Seasonal Charms, Amulets & Talismans for Wiccans, Witches & Pagans

“So then the year is repeating its old story again.”
These amulets and talismans are designed with the theme of each season in mind, specifically to amplify the energy of that season and to integrate specific attributes into our life accordingly. As always, please personalize and tweak your choices and magickal workings so they are more meaningful to you.
Charms, Amulets, and Talismans for Spring
Spring is the time of renewal-renewed hope, renewed joy, renewed energy. With this upbeat energy comes thoughts of romance, playful relationships, and happy friendships. This charm accents those thoughts with magic.
Romance Charm
Begin with a heart. This can be made out of anything as long as you can carry it with you easily. Also, have ready a small feather and a mixture of rose water and marjoram tea. Take your heart in one hand (don’t overlook the symbolism in this action) and visualize it being filled with pink-white light that nearly prances with delight. Take the feather in your other hand and dip it into the water mixture. Apply it to the heart saying,
Powers of Spring, let my soul sing!
With joy let it dance; renew romance!
Tickle my heart; playfulness impart!
Carry this token as close as possible to your heart until you feel filled to overflowing with happiness, and you see your relationships improving. At this point, either share the charm with someone who needs it, or put it away to use again next spring.
All-Purpose Blessing Bundle
The idea behind this token is to make a very portable charm that binds together the protective, healthful, prosperous, lucky, and peaceful energy of Spring into one spot. To make it you will need a small drawing pouch on which you’ve painted the image of a pentagram. In mystical traditions, this symbol represents the five elements and the spark of magic; it’s also protective. You also need to gather together five tiny stones: one white (protection), one bright green (health), one dark green or gold (wealth), one yellow (luck), and one blue (peace).
On your birthday or another special occasion, take these in hand visualizing all the best things in life being yours. Put them the pouch one at a time saying:
“One for luck, two for wealth;
Three for safety, four for wealth;
Five−the magic shall never cease;
Magic bound within, to bring me peace.”
Tie up the pouch and keep it with you frequently. When an occasion comes up that you need one of the energies in a particular stone, take it out and plant it in the ground so the magic can grow. Replace the stone later and recharge the entire collection.
Magical Protection for Summer: Charms, Talismans, and Amulets
Summer seems to come with a flurry of activity. People are visiting, vacationing, exercising, and so forth. All this takes a lot of personal energy, which sometimes seems lacking when you want it most. This talisman will help.
Energy Refreshing Talisman
To begin, you will need any small gold-colored object. A yellow-gold AAA battery is an excellent choice because it can symbolize the “holding” of energy. On a bright, sunny day go outside just before the clock strikes noon. As it begins to chime, hold the battery (or another object) up to the light reciting the following incantation on the first six tolls:
“With the toll of one, this spell’s begun.
Come the chime of two, the magic’s true.
Come the ring of three, energy to me.
Come the toll of four, the power to store.
Come the chime of five, the magic’s alive.
Come the ring of six, the energy−affix.”
As the clock strikes six more times, visualize the golden rays of the sun being absorbed by your token. Carry this with you any time you feel your inner reserves waning. Touch it lightly saying, “The magic’s alive” when you want to release a little energy. After six uses, you should recharge your token in sunlight again.
Conscious Mind Magic
The Summer sun and the Fire Element both have associations with the conscious mind. When you need to think clearly and see things with an objective eye, make and carry this talisman. To begin, you’ll need some caraway and celery seed that’s been charged in sunlight for several hours (completion) and a small gold-tone tin (gold accents the logical self). Place the seeds in the tin during the daytime, preferably at noon on a sunny day, saying:
“Illuminate my mind.
Let me see clearly, even things that seem elusive.
When scattered around, chase back the shadows of uncertainty.
When held close to my heart, reason impart.”
Carry this with you. Hold it in your hand when you feel your judgment is “iffy.” Sprinkle some seeds from the container when you need to clarify an idea or situation right away. When you’re out of seeds, refill the container and energize it again with the incantation.
Magickal Protection Items for Fall
The time of the harvest has come. What projects or characteristics have you been working on in your life that you’d like to see manifest? Decide among these, and make this fetish to help the manifestation process along.
Manifestation Fetish
You will need a small amount of rich soil, a portable container and a symbol of the project or attribute you’ve chosen for the token (this needs to fit in the container). Place your hand on the rich soil and say,
“Ops, Goddess of the harvest and success,
See my efforts to______ [describe your goal]
Help me to reap what I have diligently sown and tended.
Energize this fetish with your presence
So that like the earth, I too may harvest_______.
So be it.”
Note that this fetish can be empowered further by making it December 19 (Ops’ traditional festival date) and then putting it away for when you need it the following autumn.
Psychic Token
Wiccan spiritual goals include developing our intuitive, psychic selves to the best of our ability, something very handy around Halloween. This isn’t easy in a world where one is taught “Seeing is believing.” This talisman will help. Gather a silver-toned key (the color of the moon, which is linked with intuitive ability), a white length of yarn or cord, and some steeped black tea. Put the key in the tea to charge it by the light of a full moon for seven hours. At the end of the seventh hour, pour out the tea to the earth as a libation. Hold the key to the moon saying:
“Lady Moon, Mother Moon, see this key.
Let it release spiritual talents dormant within me.”
Put the key on the yarn or cord and wear it any time you’re trying divination, focusing on improving your psychic abilities or other metaphysical activities where you need improved sensitivity. Perhaps use it as a pendulum!
Winter Appropriate Amulets, Charms, and Talisman
Winter is the time when thoughts naturally turn chicken soup and warm blankets. Chill in the air or not; however, no one wants to be in bed sick during the holiday season. Make this healthful bundle to keep those winter aches and pains away.
Health Amulet
Begin with a box of bandages. Leave these in the light of the sun for three hours (three is the number of the body-mind-spirit). At the end of the third hour, take the box in hand, focusing on your intention to stay healthy, and say:
“Not for love, nor for wealth
My wish today is one for health.
Healthy body, healthy mind
By these words all sickness I bind!
When ‘ere these tokens are kept with me
Banish all illness; bring vitality!”
Keep the package in a secure location and put one or two of the bandages in your wallet. When you start feeling run down, apply the bandage to symbolically “apply” the magic.
Beat the Blues Talisman
There are moments when everyone needs a little pick-me-up, especially with the busy nature of the holiday season. This talisman is created to provide improved energy when you find your feet dragging.
Begin by finding a small bottle with a secure top when the moon is in its waxing phase, or when the sun is in Taurus. In a pan place one cup of water, a tablespoon of honey, quarter teaspoon of vanilla extract, two or three sprigs of rosemary, a quarter-inch of bruised ginger root, and a couple of allspice berries. Warm this over a low flame to create a heady tea. While it cooks, stir the mixture clockwise repeating the phrase, “energy and power in this magical hour.”
Cool and strain the tea, adding two tablespoons of rum (this is a preservative). Pour the mixture into the bottle and cap it tightly. Keep any remainders in an airtight container and store it in a dark, cool place. Carry the portable bottle with you. Whenever you feel you need more energy either smell the blend (like aromatherapy) or take a sip. Dispose of it if it ever becomes cloudy.
Wrap Up: Spells for Every Season Throughout the Year
As you can see it’s not terribly difficult to combine your spells with the energies of each season on the Wheel of the Year. We encourage you to create some of your own portable magic pieces and then write up that recipe in your Book of Shadows.
Adapted from “Wicca 2000,” by Patricia Telesco. All Rights Reserved.