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Scrying & Divination with Magical Crystals: The Basics

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“Divination is the quest to understand more about the past, present, and future. In other words, Tarot readings are an attempt to understand ourselves better

Scrying: Divining the Past, Present & Future

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“The better you are at different types of scrying, the easier it will be to understand the messages that spirit sends you.” – Diana Palm

Scrying: 5 Common Problems & Resolutions

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“I now have had my foggy crystal ball for quite a long time. Its predictions are invariably gloomy and usually correct, but I am quite

Magical Scrying Flops and Failures: 10 Rules for Success

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I can’t speak for the future. I have no crystal ball. – Michael Jordan Learning how to Scry: Scrying isn’t necessarily an easy art to

10 Magic Mirror Charms, Amulets & Talismans

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“Some will not recognize the truthfulness of my mirror. Let them remember that I am not here to reflect the surface… but must penetrate inside.

12 Steps for Successful Scrying

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“Divination is the quest to understand more about the past, present, and future. In other words, Tarot readings are an attempt to understand ourselves better

Making Magic Mirrors for Scrying and Divination

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“We should be a mirror of being: We are God in miniature.” -Friedrich Nietzsche In the sixteenth century, Swiss alchemist Paracelsus put together an elaborate

Mirror Magic: Getting Started with Scrying

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“My mother says I must not pass too near that glass; she is afraid that I will see a little witch that looks like me.”