40 Do-It-Yourself Money Spells

“A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart.”
-Jonathan Swift
Many of us know what it feels like to have a super tight budget or to be in need of a little extra cash. Let’s face it; feeling strapped for money is never a fun experience! Thank goodness a little witchery goes a long way in giving us the ability to help ourselves. With any one of the spells shared here, you have an opportunity of turning your financial situation around for the better!
Money Spells and Magical Ethics
Before practicing money magick, however, there are a few things you’ll want to consider. For example, some Witches feel they should only ask for help with finances when they are truly in need. The idea behind such a sentiment is money magick is not about greed, but more about fulfilling immediate needs and some desires, all while keeping moderation in mind.
When we are harvesting herbs, for example, many practitioners only take what we need from the plant or tree to ensure future growth. It’s also a means for us to demonstrate respect for the plant or tree which has sacrificed part of itself for our use. As such, when some witches and Wiccans talk of ethical money magick they hold a similar view; it is their belief one can cast spells for bringing in a bit of extra cash or some abundance on occasion, but a practitioner should not take more than their fair share.
Now, we should mention those who are on the other side of the coin here (literally and figuratively!) as far as belief about money magick and what falls within the boundaries of ethical magic. Some folks see no problem in using magick for an extra edge in harnessing an abundant or even opulent lifestyle. You’ll need to reflect on how you feel about the situation so you can decide what spells below are most appropriate for you and your personal boundaries. Of course, you can always include a clause in your spellwork asking your patron deity or the Universe to step in and make the final decision about what you’ll receive in the way of financial help following your spellwork.
So, you’re looking for a source for creative and powerfully effective money spells? Here you go! There are 40 money spells for prosperity below!
Prosperity and Money Spells
As you try one or more of the spells below, don’t forget that you can choose one or several spells to your liking. You might find you prefer some parts of a spell, but not all of it. It is perfectly acceptable to put different pieces together to create a unique spell based on your preferences and intentions. Just remember, the spell is only as powerful as the meaning behind the symbols and correspondences you choose and the power of your intent. We recommend you cast the spell and record your results as a means of tracking your spell casting successes.
1. 30 Days to Abundance: Money in a Month Spell
This is a type of Candle Spell. Find a box of green or gold candles at an inexpensive outlet. On the first night of a full moon, carve each one of them with a dollar sign near the midpoint of the candle and dab it with mint oil. Light one of these every morning over one month (at dawn is best to start a new cycle), saying:
“After a month, yes 30 days,
prosperity and providence shall have their way.
A spark of hope, by dawn’s first rays
the spell’s begun, the magick laid!”
Let it burn in a safe place until you have to leave the house. Continue this every morning until the next full moon. Be sure to save your wax remnants for melting and making into money air fresheners.
2. Breakfast Bounty Spell for Abundance
When your finances are particularly tight, consume grain cereals every morning for breakfast. Eat from the edge toward the center, focusing on that point as being your financial goals. Visualize each bite being filled with a blend of sparkling gold light so you internalize the energy of abundance.
Anything with an oat, corn, rice, or barley base symbolizes providence. In ancient times, having these grains in your house meant the harvest was good, and therefore prosperity followed.
3. Keeping Your Abundance Safe: A Treasure Protector Spell
Safeguarding your valuables also protects your prosperity because you won’t have to spend money to replace them! Sprinkling caraway seeds into your wallet and other items guard against loss or theft. As you do this, say:
“Caraway keeps thieves at bay.
My magick surrounds; protection abounds!”
If you wish, repeat this incantation four times, the number of abundance, or eight times for completion (also double four).
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4. Balance the Budget Checkbook Candle Spell
Take some of your remnant prosperity candle wax and re-melt it. To this base add a bit of mint and pine. Let this begin cooling on the stove. Meanwhile, lightly oil the inside of an old, well-washed single-serve milk carton. Pour a little of the softened wax in the bottom (about 1/8”) and let it cool to semi-solid. On top of this place a silver coin, along with one of your check stubs or deposit slips. Pour in the remaining wax, saying:
“Clear vision be mine, wherever this candle shines
money grows; prosperity flows
each time this magick candle glows!”
