you might consider for Kitchen Witchery be it a snack, a celebratory meal, or a potion that inspires a lovely night of romping in bed.
Edible Ingredients for Love Magic
Apple: Healthy, responsible love.
Beech nut: Physical endurance.
Bread: Providence and kinship.
Caraway: Devotion.
Cucumber: Fertility particularly for men.
Date: Male sexual prowess.
Egg: Fertility and gradual progression in a relationship.
Fig: Erotic love.
Fish: Fertility.
Garlic: Encourages physical prowess that can result in many children (follow with a mint)!
Ginseng: Improves virility.
Honey: Inspires gentle love and compassion.
Lemon: Represents matters of the heart and pure intentions.
Lettuce: Acts as an aphrodisiac.
Mulberry: Provokes wisdom.
Olive: Supports reconciliation.
Orange: Increases devotion, faithfulness, and fertility.
Oyster: Improves fertility.
Pineapple: Energizes hospitality, welcome, and fertility.
Plum: Female sexuality.
Pomegranate: Engenders fertility.
Rosemary: Making and remembering fond memories together.
Salt: Cleanses negative emotions.
Seeds (like sunflower): Begin a cycle of growth.
Water: Circulates emotions; cleanses.
Knots are terrific spell components because you can bind energy within that is only released when the knot is undone. All types of knot spells exist in Wicca. Some people make love spell braids, which are slowly undone over days, weeks, or even years to release magic toward its goal. And of course, we have the phrase “tying the knot” in association with marriage.
Knots quite simply represented an unbreakable pledge, at least in folklore. We know that knots appear in commitment ceremonies when the wrists of the couple are bound after saying their promises. Knots also have an element of “binding” energy so use them carefully. One should not constrict love.
Various plant parts are used in incense, in spell bags and boxes, and in fetishes and charm creation. Plant parts may also be made into magical beverages for libations or potions and into edibles for internalizing the magic of a love spell. Plants become symbols for decorating the sacred space either as a representation of your spells’ goal (Roses come to mind for love) or the elemental quarters. In the case of the latter, one might choose to place a potted tulip in the northern quarter of a circle, lavender in the eastern quarter, a red carnation in the southern quarter, and a violet in the eastern quarter.
Which part of a plant gets used and whether it is fresh or dried, depends much on the application in the spell: A dry plant being easier to burn, for example. Seeds are great symbolically for “planting,” “growing,” and manifesting a specific type of energy. Dried or fresh flower petals, fruit rinds, and other small parts can be scattered to the winds to carry magic on its way.
Plant Components for Love Magic
Carnation: Inspires interest from others.
Cherry blossom: Brings luck to love.
Chrysanthemum: Brings contentment.
Flower petals (general): Release your wishes to the winds.
Flowers (General): Inspire blossoming feelings.
Forget-me-nots: Symbolize yearning.
Gardenia: Augments attractiveness.
Holly: Increases joy.
Honeysuckle: Generates generous love.
Jasmine: Attracts joyful love.
Lavender: Encourages peaceful relationships.
Magnolia: Represents the offer of a favor.
Meadow lily: Secures adoration.
Mistletoe: Promotes “kissability.”
Mulberry: wisdom in relationships.
Myrtle: Depicts happiness.
Narcissus: Banishes vanity.
Pansy: Acts as a love charm.
Pine Cone: Enhances male sexuality.
Plum blossom: Symbolizes innocent love.
Poppy: Engenders fertility.
Reed: Inspires flexibility.
Rose: Enlivens courtship, beauty, and marriage.
Tulip: Improves the quality of love.
Wheat sheath: Improves abundance and fertility.
Willow: Accentuates beauty, grace, and flexibility.
Magick and Spellcraft Tools: Poppets and Figurines
Poppets and figurines represent the person, animal, or place that they are fashioned to look like. Say your partner is sick and has asked you to cast a spell for her health. You might create a poppet out of a piece of her clothing and stuff it with healthful herbs (allspice, lemon balm, mint) to figuratively “fill” that individual with healing energy. Tend to the poppet as you might that person to extend your caring energy her way. Burn it or bury it afterward to dispel the sickness it has gathered.
