10 Magic Mirror Charms, Amulets & Talismans

“Some will not recognize the truthfulness of my mirror. Let them remember that I am not here to reflect the surface… but must penetrate inside. My mirror probes down to the heart.”
-Paul Klee
Do you think of magic mirrors only in connection with scrying? If so, there’s good news! Mirrors have a lot of other applications in magic including making charms, amulets and talismans.
Israelite women in Egypt flirted with their husbands using mirrors for encouraging fertility. The Bible tells us that mirrors were used in creating washstands for priests. In India water blessed by the moon’s reflection in a mirror became part of the healer’s kit for hysteria. With this history in mind let’s examine a variety metaphysical applications for mirrored surfaces in our daily magical endeavors.
Etching Out Definitions for Magick Mirror Work
Let’s set some groundwork regarding spells, charms, amulet’s and talismans. Spellcraft is one of the keynotes of witchery. By definition, a spell consists of words set forth like a story, releasing energy for a specific goal. Basically, it equates to a focused, willful prayer to which other components, such as movement or natural items, may be added thereby improving the overall experience.
Charms, amulets, and talismans are a little bit different from each other but certainly related. The problem is that these words have been used indiscriminately, one often being randomly substituted for the other. And while this might not be a huge issue (if the process works effectively), charms, amulets, and talismans are three different constructs that suit different purposes.
Magick Mirror Charms
Charms were likely the first form of spellcraft because they require nothing more than our words for invoking energy. The early charms were comprised of short verses often with a rhymed or lyrical quality (as implied by the root word for charm, which means “song”). This made charms easily remembered, and the practitioner didn’t need to carry anything else for creating his or her magic.
It isn’t until later in history that we see specific objects becoming the focuerboard align=”center”]
Now that we’ve clarified definitions, the next thing for your consideration is altering spells or charms you come across in your studies. The metaphysical processes you come across in various writings are somewhat “shake and bake” magick. They’re ready to go with little planning or preparation. However, some of them are not going to be applicable to your present needs and goals. In other cases, you may not have the suggested components. Then pull out your crafty Witch side and do a little tweaking.
For changing an existing spell, charm etc. follow three basic steps:
1. Ask yourself what you intend to do
2. What needs to change in the current instructions (wording, components, actions)?
3. Change the required element, being sure that your alteration maintains continuity with the overall theme of your magic.
So, you don’t like the wording of a spell. Chang it. Your charms and spells don’t have to rhyme. Just keep them meaningful. Missing a component? Find a good substitute using something handy but still significant symbolically. When the preparation process has terrible timing for your schedule, consider alternative moments that make sense and house similar energies. As for enacting the spell, think of it like you might a puzzle. What pieces need to go where for making the whole picture appear?
Please remember to be specific.The Universe has a sense of checks and balances along with some pretty wicked humor. Sometimes what we think we need and what is really good for us are two different things, and how magick manifests often reflects those kinds of permutations.
10 Powerful Mirror Spells, Amulets, and Charms
The wonderful thing about most spells, charms, amulets, and talismans is that you can take them on the road wherever you go. In our highly mobile society that’s a huge asset. Speaking of which, let’s get this show on the road and look at some sample mirror spells and charms.
Magick Actualization Amulet (Confidence)
*Goal: This charm stimulates a positive self image.
*Components: A compact mirror (easily portable) and a little bit of your favorite perfume or cologne.
*Timing Prepare the charm around noon, when the light of conscious awareness is strongest, by taking it outside.
Open the protective top of the compact and turn the mirror toward the sun. repeat this incantation four times, turning to each cardinal direction as you recite it:
“Chase the shadows of the past
Outmoded outlooks cannot last
The light of truth and hope shall shine
In my heart and in my mind
And when upon this mirror I look
My spirit becomes an open book
Not to fear, but embrace
Negative self-images be erased!”
Close the compact. Keep this with you and look into it anytime you feel those old negative thoughts returning. Repeat the incantation, which you can tape on the inside of the lid if you have trouble remembering it. Repeat this process after using the charm four times.