Add a wick (suspend this from the top of the carton by tying it to a pencil placed across the opening). Unmold when the wax has cooled completely, lighting the candle any time you have to pay bills, balance the checkbook, or do other financial chores that affect the bottom line.
5. Power of Attraction Money Drawing Spell
Take a piece of paper and write your need on it. Be specific: If you need a better job, say so! Wrap this around a small magnet, then tie the whole bundle to a string approximately 3 feet long.
Place the bundle across the table from you with the other end of the string in your hands. Stop for a moment, breathe deeply, and focus on your goal. Whisper, “To me, to me, come to me!” Begin to pull on the string so the bundle comes closer to you. Keep repeating “To me, to me, come to me!” Allow your voice to become more commanding and strong until the bundle reaches your hands. At this point, carry the bundle with you at all times until the spell manifests, then bury it with thankfulness.
6. Harvesting Potential Eggshell Spell
This spell comes from India. When money is slow in coming, take a fresh egg and salt to a crossroad. The egg represents potential; the salt, cleansing; and the crossroad, change. Break the egg, sprinkle it with salt, and bring the eggshells home with you. According to custom, burn the eggshells to speed the acquisition process. This is particularly useful in speeding up a loan or line of credit.
7. An Herbal Spell for Prosperity: Bay Abundance
Get a large bay leaf and inscribe a dollar sign on it. You can do this with a marker, pencil, or your finger thinking of the amount of money you currently need. Put this leaf in a very safe location until money begins to arrive. At this time, break up the leaf adding it to incense for continued prosperity, or simply burn it in thanks for Spirit’s gifts.
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8. Get What You Give Spell: Rope of Riches
Knot magick was very common in ancient Arabia, and this spell is based in that tradition. Take seven $1 bills and a long piece of rope (a green or gold one). Tie each dollar separately into the rope, saying:
“Prosperity within release to begin!”
Hang this rope in your closet or another location where it won’t be disturbed. When you need to release the energy of abundance, untie ONE of the dollars and give it to a good cause. Never undo the last dollar, however, because taking it implies greed and brings financial troubles. This should remain on the rope as “seed” money, and new dollars bound below it.
9. Calling to the Goddess: Lakshmi’s Luck Spell
Asian Witches sometimes honor Lakshmi, the patroness of fate. Anything that enriches life is under her dominion. To invoke her blessings on your home, lay out lotus petals on your altar with a white candle. If you don’t have an altar, any tabletop will do. As you light the candle, say:
“Goddess of wealth, abundance, and joy,
I place before you your sacred flower.
As its gentle aroma fills my home,
so too fill my life with your fortune. “
Let the petals dry completely, returning one to the Earth as an offering to Lakshmi and use the rest in abundance, luck, or productivity incense.
10. Birthday Bucks: A Billfold Blessing
Keep an eye on your money. When you see a $1 bill with the year of your birth on it, fold it in on itself four times saying:
“One for prosperity,
two for fertility, three for luck.
God/dess bless this buck!”
Keep the folded dollar in your wallet or purse to encourage wealth.
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11. Gardening Magic for Growing Abundance: Garden Gold Spell
If you enjoy Garden Magic or Green Magic, consider planting some prosperity for yourself. Come Spring, pick out gold or yellow-colored flowering plants and add them to your gardens plentifully. As you sow the seeds or bulbs, say:
“By my hand this plant I tend,
by my will, my wealth will mend.
As above, so below
by this spell, my money grows!”
You can repeat the incantation each time you weed and water your garden gold. Then, dry some of the petals and use them for abundance aromatics.
12. Water Element Spell for Turning the Tide
Go to a nearby beach when the tide is low. Draw a large dollar sign or other symbol representing your need more specifically, in the sand. Keep your mind firmly on your goal while you do this, visualizing your wishes in manifested form. Then when the tide turns, it also turns your fortunes and takes your wish out to the four corners of creation with each wave. If you wish, gather a little water for use on your altar representing the Western Quarter of a sacred space.
