Virgo Dates, Compatibility, Eminent Personality Traits, Symbols & More

”I’m a Virgo; it’s in my sign to be hard on myself.”
– Keanu Reeves
Virgo Dates
Virgo Birthday: August 24–September 23
Virgo Month: August and September
The keynotes to the Virgo personality include creativity, helpfulness, loyalty, meticulousness, and a strong sense of responsibility. On a terrible day, those born under the Virgin come off as being very pontifical while having a pity party at the same time. It’s easy for a weary Virgo to become overwhelmed.
On the upside, their helpful, hardworking nature allows people to see past those wobbly moments, which is great because the Virgo really wants to be your hero in some way. Be it offering a joke at just the right moment or providing sound advice, they really do care. This isn’t a superficial gesture. As long as you’re not the lazy or messy type, Virgo will always watch for ways to make your life a little nicer.
Here is more information about your sign:
Virgo begins in late August, a month originally called Sextili until the Emperor changed it to reflect his first name, Augustus. This was a month in which Augustus enjoyed several impressive triumphs, giving the Virgos an underlying “can do” spirit. Virgo is happiest when it appears that they’ve pulled off something truly extraordinary.
September means 7th month (yeah, Romans weren’t always that creative). By the time people used Old English, the term meant “harvest month.” Thankfully the Romans decided against re-naming September after Tiberius, Germanicus, or Antonius. There are only so much imperial associations a year can handle. If we consider 7 as the driving energy behind September, we discover a somewhat shy but smart vibration. People with the birth number 7 like eclectic explorations. This is a seeker who sometimes seems aloof while they wander off toward greater personal awareness.
Virgo Sign Eminent Personality Traits & Characteristics
Dear Virgo, we know you love your work. You will put your head down, plow through and forget about lunch altogether. This certainly brings success in your career along with your company loyalty. With friends and family, however, you need to reach out a little more. Being vulnerable with loved ones is ok.
Virgo is detail-oriented to a fault. It’s hard for you to overlook even tiny errors, which often hurts people’s feelings who simply do not see fine points as you do. You certainly never intended any harm, but there’s no question that people are going to misunderstand your motivations and process.
The level of Virgo practicality is legendary in the Zodiac. You’re conservative, orderly, strict and have very high expectations for yourself. Ease up a bit! There are some things that even you cannot fix no matter how hard you try.
Adventure & Entertainment: Books of facts (especially hard to find information) are a great joy for this sign. Similarly, with movies, Virgos would rather not waste time on things that don’t somehow improve one’s life. Musically, you like to know what a song says and means, while in sports you’ll seek after something that combines both mental and physical stimulation, like gymnastics and hang gliding.
On the other hand, you’re kind of high-strung, and you don’t want to feed that tension. Be aware of how your “play” time influences your thoughts and feelings. As far as travel goes, you always have a good time, but only if everyone follows your schedule. You’ll never be late, but also grow impatient with those who lag behind.
Hobbies: As dull as it sounds, cleaning often becomes a hobby for Virgo. You love making things look “just right.” In this sense, the effort is not a chore but a pleasure, and it gives you time for mulling over new observations or ideas. Journaling is a great hobby for the Virgo, as they are adept writers who can express much more on paper than face to face. Other enjoyable pastimes include mental challenges like chess and Sudoku.
Virgo Pets: Virgos are clean freaks. There’s a place for everything, and everything is in its place. That means that a chaotic critter isn’t going to survive in the Virgo home. The easiest solution for Virgo is fish. They’re easy, eye-pleasing and don’t shed! Alternatively, a small pet like a hamster amuses our Virgo, and their living space is pretty easy regarding upkeep.
Virgo Compatibility
- Virgo and Aries: Two very busy brains. They don’t stop thinking long enough to smell the proverbial roses and have fun with each other.
- Virgo and Taurus: Taurus’ heart overflows with love toward Virgo. If Virgo returns that tenderness with honest intent, this relationship could last for a very long time.
- Virgo and Gemini: Gemini and Virgo don’t often cross paths on the dating scene, but when they do it can be an intense love match filled with excitement and insight.
