Magical Scrying Flops and Failures: 10 Rules for Success

I can’t speak for the future. I have no crystal ball.
– Michael Jordan
Learning how to Scry: Scrying isn’t necessarily an easy art to learn. While nearly everyone using scrying eventually achieves some level of success, some individuals have real mental barriers. Some people find concentrating difficult. Others may start seeing things they don’t understand, or worse frighten them and quit trying. So what are some things you can regularly do thereby ensuring the success of your scrying time? Let’s find out!
10 Helpful Scrying Rules
There are some guidelines at the get-go that create a better environment for scrying. Using this information deters frustrating hours of getting nowhere.
1. Self-preparation: Take note; are you in a crappy mood? Did you get a decent night’s sleep? Are you carrying stress from work? If you answer yes to any of these and similar questions now is NOT the time to try scrying.
2. Preparing your space: Do you want candles? Incense? Music? Any or all of these create sensual input for scrying that acts as a background. Choose each item according to the topic of your scrying endeavor.
3. Ensure comfort: Be it a pillow on the floor, your couch or a chair, you need comfort. There is nothing more frustrating than getting started only to realize your back or bottom hurts.
[wisew_rectangle_large align=”left”]4. Protect your privacy: Scry in an area where disturbances are minimal. Turn off your phone, put a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door and wait until children and pets are napping.
5. Relax: Take deep breaths or meditate before you start staring at your tool’s surface.
6. Do not rush it: Visions come in their own sweet time
7. Don’t over-anticipate: You can’t force images into the divination tool.
8. Keep your question clear in your mind: Word of warning. If this is not a topic about which you can remain unbiased, the visions you receive reflect that personal partiality.
9. Be ready for distractions: Your nose will itch. You can’t quite get your arm setting quite right. You think of your grocery list (yes, really). These are all normal. Teaching your mind to focus on one thing at a time takes practice.
10. Keep a “Little Black Book:” Write down everything about your scrying sessions whether they fail or succeed. This includes archetypes, symbols, sensual cues alongside any distractions. Detail any results, particularly personal progress. These notes contribute to changing your process going forward.
Choosing the Right Scrying Tool for the Job
One final thing not covered on this list is asking: am I using the right scrying tool. You have a lot of options including silver surfaces, water, mirrors, crystal balls, and polished sacred stones just to name a few. Just as one form of divination system works fine for Joe, but not for you – the same holds true for tools. Find the right tool for the right job, and you are well on your way.
Based on the “Little Book of Mirror Magic,” by Patricia Telesco. All rights reserved.