Eastern & Western Astrology for Magic Spells, Rituals, Charms & Much More!

“I don’t believe in astrology; I’m a Sagittarius and we’re skeptical.”
– Arthur C. Clarke
Just when you think we’ve covered all the ways for augmenting magic something comes along as a wonderful surprise. In this case, it’s using either Western or Eastern Astrology (or both).
Astrology − It Really is in the Stars
Astrology is the great-great-grandparent of modern astronomy with a spiritual twist. This system of natural omen interpretation found expression around the world in various cultures and eras. In each setting, humankind looked to the stars and believed that something about them determined destiny.
The historical records of astronomy begin around 2,000 B.C.E. in the region of Babylon. Tablets discovered in this region show that people felt Divine beings moved celestial objects or created heavenly events. Why? For illustrating truths regarding the present or future.
Babylon wasn’t alone. Mesopotamians, Greeks, Egyptians, Syrians, and Indians alike looked to various patterns in the sky, trusting that those patterns. By around 300 B.C.E., the art of Astrology was remarkably refined into the twelve houses we know today, with Aristotle leading the way in teaching applied methodologies. The Greek physician Galen (130-200 C.E.), along with other notable figures like Ptolemy, followed Aristotle’s examples and expanded upon them.
Astrology Practices, Then and Now
It’s important to realize that the Astrology of our ancestors differs from how we use the information today. Historically, Astrology was more like a road map for travelers and a key to planting and harvesting seasons. Periodically, it was used to predict the outcome of important military maneuvers. But natal astrology didn’t surface until 5 BCE., and it wasn’t taken seriously until the early 1900s. This was when newspaper columns and farmers almanacs featured horoscopes and moon gardening suggestions.
Now people look to their horoscopes all the time for insights into various cycles and energies of the past, present, and future. The question for us becomes, how do we use the information Astrology provides regarding our personal magical methods? Let’s take a look!
Star Light, Star Bright
Wishing is among the oldest forms of magick, and hanging that wish on a star is simply a delightful practice connected to our Astrological beliefs. You might time your wish spell or the creation of a wishing charm for when the first star appears in the sky. Make your wish on the star, hold the charm, and look up, reciting the wish across the spheres.
Use this concept in the timing for creating talismans and amulets too. In ancient times, Hebrew women of affluence had amulets made for their clothing at auspicious Astrological times. And while the practice was condemned as “magic,” they wore them for protection nonetheless. If you create such an amulet as the first star appears at night, such an item would then protect your hopes and dreams.
Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign
As the moon and the Earth move through various Zodiac signs, the energy shifts, and changes. Each of these shifts the support system for timing our magick, as long as we know what signs generate what energies.
Zodiac Signs and Timing Magical Amulets, Charms & Talismans
Let’s review the signs in the order in which they appear through the year:
Aquarius: (January 21 to February 19): Aquarius represents an adventurous spirit filled with idealism. When the moon is in Aquarius, this adventure turns into a detached perspective sometimes combined with stress. When the sun is in Aquarius, the idealism is supported by real originality and clever approaches. This might be an excellent time to ponder the construction of your various magickal implements.
Pisces: (February 20 to March 20): Pisces represents kindness, empathy, and spirituality. When the moon is in Pisces, that empathy grows and improves instincts. When the sun is in Pisces, this gentle spiritual soul moves toward kindness and flexibility. This might be an excellent time to make personalized spiritual gifts for friends and loved ones.
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Aries: (March 21 to April 19): Aries represents authority, leadership, and invention. When the moon is in Aries, that authority can take on a prideful air or gain some zeal. When the sun is in Aries, it provides strength for nearly any situation. This might be an excellent time to make protective amulets or talismans intended for support self-confidence.
Taurus: (April 20 to May 20): Taurus represents a down-to-earth outlook and strong feminine energies as a counter to the masculine overtones of Aries. When the moon is in Taurus, it engenders devotion and resolve. The sun in Taurus generates faithfulness. Overall, this is sign says: focus your magic on improving relationships.
Gemini: (May 21 to June 21): Gemini represents energy divided into two equally important directions. When the moon is in Gemini, it provides insight. The sun in Gemini manifests with social energy. This might be the time during which you use specific scrying tools for perspectives into your friendships (both good and bad). You can also apply this energy for sorting things out when you’re at a crossroad.