13. Fire Element Money Spell: Fire It Up!
Old European custom instructs that each time you light a fire in a new stove, you should spit on the logs first and hold them by the large end when placing them inside. This avoids seven years of poverty. To this basic process, you might want to add a healthy dose of prosperity herbs so your home fills with the aroma of abundance.
14. Wish Magick for Money: May Wishes
Throughout the month of May, toss a coin or a green stone into any wishing wells or fountains you pass. Be sure to whisper your wish thrice first. According to tradition, the well spirit will see your offering and bless you with small improvements.
15. Wishing on Stars: Starlight Starbright Money Spell
There are all kinds of wishing customs associated with stars, including ones for prosperity. For example, if you wait for the third star to appear in the sky at night, place a gold coin in your left hand, and make a wish for wealth, it should begin to manifest within a month. In Sicily, people cross themselves while making this wish; the cross represents the four directions and the Earth Element.
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16. Lunar Energies Spell: Money in the Moon
An old English custom instructs us to hold a silver coin to the sky when the moon is new and say three times:
“May what I see increase
and what I suffer decrease.”
Carry this coin with you frequently thereafter until things improve. At that point, give the money to a good cause to pass along the blessings to another.
17. Overcoming Obstacles Mirror Spell: Turn it Around
When you find you’re suffering an unusual number of financial setbacks, a great magickal remedy comes to us from China. There they turn every mirror in the house so it faces outward, reflecting away negative energy (a simple form of Mirror Magic). Adding to this symbolism, you can also turn socks inside out, turn over an hourglass, turn your wallet upside down in your pocket, and so forth. This small action is based on the idea of patterning. Because you want to turn the trend around, start turning items around while focusing on the financial goals. You can add an incantation if you wish:
“Negativity turn, turn, turn.
I’ve money to earn, earn, earn.
Turn it around, ill luck is bound,
prosperity found!”
Right things when the transformation starts being noticeable.
18. Dreamtime Magick: Dreaming of Money
Drink a cup of rose and/or marigold tea before going to bed, and place a piece of paper with the symbol for Mercury, the messenger of the gods, under your pillow. Bless the tea by saying:
“Petals of prophesy, reveal to me
the solutions to money problems I cannot now see.”
Go to bed, keeping a pad and pen or tape recorder nearby. Make a note of any dreams or insights with which you wake up because these will have clues for solving your financial woes.
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19. Powdered Pear Magick Money Spell: A Mile in Your Shoes
This is a marvelously simple spell. Get some dried pear slices and powder them finely. Symbolically, this breaks down anything standing between you and your goal. Blend the pear powder with a little cornstarch and sprinkle your shoes with it daily so prosperity walks with you.
20. Symbols of Affluence Spell: Wreath of Wealth
An Irish custom instructs us to make a wreath from grape vines, pine sprigs, wheat tops, dill flowers, and nuts. This should be hung in the kitchen, replacing whatever you use from it regularly, which symbolically replaces your money.
21. Forecasting Money Matters Spell: Dandelion Divination
In the Language of Flowers, the dandelion represents an oracle. In this case, we’re going to use it to determine how long your present financial situation will last. Take a dandelion gone to seed and hold it upright. Concentrate on your circumstances and blow on the head of the dandelion four times; this will carry the seeds on the wind, along with a wish for change. However, the seeds that are left represent the number of days, weeks, or months during which you can anticipate constraints.
22. Setting Money Issues to Sail Spell: Birch Blessings
Strips of birch bark were often used for paper when actual paper couldn’t be found. They were also employed for magickal writings. In this case, write your need on a strip of bark gathered from the eastern side of a tree, where the bark is blessed by dawn’s light. Float this on a stream moving toward you so that your fortune also moves your way.
23. Amulets and Charms Money Drawing Magick: Pocket of Prosperity
Save the pocket from an old shirt or pair of pants. Stuff this with vervain or pearl moss. When you need a consistent income of money, burn this in a fire-safe container or on a bonfire (during a waxing to full moon, if possible), saying:
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
magick find your way and do as you must.
