Magical Herbs & Spells for Happiness

“Happiness never decreases by being shared.”
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness−those of us who live in the United States see these things as unalienable rights. Even so, it would seem that life’s inevitable problems are constantly trying to wear away our pursuit of happiness, to the point where many of us feel plain beat. It’s as if happiness is overrated. Some of that perception comes from circumstances. Other parts originate in our ideas of happiness should be without necessarily understanding what will make us truly happy!
Happiness Herbs & History
Our ancestors (being quite a bit like us) pursued happiness zealously on both a mundane and metaphysical level. Mundanely they worked very hard to make their lives fulfilling and provide a good home for their children. Magickally they devised all manner of charms and spells to encourage ongoing happiness. For example:
- carrying a blue lace agate generate joy
- tucking an amethyst in your pocket banishes sorrow
- holding an aquamarine soothes ruffled emotions,
- Wearing rose quartz improves overall happiness (especially with yourself).
Mirthful Magical Herbs
Of course, the ancients didn’t stop there. They looked to the plant kingdom for happiness helpers too. Here is just a short list of some of the herb & flower recommendations for you to Try in your own workings:
Basil: Nibble a bit to banish anger and refresh your mind
Catnip: Grow it near the home to promote joy, or carry a sprig with you.
Chives: Nibble for good cheer.
Cumin: Burn it as part of incense to bring happiness to a relationship.
Hawthorn flowers: Carry in a charm for mirth.
Hyacinth: Use in aromatherapy for delight.
Lavender: Grown or used as an aromatic, this promotes a gentle cheerfulness and sense of peace.
Lily of the valley: Put these in the room of someone who is feeling sad to lift their spirits.
Lemon: Used in cooking, this fruit promotes happiness, especially between two people.
Marjoram: Cook with this to banish the blues.
Peach: Blossoms kept by your door keep sadness away, or you can eat peaches to internalize joy.
Quince: Eat to encourage gaiety.
Raspberry: Use a raspberry aromatic oil on your light bulbs to cheer your entire home.
Rosemary: Put a sprig in hot water (like a simmering potpourri) for happy memories
Saffron: Steep a little in water and use to asperge any area where negativity lingers. It lifts the vibrations.
Sage: Burn a bit to clear out negative energies
Sugar cane: Nibble a bit to make life sweeter.
Thyme: Smell this herb to overcome sadness
Cheerful Magic Charms
Health and happiness are two of the key things that all mothers wish for their children and extended family. When you have joy as a companion, it’s much easier to cope with life’s chaos and periodic troubles. Nonetheless, there are times when we feel sad or down in the dumps. The causes vary, but these spells will help effect a cure!
A Bliss Bearing Blueprint
Spells benefit from a variety of symbolic support systems. For happiness, here are a few you can use when enacting your own spells:
- Time your spells for any day when the sun is shining (a symbol of joy and blessings). Additionally, the season of Spring provides hopeful, upbeat energy toward this goal.
- Add aromatics such as catnip, chrysanthemum, lotus, orange, mint, or thyme all of which can improve our mood. Light, uplifting aromas. Alternatively, think of the scents that bring back happy memories.
- Use light blue candles or glittery ones (for whimsy)
- Include other potential components and symbols such as a feather (tickle your fancy), anything with bubbles, berries (an abundant joy), and cat’s eye, which is said to bring happiness to the bearer.
Simple Magic Spells
Cider of Content
Components: sparkling cider, raspberries and a blue candle
Setting: Near a sunny window where there’s a surface that you can use for food preparation.
Timing: Daylight hours; noon for the most potent energy.
Set a bowl of the berries in the sunlight right next to the unlit blue candle saying:
“The light of the sun is that of thousands of candles. Let it shine in my heart and chase all shadows.”
Open the bottle of sparkling cider, pour a little over the berries, and stir them clockwise with your finger, saying:
“To me, in me, happiness to me!”
Consume with a hopeful heart. By the way, the candle was not lit in this spell because an old country custom dictates that you should not light a hearth when the sun shines on it. The Fire spirits are sometimes jealous of each other. So the candle became a symbolic prop here.
Candle Comfort
Components: 7 candles, one each in the color of the rainbow; lemon oil (or a lemon rind)
Setting: Anywhere that you can safely set the candles in a row (red to violet consecutively)
Timing: Waxing to Full Moon
Rub a little lemon on each candle. Stand before your candles. Light them one at a time reciting the incantation that matches the candle’s color as you go.
“Red brings me energy to weather the storms.
Orange is the harvest, of good karma and just rewards.
Yellow is the winds of change, stirring about.
Green is the first sign of Spring and hope without a doubt!
Blue is for what I wish most, unbridled happiness.
Indigo is for the wisdom to cherish those things with which I’m blessed.
Violet, is for the spirit within, and without to ignite.
With magick, with joy, beginning tonight!”
Let the candles burn for a few minutes while you visualize the goal etched into that candle being manifested. You can then blow them out and reuse them for similar goals.
Just Humor Me
[wisew_rectangle_large align=”left”]Components: Lavender incense. A candle of your choosing (something that makes your inner child smile). A feather.
Setting: A table for the candle near which you can stand comfortably
Timing: When you need a good-humor pick-me-up
If you are using a feather found outside, please put it in a plastic bag in the freezer for one week to kill off any insect hitchhikers.
Light the incense and put it on the same surface where you’re going to put the candle. Place the candle on a surface where you can see easily when standing. Light the candle and breathe deeply. Really try to relax and loosen up−it’s nearly impossible to inspire humor or joy when your over-wound.
Next, brush the feather through all of your aura (your head, arms, torso, legs, and even below your feet). As you do chant this little ditty:
“Negativity take flight; tickled by light
Negativity flee; good humor restore in me!”
Afterward, let the candle and incense continue to burn (if it’s safe to do so) and go do something fun that will really inspire your funny bone (maybe go to a comedy club or rent your favorite humorous movie).
Based on “Mastering Candle Magic,” by Patricia Telesco. All Rights Reserved.