Cancer: (June 22 to July 21): Cancer represents long-term memory, shrewdness, economy, and an affinity for nature. The moon in Cancer creates a strong sense of dedication and prudence. The sun in Cancer tickles the creative yet cautious homebody. Cancer seems to be among the best signs during which to make amulets that protect your home and finances.
Leo: (July 22 to August 21): Leo represents good luck, prosperity, and the enjoyment of material goods. The moon in Leo generates incredible charisma and passion. The sun in Leo sparks great courage. This is an excellent sign in which to make a sun or fire-oriented tool for overcoming fear.
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Virgo: (August 22 to September 22): Virgo represents flexibility, keen wits, and a deeply reflective personality. The moon in Virgo makes things feel insecure, while the sun in Virgo provides rational energy and a strong sense of responsibility. Work with Virgo when your magical and spiritual reflections turn inward or when you want to support the conscious mind.
Libra: (September 23 to October 22): Libra represents good humor, adaptability, intelligence, and an overall sense of hospitality. The moon in Libra encourages courtesy and generosity. The sun in Libra sparks harmony and inner beauty. Use these energies when creating charms or talismans for empowerment, adaptability, and confidence.
Scorpio: (October 23 to November 21): Scorpio represents charm, strong emotions, and introspection. The moon in Scorpio brings on intense depth of feeling balanced with reservation. The sun in Scorpio spurs determination. Overall, Scorpio couples best with magical crafting focused on heart issues.
Sagittarius: (November 22 to December 21): Sagittarius represents transformation, athletic ability, and pride. The moon in Sagittarius produces a surge of imagination and insight. The sun in Sagittarius liberates the spirit. Use these energies when opening astral windows for true seeing or when you want to manifest personal changes in unique ways.
Capricorn: (December 22 to January 20): Capricorn represents patience, strong convictions, and a sense for negotiation. The moon in Capricorn enhances sensitivity. The sun in Capricorn inspires practicality. Use this energy when you’re looking to divination tools for insights.
You may want to know the colors associated with each of these signs and then combine accordingly with candles or other accents. Bright red or orange corresponds with Aries; dark green with Taurus; chestnut hues With Gemini; silver with Cancer; gold with Leo; variegated pastels or white with Virgo; sea green with Libra; vermilion with Scorpio; sky blue with Sagittarius; black with Capricorn; gray with Aquarius; and sea blue with Pisces.
Eastern Astrology versus Western Astrology
In China, there’s another version of Astrology based on the year of one’s birth rather than the month. While other factors (day and time) also hold some sway here, the year is the key for using this system. Each year has an animal designation influencing the energies anticipated in that year. This influence derives from the animal’s characteristics and attributes in Eastern metaphysics. There are twelve animal years altogether, and they cycle around every twelve years.
Animal/Birth Year
Rat: 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Ox or Buffalo: 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Tiger: 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Cat or Hare: 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Dragon: 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Snake: 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Horse: 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Goat or Sheep: 1979,1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Monkey: 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Rooster: 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
Dog: 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
Boar or Pig: 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031
Chinese Animal Zodiac Review
The Chinese lunar calendar is the longest chronological record in history, dating from 637 B.C.E. when emperor Huang introduced the first cycle of the Zodiac. How can you use it in your practices? If you know about each year’s energies and how they affect your Animal Birth Sign, you can then tailor your magical efforts accordingly. For example, if it is the Year of the Rat and you are either an Ox or a Boar, it’s an excellent year for finances. Use a little sympathetic magic and draw that prosperity into your life by making a money talisman.
Chinese Animal Astrological Sign Correspondences
Year of the Rat: During this year Rat has great fortune, Ox improves prosperity, Tiger stagnates, and Cat gets misled. Dragon experiences success in relationships and investments, Snake is very active, Horse has a bad business year, and Goat experiences financial loss. Monkey has success in just about everything, Dog is bored, and Boar finds victory with money and love.
Year of the Ox: Rat works hard to stay ahead, Ox continues with prosperity that comes from hard work, Tiger must be wary, and Cat lands on its feet. Dragon has problems with other authority figures, Snake is working hard, Horse sees success in business, and Goat and Dog tuck their tails between their legs and just want to hide. Monkey and Rooster fare very well, and Boar needs to go with the flow and avoid anger.