While one could potentially use a poppet to try to enchant a specific person, it’s not recommended. You want to know love is true, not manipulated by magic. So, use the poppet within the framework of a committed relationship for purposes like the health example given.
Verbal Components for Magick Spells
This element lies somewhere between being a component to spellcraft and being a technique. As a component, words may be written in designs on paper, spoken, or thought to empower the magic being created. The old charm of abracadabra provides us with one example, having been written so the word slowly vanishes, taking with it any sickness.
Thinking or verbalizing generally takes the form of an incantation that gives definition and details to the magic. When spoken out loud, the words add their vibrations to the energy. When recited inwardly, the thought-form carries power along with any visualization. This is why words in both spoken and written form can have a powerful effect on others, and personal thoughts can so strongly affect your outlook and actions.
Magic Spell Prep Techniques
Once the ingredients of a magical recipe are gathered, the method of “cooking” the magic becomes important. For example, one person might find chanting or singing an effective technique for raising energy and releasing one’s spell. Other procedures to consider for personally created spells or those you might use to adapt those given herein, follow.
Changing a Component’s Form
The way in which you apply a component represents what you want to happen in your spell. For example, you could bake an apple-honey bread to warm up healthy feelings in your relationship and bring it sweetness. Other examples include:
Get creative!
Incantations are the words you recite that communicates your intentions to the Universe. Words are very powerful. They affect the way we think. We also hear incantations, which gives them a sensual impact. The easiest incantations from a memory perspective are those that rhyme, have a rhythm or those that are short and to the point. If you have a long incantation, it might be easier to read it off a handmade “cheat sheet.” Use words with which you are comfortable. Flowery language might be great for the theater, but you want to stay focused on your love spell not how to enunciate a word.
Numerology: There are a lot of ways you can potentially use the magic of numbers in your love spells. You might choose a specific number of components, or tie a number of knots. Alternatively, repeat your incantation a symbolic number of times. The key is using the right number for your intention.
One: this represents your ability to be of one accord.
Two: partnership; balance in your relationship.
Three: strengthening your love (also a good number for fertility spells).
Four: keeping your love well-grounded.
Five: increasing your intuitive abilities toward your partner.
Six: safeguarding your relationship.
Seven: planning for your future together.
Eight: transforming various aspects of your relationship.
Nine: the power of kindness and gratitude between people.
Elemental & Directional Symbolism: You can stand facing a specific direction when casting a spell. Or, perhaps you put your back to a wind moving toward a direction, so it carries your intention. In the sacred space, you can move to the Quarter that best represents your focus for the spell.
- Air/East: improving your ability to communicate with each other. Fresh starts. Adapting to change
- Fire/South: amp up your sex life. Keeping your relationship healthy
- Water/West: becoming more aware of your emotions and how they impact your partner. This is also a good direction for making amends
- Earth/North: creating strong foundations for your relationship especially financially
The ancients believed that everything in the celestial sphere influences what happens on earth, especially with an individual’s fate. Perhaps the most widely trusted object next to the sun was the lunar sphere. Each phase of the moon has symbolism that you can use in timing your love spells.
- Waxing Moon: gently growing love and devotion
- Full Moon: relationships in their prime; wisdom; passion
- Waning Moon: decreasing negativity or problems impacting your relationship
- Dark Moon: a time to pause and regroup. Banish the unhealthy aspects of your relationship
Visualization: If you can daydream, you can visualize. Think of your mind’s eye like a full-color chalkboard on which you draw images of your intention. This, in turn, shapes and directs your love spell. Now, the visualization doesn’t have to be incredibly detailed. Even imagining a red heart that gets bigger would work for increasing loving feelings between two people.
Summing it All Up: Love Magick Ethics
Obviously, you aren’t going to use every technique for your love spells, let alone every component. Just choose carefully and mindfully. Love is a delicate creature and often a bit elusive. A little magic can go a long way when casting from the mind and heart of one with honorable intentions. May you love well.
Adapted from “Spinning Spells Weaving Wonders and Wicca 2000,” by Patricia Telesco. All rights reserved.