Love Prospects Using Dream Interpretation, Pyromancy & Moon Lore

“Being the soothsayer of the tribe is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.”
– Anthon St. Maarten
Predicting Love Your Way: If waiting patiently for omens or doing rituals isn’t your cup of tea, predicting the future can prove frustrating. If you can’t find a handy soothsayer in your area, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on try to divine the present and future yourself. There are many types of divination you can work with-All you have to do is identify which method works best for you.
Dreaming of Love and Romance
Some people might argue that dreams are not a form of future-telling where you actively control how you perform the divination. Nevertheless, there’s a process called dream incubation, where you can take specific actions to direct your dreams toward topics of interest, or more specifically, in this case, love. The more you focus on your dreams, the more responsive your dream messages become, which then offers the answers to what weighs on your mind.
Some people light incense about an hour or so before going to bed to help trigger an altered state of awareness while ensuring a more comfortable transition between wakefulness and a night of deep, peaceful sleep. Meditation during such time, while focusing on the questions you have, can help direct the course of your dream narratives before you go to sleep. Consider hanging a dreamcatcher over the bed to ensure positive dreams. And we’re just getting started. You can also make a dream pillow to promote quality sleep and dreaming.
Sew two pieces of fabric together to form the pillow. You can cut the fabric in any shape or color you want but consider the shape and color symbolism beforehand since both can contribute to the energetic signature of the item you’re creating. After creating the pillow’s outer structure, fill it with rose, mint, lemon verbena, and mugwort. Or make a tea from the herbs by adding 1/2 teaspoon of each dried herb to a cup of hot water. Drink the tea before bed.*
*Note: If this is your first time using the herbs mentioned above, you may want to consult with an herbal specialist or your doctor to ensure the safety of their use.
To predict your love life status, put a personal journal, a key, a ring, a flower, a piece of willow, a piece of bread, and cards under your pillow or near your bedside. Whichever item you dream of indicates an answer. What each item symbolizes appears below:
- The Book: represents a forthcoming marriage.
- The Key: signifies an opportunity to meet someone special.
- The Flower: represents a blossoming relationship.
- The Willow: symbolizes a need for flexibility.
- The Bread: is indicative of a secure relationship.
- The Cards: signal you’re in a risky relationship.
Timing Love Predictions and Magical Divination Techniques
Sometimes timing matters in dreaming true; in other words, the day of your dream plays a role in what you can predict or the dream messages you might receive. For example, On St. Thomas’ Eve, have an onion with your tea or On St. Agnes’ Day, eat a salted egg; consuming the latter beverages and edibles on the two forementioned days increases your chances of having an insightful or prophetic dream.
On New Year’s Eve, put an ivy leaf under your pillow or on New Year’s Day, vervain, and yarrow. On St. Agnes’ Eve or Valentine’s Day, put two bay leaves sprinkled with rose water under your pillow. Again, the latter-mentioned actions are a means for incubating dreams where you receive a prophetic response.
You might also invoke the Moon’s energetic influence during specific phases for accessing meaningful dream messages. For example, just before going to bed on the night of a New Moon, look over your right shoulder while saying:
“New Moon, tell me please, who my love is fated to be.”
Go to bed without speaking another word. Dreams of the future will come to you.
Or you can wait for the first New Moon of a New Year and repeat the following incantation three times while looking at the Moon:
“New Moon, let me see who my love shall finally be.”
You will have prophetic dreams that night. Be ready to jot down your dream when you awaken as some of the imagery you see may reveal even more information about how your relationship will unfold.
While not every dream will contain symbolic content about your love life, if a specific subject weighs heavy on your mind, the chance of insights appearing in a dream increase. Ancient and modern dream keys contain hundreds of images and interpretations specific to love in all its forms. Some examples follow here. As you read them, please bear in mind dream interpretation dictionaries offer you a good launching point for determining what your dreams mean. Use this list to spur more personalized insights. Bear in mind that you are unique, and what your dreams mean is specific to your understanding of symbols. Remember to write your dreams in a notebook or record them on tape to reflect upon them later.
Dream Interpretations on Love
- Acorn(s) (shaking from a tree): A successful relationship
- Air (cold): A cold domestic relationship
- Angels: A disturbing influence in a relationship or a scandal in love
- Aroma (sweet): A pleasant surprise in a relationship
- Ax: A worthy, but not wealthy lover
- Bird (caged): A wealthy marriage
- Butterfly: A forthcoming happy union
- Cabbage: An unfaithful companion
- Caterpillar: A hypocritical companion causing a loss in love
- Champion: A developing warm friendship
- Clothing (black): A disagreement or quarrel
- Clothing (blue): A supportive and loyal friend
- Cucumber: A pleasant change in a relationship
- Dentist: A reason to doubt a companion’s sincerity.