Year of the Tiger: Rat and Ox have a year of anxiety. Tiger finds its way to center stage, Cat wants some peace, and Dragon loves the hectic pace. Snake learns a lot (not always the fun way), Horse finds new pastures, while Goat feels wholly lost. Monkey is having great fun, Rooster would rather the sun didn’t rise at all, Dog finds joy through devotion, and Boar faces numerous changes.
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Year of the Cat: Rat needs to watch its tail, Ox experiences improvements, Tiger can take a break and enjoy what it’s earned, and Cat, of course, can enjoy life at its own pace. Dragon likes the overall energies of this year, Snake takes a sabbatical, Horse finds romance and jobs improving, and Goat finally experiences success at work. Monkey has excellent business prospects, Rooster needs to just recover from last year, Dog is content, and Boar is fine in all but legal affairs.
Year of the Dragon: Rat has a pleasant year, Ox needs to be cautious especially with its dreams, Tiger gets lots of opportunities to show off, and Cat focuses on the home front. Dragon has a great year, Snake is peaceful, Horse finds satisfaction, and Goat and Monkey get a lot of play time. Rooster discovers a good mate or partnership, Dog needs a hermitage, and Boar wants to stay close to its own.
Year of the Snake: Rat contemplates and stays clear of business for its own good. Ox and Rooster alike have troubles at home, Tiger has wanderlust, and Cat has an overall good year. Dragon continues to shine alongside the “little dragon,” the Snake who’s having an amazing year. Horse finds love, but it’s ill-advised. Goat won’t be bored, Monkey finds opportunities in abundance, Dog discovers new things, and Boar has a good year at work.
Year of the Horse: Rat has numerous debts to handle, while Ox finds business success. Tiger has a new project, Cat has fun, and Dragon moves into a leadership position. Snake experiences disappointment in relationships, Horse has a lousy year, Goat has fun, and Monkey gets a great job. Rooster makes steady progress, Dog is restless, and Boar has the urge to organize everything.
Year of the Goat: Rat recoups, Ox has setbacks, Tiger is on the verge of real trouble, and Cat experiences disappointments. Dragon shouldn’t get overly involved, Horse begins to recover, Goat enjoys some personal growth, and Monkey is forever plotting. Rooster has no end of frustrations, Dog wants to give up, but Boar is hopeful and finally sees stability in both love and careers.
Year of the Monkey: Rat is happy and moving forward, Ox has nothing but bad luck, Tiger’s creativity surges, and Cat should pace itself. Dragon is wary of overexposure, Snake must find a coping mechanism, Horse reveals unusual political insights, and Goat returns to being a homebody. Monkey has an amazingly playful year, Rooster focuses on ethics, Dog hurries too much and often experiences trouble because of it, and Boar has a fine year especially with relationships.
Year of the Rooster: Rat’s success continues, Ox gets back in the groove, Tiger becomes the rebel, and Cat is persnickety. Dragon should be cautious, Snake has a hard year, and both Horse and Boar have a great year at work. Goat should take some personal time off for R&R, Monkey has a slow-down, and Dog has many disappointments.
Year of the Dog: Rat needs to look at its work and stay focused, while Ox is downright morose. Tiger has a good cause to chase, and Cat is feeling very wary. Dragon can do anything, Snake wants to make transitions but never quite gets around to them, Horse works for the joy of it, and Goat feels left out. Monkey has monetary restrictions, Dog has a fairly good year, and Boar keeps things quiet while improving financial stability.
Year of the Boar: Rat should be looking forward and planning, while Ox should enjoy the lifting of dark clouds. Tiger is lucky, Cat finds contentment, Dragon has financial gains, and Snake is just trying to hang in there with the year’s never-ending changes. Horse begins to realize dreams, Goat and Monkey also have profits, and Rooster manages only to maintain the bottom line. Dog seeks the comfort of home, while Boar becomes the financial wizard of the zodiac.
More Astrological Systems
Yes, there are several other Astrological Systems that could be used in your magical endeavors. The Celtic Witch might look to the Celtic Tree Calendar. The Shamanic Witch could benefit from the Native American Zodiac. The whole world looked up to the wonders of the stars trusting in their guidance.
Visit our sister site BuildingBeautifulSouls.com for more insights into the symbolism and meaning behind Astrology and Zodiac signs around the world.