School Spells & Charms for the Teen Witch

“The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.”
– Tom Bodett
Using Magic & Spells on the School Grounds
You spend a lot of your week walking the halls of your school. Some of that time isn’t the least bit fun. You worry about the upcoming presentation. One “click” has been increasingly nasty. Homework seems over your head. When you are trying to learn, any of these situations distract you from success. So what can you do magically to help things improve.
All these spells focus on school-oriented charms and amulets. Most aren’t openly obvious so you don’t have to come out to people that don’t know you’re a witch.
Magick Spell for Putting Anger On Ice
A friend’s been rude, your parents seem unfair, all heck’s breaking loose at school… for whatever reason you’re feeling really pissy. The problem is that anger has a tendency to skew magick, not to mention our mundane ability to focus and handle things effectively. So, how do you cool off quickly?
Besides taking several deep breaths, take a piece of paper and write the reason for your anger on it. Let everything come out. Write as long as you need to get it all down and out of your system. Now, fold this paper in thirds saying,
Calm in mind
Calm in mind and body
Calm in mind, body, and spirit
Put theat paper into a dish with an ice cube on top (ask the cafeteria personnel). Think of this as literally “chill out” the negative energy. Leave it there until the ice melts (perhaps in your locker), then throw the paper and water away.
Alternative Anger Spell for Home
If you don’t have access to ice, you can make yourself an enchanted potion and bring it to school in a water bottle. Use one part apple juice, and one part peach or passion fruit juice (both of which encourage peace). First stir the blend counterclockwise (to decrease negativity) saying:
Dispel the anger, dispel all doubt
It’s time for me to just chill out!
Now stir clockwise, saying,
I am focused, cool, and calm This potion acts like a healing balm.
Pour into your travel mug. Drink the beverage before you go back into the situation that brought about the anger. This spell will help to keep you centered and in control of your emotions.
Banishing Spell for the Blues
Age doesn’t matter—everyone gets sad and depressed sometimes. It might be in response to an unhappy event, or it could just be part of a mental or physical cycle. It’s even worse when you feel like you can’t do anything to change how you feel. But you can! And here’s one way to do it.
For this spell you’re going to need a handful of oregano, or lettuce (you can dry the lettuce so you can keep the components safely in your locker). Both ingredients symbolize joy, happiness, and contentment. Take the chosen item outside at lunch time (the higher the sun, the greater the power of happiness). Sprinkle them on the ground in a clockwise circle . As you release them, speak your wish, using a verse something like this:
Depression released; negativity ceased;
Sadness be gone.
Chased away in the hope of the sun.
The light day.
Brings contentment my way.
Absorb a little of that warm sunlight and hold it close throughout the day. Repeat as necessary anywhere you wish until you feel better.
Alternative Happiness Spell for Home
An alternative here would be to pick out your favorite comfort food or drink just before school. Hold the cup up to the sun (so it absorbs that energy) while speaking the incantation. Just change it a little to reflect your new medium, like this:
Depression released; negativity ceased
Sadness be gone,
Burned away in the hope of dawn,
The light of a new day,
Brings all good things my way,
This potion when taken within, the spell begins!
Drink the beverage down completely to fully accept the energy into yourself.
Talking in Front of the Class (Public Speaking) Charm

Standing in front of the classroom makes some folk feel like there are “vultures” in their stomach. Even the old trick of staring at one point at the back of the room doesn’t seem to help. If you have similar problems, try this spell to improve your communication skills for class.
You’ll need a small container of honey (something the size of a lip gloss vial is fine) and a piece of yellow construction paper. Write the topic of your talk on the yellow paper. Wrap the container of honey with that paper (yellow is the color that supports communicative skills).
Since communication in this setting stresses the conscious mind, put this bundle in the light of the sun for about three minutes (Hey, three’s a charm, and it encourages overall luck, which you can use!). While it sets in the sunshine, repeat an incantation for the full time like:
When this honey I take and taste
Words be sure, fears abate
Help me to communicate
When I stand before my class
By this spell my fears are past!
Put a dab of honey on your tongue before you give your presentation or talk. For those who may be allergic to honey, anything minty will do just as well. Both mint and honey are associated with our ability to relate ideas in the best possible way. Honey is also associated with creativity.
Alternative Conversation Charm for Home
If you want to make a charm at home, it’s not difficult. As with the previous spell find a small container with a lid. This should be of a size where you can carry it in your pocket or place in your sock drawer (so you stand strong). Fill that container with a blend of Dill, Oregano, Caraway, Chamomile (perhaps from a tea bag), Cinnamon and Thyme. You don’t need all of these. Just use what’s available as they all support your goal.
Next time you get knocking knees thinking about talking to someone at home or at school (or anywhere else) take out a pinch of the herb and release it to the wind:
Through the wind
my magic spins
Let all my doubts and fears abate,
help me to communicate
Gossip Stopper Spell
Gossip comes from people with way too much time on their hands. Whether it’s driven by jealousy or just misinformation, it’s typically hurtful and destructive. Whenever you’re faced with gossip try the mundane approach first – i.e. go directly to the source and ask. A lot of times you can nip rumors in the bud just by daring to be different and getting at the truth. If that doesn’t work to improve matters, then try this spell.