- Virgo and Cancer: Both these individuals take time to open up to each other. When patient, this partnership could become truly inspiring.
- Virgo and Leo: Leave this mix in the boardroom, not the bedroom. They are far better as workmates than life mates.
- Virgo and Virgo: This is a tough coupling. Both parties find it hard to get out of their heads and express true heart. If they overcome that obstacle, there is a chance for happiness.
- Virgo and Libra: Virgo and Libra struggle much as the Virgo-Virgo union. These two need on-going affectionate displays and a bucket load of patience.
- Virgo and Scorpio: Wowza! Step back world – here they come! There is nothing remotely dull in this relationship, and the sex will be totally life-changing.
- Virgo and Sagittarius: The greatest gift these two can offer each other is deep, abiding love. It’s not a common relationship, but sometimes it just “works.”
- Virgo and Capricorn: The phrase “still waters run deep” was coined with these two in mind. Both signs look at every detail of life and their relationship. This can be a beautiful experience if they don’t tense up too much.
- Virgo and Aquarius: A great couple for problem-solving but in everything else they are dynamic opposites.
- Virgo and Pisces: These two have very high expectations of both their partner and themselves in this relationship. Over time, those views can mellow, which is when these two find a greater love.
Virgo Love & Sex: At the deepest core of their being Virgo NEEDS love, particularly a love that makes them feel safe and valued. Virgo wants to open up like a flower in the sun, but they fear vulnerability. Intimacy for them is rarely “showy.” Charm and chit-chat are like pillow talk for Virgos.
Both love and sex have a calculating element to them. If any sign can boil feelings down to mathematics, it’s a Virgo. Oddly enough that stricture is something that even Virgo fights against – they want to change, but those boundaries get tricky.
The partner to a Virgo must move slowly, with understanding. Once that safe space develops, nurturing and love follows.
Virgo Family & Friends: If you want follow-through on any project, Virgo is the sign to look to for help. Virgos are very intent on practicality and hard work, giving attention to planning and details, thinking through decisions, and remaining honest in all their dealings. The only caution in this birth sign is being aware that not everyone can live up to their expectations and concept of perfection. A note to all Virgos: Don’t get overly critical, and don’t pour yourself so much into your work that you forget to relax and have fun! Without that balance Virgos can become cranky, worrisome workaholics or terribly pessimistic.
Virgos are always wonderful advisers to their friends, having natural problem-solving skills. They also seem to bring out the best in people no matter what’s happening. Virgo believes in being a “good human,” and they surround themselves with those types of personalities.
In the family unit, Virgo treasures tradition and honors their obligations.
Virgo Symbol & Planet
Virgo Symbol: The artistic rendering for Virgo looks a bit like an M that’s supposed to look like a maiden carrying a wheat shaft. The maiden aspect of the Sacred Feminine is part of Virgos’ true virtues. She speaks the love language of service with a refreshing innocence.
Virgo Ruling Planet: With Mercury as a ruling planet it’s no wonder Virgo sometimes over-thinks things. Nonetheless, it does provide Virgo with astute communication abilities with a wide variety of people.
Virgo Element:
Earth: This element represents the Yin energies of the Universe. Earth grounds us, helps us grow, gives us structure.
Virgo Colors & Numbers
Virgo Colors: Power Colors: Navy blues and grey (and anything that represents personal refinement and good taste). Virgo also finds themselves attracted to natural colors like that of a leaf or rich soil. Greens reflect Virgo’s honesty while Brown supports her desire for stability.
Virgo Lucky Numbers and Days: 3, 5 and Wednesday
Three is a number of someone who could use guidance but avoids it due to fear. Like Virgo, 3 knows how to talk a good game with amazing charm and good humor. This is why people around 3 forgive a lot of aloofness. Three needs support before they really start emerging from their shell.
By comparison, 5 is an energetic dynamo in perpetual motion. This too is a female number, so Virgo is saturated with all that womanly energy no matter their gender. Fives are honest and faithful insides the boundaries of a dedicated relationship.
