15 Modern Uses for Magical Crystals & Stones

“Crystals grew inside rock like arithmetic flowers. They lengthened and spread, added plane to plane in an awed and perfect obedience to an absolute geometry that even stones, maybe only the stones, understood.”
-Annie Dillard
There is no doubt when looking at modern marketing that crystals are a big business: Everything from tumbled stones for children to huge chunks of rock for interior design are available to please and delight us. New Age fervor for healing and magic crystals gives new energy to these wonders that humankind has loved for eons. All manner of glittery stones appear throughout history for everything from trade goods to appeasing the Gods! Magickally speaking, we find them used in talismans, charms, divinatory kits, and ritual clothing in places as far afield as Japan and the Native American frontier.
Spiritual and Magical Uses for Crystals
We can certainly look to our ancestors and find numerous suggested spiritual applications for crystals, rocks, minerals, and metals. But what about today? Not everything in magical history is practicable, let alone safe. So what are some of the ideas for applying sacred stones in our practices? Here are some ideas:
Elemental Symbolism: Placing elementally aligned stones around a room or sacred space for protection and energy enhancement (and also to support the energy of the Guardians when called).
Portable Magic: Blessing and carrying various stones as charms, amulets, talismans, and fetishes.
WishCraft: Tossing crystals into a well or moving water source with our wishes. Note: Choose a crystal that best matches your goal.
Candle Spells: Crushing stones and adding them to melted wax for candles (alternatively placing a small crystal in the base of a candle to improve the overall focus).
Witch’s Garden Aid Indoors: Hanging crystals over windowsill gardens so the plants become further saturated by the stone’s energies. (Note: This allows you to mix and mingle various vibrations for a more refined result.)
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Goddess Garden Aid Outdoors: Planting crystals in and around your outdoor garden to protect the plants from animals or insects, and to support the energy growing vibrantly within.
Walking Your Talk: Keeping a well-worn, small flat stone in your shoe so that its energy “walks with you:”
Potions and Notions: Adding well-washed crystals to the bottom of bottles housing magickal potions (if the bottle is decorative the visual effect is quite lovely).
Solar Magic: Hanging crystals in windows so that as the sun shines through them, their energy disperses through the house.
Magical Paper Weight: Leaving crystals on top of important papers or personal items, thereby allowing those things to absorb the energy.
Pet Care: Putting crystals washed in very hot water into fish or lizard tanks to keep your pets healthier (no soap!).
Or for wandering Pets: A homing pigeon’s mind has something similar to lodestone in it, helping them navigate properly. Bless and charge a lodestone and attach it to your pet’s collar.
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Amplifying Energy: Leaving quartz crystals on your altar increases good vibrations in that space. A happy side effect, they encourage health and well-being.
Treasure Hunting: Those of you with metal detectors – attach an Agate to that tool. This improves your chance of finding lost items and other goodies.
Transmit Your Magic: Science tells us that both pyrite and galena vibrate when hit with a charge, making them perfect for broadcasting your energy very specifically (like a radio signal). Give them a try for spellcasting.
Communication Spells: Glass is used in fiber optic communication cables, so why not use it as a component in a spell where you want to “transmit” a specific message or energy form.
And I’m sure I’m overlooking quite a few!
Summing it Up: The Magical Art of Healing with Crystals
So what can we learn from these ideas:
1. Magic and healing crystals still have a place in our lives and spiritual expressions
2. Science provides us with studies that show the power within crystals, gems, and minerals with which we already work. Use that information!
3. Everything old is new again. Learn from the past and take it forward. Build on it. Adapt it. Make the magic happen!
Adapted from the “Witch’s Book of Wisdom,” by Patricia Telesco. All rights reserved.