You’ll need some lipstick or chap stick and a piece of paper. Draw a pair of lips on the paper using the lipstick or stick, saying:
Close the lips that lie,
The truth shall be known by and by,
All gossip that’s harmful and running the mill
By my will—those tongues be stilled!
Now fold the paper in half so that the top lip touches the bottom one. Clip, staple, or clothespin this in place and keep it somewhere safe until the rumors pass.
Alternative Hearsay Spell for Home
To support the magic you did at school, do this at home. You will need a black candle for banishing. Carve the word “gossip” into the candle. Think about the rumors you’ve heard, then light the candles saying.
All the words, all the Lies
in the light deception dies
halt the rumors, falsehood and gainsay
only the honest truth convey
Let the candle burn down in a safe location until it deletes the carving completely.
Homeroom Spell for Health
Everyone around you coming down with colds and flu? Have a big date or other important social function coming up and want to stay healthy? Well, first do all the normal things—take your vitamins, drink lots of fluids, and keep out of drafts and damp weather. It never hurts to be cautious! Second, whip yourself up a batch of healthy magick!
For this, use orange juice in a portable container. The juice naturally bolsters your immune system and represents health. Consider enacting this spell near an open window when the sun is shining at school if possible (folklore tells us that fresh air and sunshine are “healthy”). Place your strong hand palm down over the container. Visualize a bright red-white light pouring into it as you say:
Heed my words, empower my spell,
Through this potion keep me well!
Drink the juice afterward. You can do this every day until the people around you are healthier.
Health Magic at Home?
Use the same basic spell but using a larger container. Change the last line of the incantation to: Through this potion keep US well.
Heartbreak Healing Spell
Have a friend who’s left you out in the cold? A date that dumped you or stood you up? These sorts of circumstances hurt a lot, and generally you don’t start feeling better overnight. But magick can become You’ll need a black marker, a piece of red paper shaped like a heart (you can color a notebook page using red pen or marker instead), some ointment or salve like hand cream), tape and a small portable container.
Write the name of the person, group, or situation that caused you pain in the middle. Now, focus whatever is left of your sadness on that paper. Holding one edge in each hand, tear the heart in two (this symbolizes your ability to separate yourself from that negative energy).
Next, take three deep cleansing breaths. Let go of any remaining sadness or pain until you feel empty. Tape the heart back together (to begin the healing process) and put salve on the paper wound (per the Law of Sympathy).
Fold this inward on itself until it will fit into the container you’ve chosen. Carry this with you until you’re feeling like yourself again and can see those people (or go into those situations) without emotionally falling apart.
Finally, when all is well again, bury the paper or burn it. That pain is gone and in the past. You need not keep the amulet any longer. It’s done its job.
Heartache Egg Spell at Home
Take an egg from the refrigerator. Go somewhere private. Hold the egg while you focus on the broken relationship. Put every last drop of sadness and grief into that egg. Crying is ok! Wipe those tears on the egg. After you feel the egg is as full as it can get, take it outside. Dig a hole in the soil and crack the egg therein. Cover the egg saying
Gentle Earth, take away my broken heart
On this day, let healing start
Remove the aches and let sadness wain
Lady Earth, make me whole again.
Magic Friendship Key (Made at Home)
In the scheme of things, friends are treasures. They make you feel better when you’re blue, they listen even when you just want to vent, and they always seem to understand what you’re saying even when you might not! But it’s not always easy to find friends, or at least those who will really be good friends. That’s where this little charm comes in.
To make it all you need is an old key (any one will do, but you need to be able to distinguish it from the other ones you may have) and a little lemon juice (fresh or reconstituted). Rub the lemon juice into the key (this is for attracting the right people your way, whereas the key opens the doors for conversation).
Empower your key by repeating this incantation twice:
Open the way; open the way,
Friends to find, by night or day.
Those who will listen, the ones who are sincere,
Those who are fun, from out of my peers.
When I touch this Magick key,
By my will this spell be freed!
When you’re about to go into a situation where you might meet some new folks, like a new class at school touch the key. Mentally repeat the incantation to release the magick. Use this only twice, then re-empower it.
Study Success with Citrine (Made at Home)
Studying isn’t that much fun, but if you have to do it anyway why not combine it with a little magick? The idea behind this charm is having something you can touch or hold during a test or when your attention wanes at school.
The Homework Magic Spell
You want to prepare your crystal at home during a waxing moon so your focus grows. Take the citrine out into the sunlight. You use your conscious mind
Magick be sure, help me pass this test
Saturate this sacred stone with the power of success
Within each touch, my will I bind
To help me hone my conscious mind
Carry this with you into testing situations in school, or keep it on your desk at home for studying.
*Adapted from The Teen Book of Shadows by Patricia Telesco – all rights reserved.