On the winds, in the fire, my prosperity free!
By my will and Spirit’s blessing, so mote it be!”
Keep a bit of the ashes from this fire for use in money charms and amulets.
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24. Moon Energized Waters Spell: Silver Water
On the night of a full moon, fill up a silver-toned pitcher with water. Put a silver coin into the bottom of it and go outside with the pitcher. Hold this in both hands, saying:
“Silver moon, silver coin,
in this water your power join.
When taken within release in me
the power to attract prosperity.”
Make sure the reflection of the moon is on the water as you cup your hands, gathering the moon and the water in them, and drink deeply.
25. Bounty Sealed Within Magick Spell: Rainy Day Fund
Take a green envelope and place therein four $10 bills, saying:
“Bounty of Earth, sustenance here abides.
I seal my magick spell inside,
kept safe until called by necessity,
then when opened, the magick is freed!”
Seal this with green wax upon which you’ve drawn a symbolic rune, such as that for the sun, which encourages bounty. Put this in a safe place, opening it only when you have a desperate need, making sure to give at least one of the bills away to a good cause so that money returns to you threefold. Refill as soon as possible.
26. Kitchen Witchery for Drawing Money: Flour Fulfillment
The next time you spill a little flour on the countertop, gather it together and put it in a cloth bundle with any silver-or gold-toned item, saying:
“Prosperity gathered within
by my will, this spell begins
that luck and fortune to me find their way
as I carry this through the day.”
Tie the bundle tightly but with a bow. Keep it with you, and when you really need luck or money situations to change quickly, sprinkle a bit to the winds, saying:
“I release my magick to the wind
and with it my message of need I send
help this situation now to mend!”
Tie the bundle back up and listen for opportunity’s knock.
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27. Divining Money Matters: Keys to the Safe Divination
Keep a key hung on a wall in your home. In those moments when you have gone to friends or family asking for financial aid, and you want to know if the answer will be yes, look at the key. If it has rusted, the omen is positive.
By the way, you can use old keys, especially skeleton keys, as wonderful spell components because they symbolize unlocking the treasure trove in your life. Find one that you like and leave it in sunlight for four days, followed by three nights of the full moon’s rays. Put it on your keychain after that, saying:
“Unlock the flow of fortune;
turn all bane, and grant this boon.
Unlock the door to riches,
for such is the birthright of witches!”
You can repeat this incantation when you need to speed up manifestation.
28. Amber Abundance
Find an amber bead. In folklore, amber was created from the tears of the setting sun, and it’s a powerful stone for encouraging blessings. During the first or eighth hour of daylight, attach this bead to something that houses your money (a wallet, purse, or pocket is ideal), saying:
“Dollars and dimes, credit and cents,
bring to me wealth and opulence!
That I shall never want, and money never wane,
bring me luck and financial gain!”
This brings riches to the bearer.
29. Show Me the Money
When your finances seem to be on an even keel, and you’d like to keep it that way, gather all the spare change and other cash you have in the house and bring it to your sacred space. Walk around this four times with your strong hand extended toward the pile, saying:
“I seek not riches nor greater gain
but to have and to hold, to hold and maintain!”
Repeat the incantation once with each circuit, then put the loose change into a bank account where it can maintain its value.
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30. Saltwater is Sweet
An old Irish spell instructs that you should take a container of saltwater to another source of running water, preferably when the moon is full. Moving water is considered magickally alive, and the full moon represents abundance. Hold the container of saltwater in hand while focusing on your wishes. Slowly pour out the water, seeing it filled with gold and silver light as it moves away from you to where your fortune lies. Some type of improvement should begin to manifest within a month.
31. Money Bath
At noon on any day in March (the month of success) or April {the month of good luck and opportunity) prepare a warm bath for yourself with patchouli oil and a cinnamon stick. Use the cinnamon to stir the water clockwise around yourself while you soak, saying:
“Money surrounds, luck abounds
in my aura, through all of me
I claim financial liberty!”
