Relationship Divination using Flowers & Tea Leaves

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves — slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.”
-Thich Nat Hahn
Our ancestors were pretty creative when it came to devising divination methods. Two that have been used in matters of love are Floromancy, divination with flowers, and Tassiography, fortune telling with tea leaves. If you are an avid gardener or happen to be a consummate tea toddler, these methods are a lot of fun and make great conversation pieces. You can use both for personal relationship questions or learn how to read either for friends and family.
Floromancy & Tasseography Divination
“Treasure your relationships not your possessions”
Anthony Dangelo
Plants, especially flowers, can be used in many forms of love divination. You might use your green thumb, for example, for predictions. To illustrate plant two flowers that symbolize you and your friend or loved one. By each, put a piece of paper bearing your names in the soil. While you work, focus intently on your question regarding the relationship. If the flowers grow and twine together, this represents a good match for a long-term commitment. If they grow equally, side-by-side, it predicts a good friendship based on equality. If the flower heads turn away from one another after blossoming, affections are not mutual. Finally, if either flower grows ill or dies, this means the relationship may have unhealthy tendencies.
Blossoming Relationships with Flower Magic
You can also make herb or flower pendulums for augury, harvesting some carefully chosen items from the garden, so they’re fresh. Make sure the items relate to your question, such as bay leaf for indicating the strength of a relationship. Tie the plant at the end of a length of thread. Hold the other end between your thumb and forefinger over a designated spot, perhaps a piece of paper bearing your question or the name of your present partner. Put your elbow on the table, still the pendulum, and concentrate on your question. Give yourself some time; the pendulum may not move immediately. Interpret the movements as follows:
- Circles (clockwise): A positive answer; harmony and joy.
- Circles (counterclockwise): A negative answer; difficulty.
- Diagonal Movement: An ominous answer; problems that weigh heavily on your relationship, possibly causing depression.
- Ellipsis (East-West): A positive answer; strong, emotional love.
- Ellipsis (North-South): An indefinite answer; an intuitive relationship.
- Horizontal Lines: A positive answer; physical and sexually pleasing mate.
- Up-Down Movement: A potentially negative answer indicating a divide to overcome.
- Vertical Lines: A generally negative answer (like someone shaking their head “no”) indicating a domineering mate, rival, or an overpowering situation.
If you find this approach doesn’t adequately answer your query, put out 12 symbolic markers in a circle (like a clock face). Determine ahead of time what each marker represents with regard to your question. Put your elbow on the outside of these markers, and the pendulum point in the center. Close your eyes and concentrate on your question. Keep your eyes closed until you feel the pendulum moving, then open your eyes to see which marker it indicates. Some potential symbols you could include:
- Apple Slice: A healthy relationship.
- Balloon: An inflated ego or a situation blown out of proportion.
- Business card: A formal or stuffy situation.
- Candy: A sweet, thoughtful partner.
- Coin (Heads up) : A little bit of luck.
- Crayon: An immature relationship.
- Die: A risky relationship that could be positive or negative.
- Eraser: A mistake that can be corrected.
- Glue Stick: A secure relationship, but possibly over-possessive.
- House: A new residence, or improved security.
- Light Bulb: Good advice offered by a trusted companion.
- Magnifying Glass: An uncertain situation; look closer.
- Paperclip: A connection that could use improvement.
- Pencil or Pen: A forthcoming communication from a friend or lover.
- Pocket Knife: A breakup or severe argument.
- Salt: A relationship preserved through wisdom .
- Tape: A problem to repair before it gets worse.
Tea Leaves and Coffee Clouds Divination
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
― C.S. Lewis
Originating with Gypsy Witches, tea leaf reading or those enacted with coffee grounds are is simple and fun. For your tea: Begin with a cup made from steeped loose tea leaves or herb parts. Think of your question while you sip. When only a few drops of liquid remain, hold the cup in your left hand and swirl it three times clockwise. Overturn the cup, tap it lightly, then turn it right side up to see the images formed by any remaining tea leaves. Symbols closer to the rim reflect current situations, while those at the bottom reflect forthcoming situations.
Use the following guide, traditional to Victorian readings, for interpreting the resulting patterns.
- Acorn: A successful affair or victory over a rival.
- Anchor: A home or new residence.
- Bat: A friend whose motivations should be questioned.
- Bell: A wedding or engagement announcement.
- Butterfly: A vain person, or a relationship undergoing drastic transformations.
- Cat: A fickle companion, or a relationship experiencing a fresh start.
- Clock: A situation where you need to act quickly.
- Clouds: A difficult situation which must get worse before it gets better.
- Clumps: A delay in finding love or working out a problem with an established relationship.
- Dice: A risk that can go either way.
- Dog: A faithful, devoted lover or friend.
- Ear: A relationship where one partner needs to listen more closely.
- Fire: A hasty action that may bring arguments.
- Glass: A fragile emotional situation.
- Hammer: A relationship filled with tension.
- Horse: A new or rekindled relationship in which you risk getting carried away.
- Initials: The name of a person that somehow affects the present situation, or who is intimately involved in this question’s solution.
- Ivy: A faithful companion or a clingy relationship.
- Lock: A selfish relationship or a barrier to overcome.
- People: A new association.
- Question Mark: A feeling of uncertainty that overshadows a relationship.
- Ring: A reliable friendship or engagement proposal.
- Snake: A change in sexual interest or energy.
- Tree: A wish for a fulfilling relationship.
- Umbrella: A stormy relationship where some protection is offered.
- Volcano: A very passionate relationship.
- Web: An entangled situation, watch your step.
- Wheel: Patient, paced progress.
So, what of your morning coffee? Drink half a cup of black coffee while thinking about your question. Slowly pour in some cream. Watch the images created by the swirling cream, and interpret the shapes as given above.
May your love be true!
Adapted from a “Little Book of Love Magic,” by Patricia Telesco. All Rights Reserved.