Wednesday takes its name in some Latin-based languages from the god Mercury, which is also the name of the planetary ruler for Virgo.
Virgo Crystals
Virgo’s birthstone is Peridot. In Biblical times, this was a stone of purity well suited to a “virgin.” Wearing this stone allows the Virgo to clear their thoughts as well as bring healing to a weary mind.
Virgo Physical Traits
The typical Virgo face is slim and oval. Hair is brownish topping hazel colored, bright eyes. Chins are somewhat frail, height is average, and the overall body type is slender, feet small, and noses tend toward being a little long.
Body Tips: Virgo rules the nervous system so you may want to avoid anything with too much caffeine. You have enough drive for two people, and the caffeine only increases that drive (Unless, of course, you want to paint a whole house in one day!).
In terms of staying fit, you’d do well to take long walks and try out Pilates. Many Virgos have sensitive stomachs, so these types of activities burn off a little nervous energy.
Clothing & Jewelry: Virgos pay close attention to what they wear and how they wear it. Typically, you prefer a few high-quality items over dozens of cheap things that go the way of fads. In particular, you like sporty clothing and would do well to wear more of it since it energizes you. To save time (since you know you’ll do it anyway), iron your clothes before bed and put them where you can dress quickly and efficiently. Stick with natural colors and fabrics, as those are the most comfortable. You don’t need a lot of jewelry to make you happy—one piece, well worn, is quite fine.
Through the week – Start out Monday with your tried-n-true polished, tidy look. It need not be overly fancy. A little comfort goes a long way to a better outlook for the week. Moving into Tuesday, trust in your classic lines like button-down shirts and crisp pants. Add a piece of silver jewelry to the ensemble, tying everything up nicely. On Wednesday ask yourself how you want others to see you. Dress for that part, especially if you have an important meeting.
Thursday is “shoe” day. Virgos love shoes. Often simple but not cheap. You want support that mirrors your sign’s grounded nature. For colors, consider white or off-white (the color of purity). Friday, you can’t go wrong with your classic black dress and comfortable, low shoes. Toss a pair of fancier footwear in your trunk for after-work gatherings. Add a touch of red somewhere, just walking a bit on the wild side (a watch is a good option for your punctual nature).
The casual side of Virgo reaches for cotton, silk, or other soft natural fabrics on the weekend. Suede is also an option. When you hit the town, reach for something shimmery but not overstated. A flowing shirt or dress with metallic touches should do the trick.
Aromas that accent the positive: For relationships, use cedar or lavender. Honeysuckle, cypress, and lemon balm are good personal choices when you want your service and objective-oriented demeanor to shine.
Virgo Career & School
Virgos always pay attention to details, which favors them both in college and in the office. You have a knack for analyzing and working proactively toward goals and deadlines. Working with your hands is very enjoyable, and anything that lets you organize is a dream job come true.
You are a bit of a perfectionist. Don’t get so caught up in minutia that you miss the big picture. Careers that offer some artistic expression, research, critical thinking or focus on human services all suit your personality well.
Virgo Money Luck
As with all aspects of life, Virgo is practical with their money. They like to save, and they LOVE having a safety net. Irrational or spontaneous expenditures are nearly unknown to them. They would rather find a well-priced solution instead of grabbing at what’s easy but hurts the bottom line. Yes, sometimes they are too frugal for their own good, but it certainly gives them the security for which they yearn.
In terms of luck, Virgo has impeccable timing. Be it wandering into a store just as a product you needed goes on sale to buying the last $1 lottery ticket and reaping $10 – that good fortune finds you. Light Workers tell us that this has to do with the way Virgo moves with the Universe’s heartbeat.
Famous Virgo Personalities
- Sean Connery
- Gloria Estefan
- Jeff Foxworthy
- Mother Teresa
- Michael Jackson
- Tai Babilonia
- Stephen King
- Pink
- Lance Armstrong
- Ivan the Terrible
- Elizabeth I
- Lyndon B. Johnson
- Jesse James
- Bernie Sanders
- Greta Garbo
- Louis XVI
- Adam Sandler
- Mary Shelley