Stay in the water as long as you wish, knowing that any negative energy that might be lingering about goes neatly down the tub when you emerge.
32. Business Success
When you’re traveling abroad on business, find a spot out in Nature where you can gather some small stones. Once you have a good-sized handful, place these in a decorative pile beneath an oak tree or other very strong, vital bower. To empower this natural altar, you can leave a piece of your hair or spit on the pile and say:
“As sure and strong as this tree
so too will this meeting be for me.
Rooted in earth, and yet reaching for the sun,
by my will, this spell’s begun. “
You can change the word meeting to “business success” or anything that better represents your goal. Leave the pile where it is. If you return to this spot in the future, add a stone to the original pile or a sprig of fennel to reactivate the magick.
33. Ringing in Riches
Find a bell whose sound is pleasant to you and hang this somewhere near where you do your magick. Each time you do a prosperity spell, create a money charm or perform an abundance ritual, make sure to ring the bell. This calls in aid from beneficent spirits, while neatly chasing away the bad ones!
To this basic process, you can also add a reading from any book that is special to you and that also supports your goal somehow.
34. Transformational Thresholds
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It has long been a custom among various cultures to paint or engrave prosperous sayings on one’s threshold to inspire that energy throughout the home and on everyone who walks through. Adapting that concept somewhat, look for a green or gold colored welcome mat or one that bears a clever saying that you could bless and empower for magick each time you pass by it. An incantation such as this might do the trick:
“Where my feet pass, let there be providence.
Where those of my friends and family pass, let there be love.
To my house, and all who come this way grant the blessings of prosperity, health, and joy.
So mote it be.”
35. Harvest of Your Labors
Take an egg and mix it with about 1/4 cup of bread crumbs and 1/4 cup of flour. Stir this clockwise, saying: “Staff of life, egg of possibilities, bless the tools of my trade that I might use them effectively in support of my home and family.” Dab this mixture on whatever represents the tools of your trade (for me it might be a pen), then go to work!
This custom originates in Germanic and Slavonic tradition, where this mixture was put on plows to ensure an abundant harvest.
36. Fertile Figs
Indian custom tells us that anything rubbed with figs will become more fertile, including our money. So why not give it a try? Get some dried figs and rub your cash gently with a piece or two. Afterward, you can eat the fig to internalize the energy or return the piece to the Earth by way of an offering that anticipates success.
If you’re not fond of figs, use orange bergamot oil or tea instead.
37. Crystal Clear
Take one round stone and one square stone and plant them in rich soil, saying:
“As yin to yang and woman to man
bless my heart, my home, my land.
That money grows, and constraints wane
bring blessings to my life again!”
This spell is adapted from an idea put forth by the philosopher Theophrastus in 315 B.C.E when he suggested that all stones were male and female, and if left in the ground long enough together they would give birth to riches.
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38. Turquoise Treasure
On the first night of a new moon (when you can see the first sliver of light), go outside with a turquoise in hand. Do not look at the moon immediately. Wait until you’re in a good position to be able to look at the moon’s light and then immediately at the turquoise. So doing, according to Hindu custom, brings immeasurable wealth. Keep the sacred stone in a safe place.
39. Woodland Wealth
If you’re out in the woods and happen across a wild hops plant, immediately take a coin from your pocket and place it in the earth near this plant’s root. As long as it remains there and the plant thrives, so too will your fortunes.
40. Coin and Cork
Scottish custom tells us to save the cork from any auspicious occasion, slice it and put a silver coin into that slot. Keep this token to ensure your meets will always be met.
Final Notes on Money Spellcrafting
You will notice that spells have a lot in common with charms, amulets, talismans, and fetishes. That’s because all use similar processes to effect positive change. Additionally, many times the only thing that separates one from another is little more than jargon.
As you weave your wealthy spells and begin working on charms, remember that the universe has a wicked sense of humor and its own kind of checks and balances. So, expect the unexpected. Spellcraft will not always manifest in the way you anticipate, and often it does so with a healthy dose of humor in tow.
Adapted from a “Little Book of Money Magic,” by Patricia Telesco. All rights reserved.