Magic Mirror Banishing (Overcoming)
*Goal: Breaking down barriers.
*Components: A mirror with the proper shape for your specific goal (like square for finances); *Aromatic oil that turns unwanted energy like bergamot and mint.
Timing: Dawn when the power of light begins to overcome darkness. Alternatively, the waning stage of the moon supports banishing
Charge the mirror visualizing a vibrant white light filling it from the outer edges into the center until you can see it glowing within. Dab the center of the mirror with your chosen oil; then draw on outward-moving spiral (to move energy away) saying:
“As night turns into day
All negativity, turn away, turn away,
All that’s evil, all that’s bane
Cannot in the reflection remain
Return to the source, negativity flee
Liberate my home, my spirit−be free!”
Charisma Magic Charm
*Goal: Attraction, magnitism, allure.
*Component: bathroom mirror.
*Timing: Waxing moon.
Face the mirror. Think about yourself being being attractive, with a strong, positive presence. Let that thought carry you into movement. Let your hips sway and swagger with confidence. Let the rest of your body follow. Keep the vision of the charismatic you in mind while you dance.
As you sense the energy reaching a pinnacle (you may feel warm, or your pace may increase), give the mirror an activating word that will become your activating trigger. Breath the word onto the mirror’s surface thrice.
The next time you feel the need for greater charisma, courage, or confidence, speak the activating word three times before you start using the mirror to shave or put on makeup. Close your eyes for a moment and see yourself again as you did in the dance. Accept the mirror’s energy and then get ready to move mountains.
Dream Catchers and Mirror Magick
*Goal: Deterring nightmares; Inspiring psychic or lucid dreams.
*Components: lace doily (4”x4”), one small square mirror (2”x2”), one round mirror (2”x2”), silver *beads, thread.
*Timing: Daylight for the square mirror; night for the round mirror.
Adhere the round mirror in the center of the doily. Put the square mirror on the other side, also gluing it down. Sew silver beads around the outer edge of the doily. As you sew, use this incantation
“As above so below
Stitch and sew, stitch and sew
Bring to me Spirit-filled dreams
On the wings of moonlit beams.”
And for the solar or square side say:
“With each bead I stitch and bind
The key to waken my conscious mind
To interact with dreams night
And manifest come morning’s light.”
Charge the square mirror in the light of the sun for four hours, and the round mirror in the light of the moon for four hours. Hang the dream catcher on the wall over your bed.
Mirror Magick for Employment
*Goal: finding employment or improving status at your current job.
*Components: a magnet), a portable mirror (larger than the magnet), your business card or area of expertise written on a piece of paper, and a success oriented anointing oil like ginger or lemon balm.
*Timing: Full Moon
Attach the business card to the back of the mirror, with the magnet adhered on top of the card.
Now, dab the oil lightly on both the magnet and the mirror’s edges while looking at the reflective surface. Focus intently on your goal while saying:
“This mirror with its magnetic back
Holds within the power to attract
The work that’s best, the job I need
By my will this spell is freed!”
Remember to visualize yourself in the best possible job situation. Keep this token with you when you go on an interview. Touch it and mentally repeat the incantation just before you enter discussions or negotiations.
Magick Mirror Spells for Conquering Fear
*Goal: Banishing Fear; Instilling Courage.
*Component: Inexpensive mirror, large piece of newspaper, black candle inscribed with the word “FEAR.”
*Timing: Waning Moon.
Place the mirror on a table or other surface where you can clearly see it lighting the candle nearby. Now, turn your attention to the mirror as if you intend to scry, but think only about what you fear. Try to project an image of the fear onto the mirror. Once you’ve gotten a clear image, push that fear down into the mirror (if it helps, put your hands-on top of the mirror and physically push as if moving something forcefully away from you), saying:
“Into this mirror I willfully pour
All the fears that I abhor
“Released from out my spirit and mind
The fears that constrain, in this mirror I bind.”
Next, let the black candle drip over the mirror. Remain focused until the word fear has melted completely off the candle. Blow out the candle. Finally, wrap the paper around the mirror and put it on the floor. Crush it under your feet, destroying your fear. Dispose of the shards properly and walk away without looking back.
