Kitchen Witch

“Any time women come together with a collective intention, it’s a powerful thing. Whether it’s sitting down making a quilt, in a kitchen preparing a meal, in a club reading the same book, or around the table playing cards, or planning a birthday party, when women come together with a collective intention, magic happens.”
-Phylicia Rashad
If there was a mantra for the Kitchen Witch, it might be “it’s ok to play with your food.” Kitchen Witchery begins at the hearth, which is the heart of the home. And while many of us are just hearing about this approach to magic, this tradition has ancient roots with wise women, midwives and clever females who knew how to use herbs for cooking as well as for healing and even keeping the flocks safe from the evil eye.
Kitchen Witch: Merging the Magic of the Mundane
There exists a plethora of folklore and superstition around the kitchen, and part of that has become a cornerstone to Kitchen magic. Our ancestors often built the hearth of home first as a sign of respect. It was important to bring a gift for the hearth God, lest you displease him. That meal will surely cause gastric distress!
Kitchen Witches see all the magic in the mundane world. Energy is all around us just waiting for direction. Far Eastern traditions talk of moving meditations. For the Kitchen Witch, moving spells can be anything from sweeping the floors to dusting and making dinner.
The Kitchen Witch’s Palace
See a Kitchen Witch’s home is truly her castle. Here, she is the proverbial “hostess with the most-est” and the Queen of hospitality! Every nook and cranny of a house offers a creative potential for expressing heart-felt enchantments, and she uses this latent energy regularly. In keeping with this concept, everyday items become part of the Kitchen Witch’s toolkit. A fresh piece of celery turns into a wand, a steak knife an athame, and perhaps a copper saucier for a cauldron. While this seems very simple, it’s all in the attitude of the witch. Home is a temple, and her work is sacred. Do not think for a minute that this type of folk magic has little umph. Kitchen Witches can be a force to be reckoned with when anything or anyone endangers her tribe or her sacred space of the home. It is interesting to note that a heated spell leaves a bad taste in your mouth vs. an upbeat casting that smells mighty sweet!
The home of a Kitchen Witch often reflects her vision of life in general. If you look around you might find decorations depicting the elements of nature. There might also be some pretty crystals and carefully placed seasonal touches that echo the ever-turning wheel of time. Think of this as the Hearth Witch’s version of Feng Shui. Each touch has a purpose, the main ones of which is keeping the home happy, healthy and safe.
The Day to Day Activities in Kitchen Witchcraft
So what might you find a Kitchen Witch doing on any given day? Lots of things! Perhaps she harvests some fresh basil and burns it as part of a cleansing or blessing. Maybe she offers a guest some tea then reads the tea leaves afterward. If someone has a cold, she whips up a functional brew that’s not only good for you but has a little extra sparkle. If someone is sad or restless, she may grow lavender in that person’s bedroom. And they always make a wish on a shooting star. This is truly the charm of Kitchen Magic. It isn’t flashy or filled with fanfare. Rather the Kitchen Witch likes peace, subtlety, refinement and clever magical nuances. Chaos and drama aren’t really in her “wheel house.”
Who Becomes a Kitchen Witch?
Who are these Kitchen Witches anyway? Really they can be anyone, even people who practice a mainstream faith. Generally speaking, one becomes a Kitchen Witch (or discovers they already are one) with their passion for the pantry. Have you ever just naturally stirred your soup clockwise? That’s a way to raise positive energy with a little willpower and focus.
Some people think of Kitchen Witches as rural dwellers, but these days that’s a rarity. Many Kitchen Witches live in cities and towns, and still find special magic in everyday items. For example, a clever Kitchen Witch may use Joy dish soap on a day when she feels somewhat blue. Here, the product name is a tool for focusing energy. That same Kitchen Witch might use a dark computer screen for scrying. Our minds are already trained to expect some type of image appearing on the screen. All this practice does is add intention to the process.
Kitchen Witches are often “foodies” at heart (check out Blue Star Wicca). Meals are a perfect vehicle for magical energy. Why? Because when you consume the specially prepared repast, you literally internalize and digest that energy! Talk about soul food!
One of the tell-tale signs of Kitchen Witchery afoot is a little doll on a broom (or sometimes a wooden spoon) that’s attached to a wall or the refrigerator door. This poppet brings good fortune into the home. It also protects the house from kitchen-related misadventures. Tradition states that this token must come into the home as a gift for the greatest benefit.
Kitchen Witchery: Taking the Next Step
What do you do if the idea of Kitchen Witchery appeals to you? First, don’t over-complicate things. Kitchen magic is very straight-forward and pragmatic. The main change in your life will be expanding your mindfulness to every moment of your day. Look around your home in a different way, with magic and manners in mind.
The stove is a type of altar (or the kitchen counter). This is an excellent place to put something symbolic that makes you smile and reminds you of your spiritual goals. Additionally, your home should make people feel welcome. You know you’re creating the right atmosphere if people come in, sit down and sigh contentedly.
Many Kitchen Witches like to garden so they can have fresh herbs for their craft. A sunny window ledge will do for those with limited yard space. There is something extraordinary about having living plants in the home. Note, however, in a pinch the dried herbs and spices in your pantry are suited to spellcraft, tinctures, etc. too.
Now is also a good time for light-hearted research. Look up superstitions and folklore about the home on your computer or at the library. Many of these ideas easily translate into our modern practices. For example, when gathering dirt off the floor, it’s said throwing it away from the home brings improved fortunes. Now, since you have to clean the pesky floor anyway, do so while keeping this symbolic connection in mind. Wipe that negative streak right out of your house.
Another good topic for new Kitchen Witches is an investigation of herbal arts. As an Herb Witch will tell you, nearly every plant on this planet has been categorized elementally and energetically. Better still, modern studies on herbal applications show that our ancestors got a lot right in their observations. While healthcare still requires trained professionals, a lot of little things like itchy skin can be treated successfully at home with a little herbal savvy (use an oatmeal poultice).
The Kitchen Witch and Green Magic
The vast majority of Kitchen Witches have moved toward a green philosophy. The goal is honoring the Earth in the way we live. Stop the wastefulness. Eat organic. Recycle and reuse. While these seem like little things, they support the foundation of Kitchen magic and Green Magic equally well. The cleaner our home, the healthier our food, the greater the manifestation becomes. Think of it this way- you wouldn’t expect a mess in a church. That would be disrespectful. Now your home is your sacred space and with natural supports ebbing the flow of white light into every moment of your day.
Putting Kitchen Witchery into Practice
While this article scrapes the surface of Kitchen Witchery, it gives you a good starting point. Over time you train yourself to think differently about your home, and see magical potential where before you saw just a lamp or measuring cup or ice cube tray! This is one of the greatest gifts from Kitchen Magic. Your creativity really starts to flow, and it’s fun besides.
At the end of the day, Kitchen Witchery fosters is one of gratitude. We are thankful for our safe haven, our family, our food, our pets and so much more. Thankfulness is potent magic in its own right. It means you do not take your blessings for granted.
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