Mirror Magick for Grounding
*Goal: centering, foundations, firm groundwork
*Timing: Waxing Moon
*Components: a small mirror, seeds from a flowering plant, a plant pot with potting soil, and a small biodegradable image of the area in your life that needs improved foundations.
Wait until the waxing to full moon for growth-oriented energy; then empower the mirror by looking in it and saying:
“Hope within this image shine
Put down my roots, in my branches intertwine
No winds shall blow, no fires burn
That n’er will my foundations upturn.”
Place the mirror deep in the potted soil facing upward. Next, take the image you’ve chosen and hold it between your hands. Visualize your need in every detail possible and then put that image into the soil just above the mirror. Next, take the seed and name it after your need. Bless it, saying:
“This seed I sow
Foundations to grow
As above, so below!”
The seed then goes into the pot just above the mirror and the image. This way, as it grows, the roots wrap around both, providing support. Tend to this seed with loving care. By the time it flowers, you should see substantial improvements in stability.
Magick Mirror Spell for Insight (Perspective)
*Goal: True Seeing
*Components: a small portable mirror about the size of your palm, a piece of white or silver cloth two-and-a-half times the size of the mirror, rose and marigold petals, and a bay leaf. Also ribbon or cord
*Timing: All three nights of the full moon to charge your mirror.
On the first night, write the word insight on the bay leaf (this is based on an ancient form of wishcraft). Next, burn the leaf in a fireproof container. As the smoke rises upward, say:
“Hear my wish upon this night
Grant to me the gift of insight!”
Let the bay leaf burn out naturally, setting aside the ashes for the following two nights. On the second night, lay your mirror out under the moon (somewhere you can leave it for the entire night). Blend together the ashes and the flower petals and sprinkle them around the mirror, saying:
“Psychic site in rose and marigold
Let my eyes the truth behold!
When I look upon this silver glass
Grant perspective and hold it fast!”
Leave the mirror and the herbs where they lay. On night three, gather the mirror and whatever is left of the herbs into the white or silver cloth and bundle it with a string. Carry this sachet with you. When you need perspective quickly, release a pinch of the herbs to the wind with either incantation. When the herbs are gone, you’ll need to recharge the mirror.
Mirror Magick for Luck
*Goal: Good fortune, serindipity, change in fate
*Components: two equal sized mirrors
*Timing: Sunday for blessings
Put both mirrors in the light of the sun, saying:
“Spirits of bad luck chased away
By the powers of light, by the shining day
And when these mirrors twist and turn
All good fortune shall return!”
Glue the two mirrors back to back. Next, take a piece of sturdy cord or ribbon and adhere it to the edges of the two mirrors so you have a loop from which to hang them. Put this on a wall near your altar and when you need a change of fate, turn the mirror repeating the incantation.
Travel Amulet with Mirror Magick
*Goal: Safe travel, uncomplicated travel
*Components: A circular mirror, one-each equal sized squares of red, green, yellow and blue felt. String or ribbon (optional).
*Timing: as required
Place the mirror between the felt pieces (two in front, two in back). Stitch the sides securely saying:
“Earth and Air, Fire and Sea
Protect my travels
Blessed be!”
Put the amulet in your suitcase or car while adding an incantation like:
“A shield of protection abounds
An air of safety surrounds
Reflect all dangers, safe I shall stay
Whether I travel by night or day.”
Promise Magick Mirror
*Goal: keeping promises, oaths, vows
*Component: a mirror, paint
*Timing: when the sun is shining brightly (no hiding!)
Write your name in paint on the mirror while speaking your promise. After the paint dries, put the mirrors into the soil. Bless them, saying:
“Soils of the Mother, hear my pledge
With these words and tokens I promise _____
Bless this mirror; remind me of sincerity
Mmotivate perfect action toward manifestation
So be it!”
This spell can be used for two or more people just by changing the incantation’s wording.
Based on the “Little Book of Mirror Magic,” by Patricia Telesco. All rights reserved.