- Dishes (stacked): A successful marriage
- Fish: A good-looking, sexually delightful lover
- Flute (playing): A lover with charm and charisma
- Ivy (clinging): A happy rendezvous
- Knot (tied): A nagging lover or friend
- Nuts (gathering): A favor from a lover
- Ocean (calm): Sharing time with a charming companion
- Quicksand: A deception or dangerous liaison
- Spider Web: A secure relationship and good home
- Thorns: A dissatisfaction with a relationship or barriers to be overcome
- Violets: A meeting with a potential long term mate
- Windows (closed): A friend or lover who deserts you
- Wolf: A betrayal
- Zoo: A love affair that has varied luck
The above reference is an abbreviated list of potential love omen in your dreams. Visit our sister site if you’d like an in-depth look at Dream Interpretation.
Pyromancy Divination for Love
“Before you leave, the fortune teller reminds you that the future is never set in stone.”
– Erin Morgenstern
Fire symbolizes love and passion. Consequently, the ancient art of pyromancy is a good vehicle for love divination. Begin with a fire made from either cedar, juniper, or sandalwood chips. When you ignite the fire, watch to see what happens. The behavior of the flames indicates your answer to your question as follows:
- Blue Flames: A relationship that undergoes spiritual or emotional storms
- Bright Flames: A relationship filled with healthy passion
- Burning with Two Points: A balanced relationship in which both parties are independent
- Burning with Three Points: A relationship vexed by a rival or through external interests, or one that requires the help of friends to get started
- Catching Fire After a Delay: A relationship that requires some nurturing and diligence to be successful
- Clear, Even Flames: A pure, even-tempered relationship
- Heart-Shaped Flame: A relationship filled with mutual love
- Not Catching Fire: A lack of interest or passion
- One-Sided Fire: A relationship that is imbalanced
- Pale Flames: A relationship that may prove unhealthy
- Ring-Shaped Fire: A relationship that leads to marriage
- Flames Rising Up, then Fading Quickly: A relationship that begins with intense passion but burns itself out
- Slow-Burning Fire: A relationship where taking your time results in long-term devotion
- Smoke without any Fire: A relationship filled with illusions, falsehood, and insecurity
- Smoldering Fire with lots of Smoke: A relationship in which one partner puts on facades, causing strife
- Sparks: A relationship with all the right kindling, but which may undergo some problems from hot tempers
- Spitting or Roaring Fire: A relationship filled with arguments as well as fiery passion
If you don’t have the suggested woods available, toss an herb, flower, or incense on the fire. Consider the magickal correspondences of the item you choose and select an item that aligns with your question’s energy. For example, rose petals or daisies are perfect for love related questions. As the wood, plants, or incense burns down, observe the smoke’s movements for divinatory messages:
- Smoke Hovering Around the Flame: is an ominous sign indicating a possessive lover or mate.
- Smoke Rising Straight Up: is a good sign telling you to move ahead with confidence while knowing the Universe sees and will address your needs.
- Smoke that Rises to the Right: is a sign love’s path will be smooth.
- Smoke Rising to the Left: is a warning to proceed with caution, or stop and wait for better timing.
- Smoke Rising, Then Dividing: indicates a good start to a relationship, but one where you’ll need to watch the road in the future; it could be bumpy.
Love Divination and Moon Lore
“The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The Moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.”
― Tahereh Mafi
The Moon’s Energy is something you’ll use in all types of magic. The Waxing Moon represents growth, full moon fulfillment, fertility, maturity, and the Waning Moon means closure. Esoteric traditions link the Moon with the Feminine, instinct, and intuition. A specific Moon phase, combined with moonlight’s association with romance, makes the Moon’s energetic signature the perfect agent for casting spells and making predictions about love.
Imagine planning a first date under a Waxing to Full Moon; it gives the relationship a better chance of being happy than one begun under a Waning Moon. According to ancient traditions, crescent moons increase personal beauty and endow the person with enough energy to maintain a healthy relationship. The Full Moon of May improves the fertility of a relationship and empowers relationship spells. The June Full Moon energizes all relationship magic while the Full Hunter’s Moon of October aids in the search for a life mate.
You can combine special lunar events with divinatory practices for the most excellent effect. For example, to know when you will meet someone special or get married, hold a silk scarf over a body of water with the full Moon of October behind you; the number of reflections on the water you see while viewing the scarf indicates the number of months you must wait. The latter technique is an Old English form of scrying.
When you do meet a potential mate, pay attention to the moon sign at the moment. It will help you predict the relationship’s course and the most positive actions you can take with the person of interest. In so doing, you’re using signs and omens with interpretative values stemming from Astrology, which you can also use for timing love spells and your divination efforts. Consider the following astrological influences when practicing divinatory arts:
- Moon in Aries: Take a chance! An Aries Moon enhances spells that help you make a choice. You can divine the answers to questions that will influence your decision.
- Moon in Taurus: Be cautious. It’s a bad time for drastic changes. A Taurus Moon enhances spells that deepen devotion. Divine the answers to questions with a focus on a relationship’s emotional, monetary, or spiritual security.
- Moon in Gemini: Accentuate playfulness and communication: A Gemini Moon enhances spells to rein in a fickle lover. Divine the answers to questions focusing on a mate’s fidelity and trustworthiness.
- Moon in Cancer: Keep emotions in balance. A Cancer Moon empowers spells to increase understanding. Divine the answers to questions where you need improved insight and perspective.
- Moon in Leo: Socialize and make a good impression. It’s a propitious time for a relationship to start. A Leo Moon enhances spells relating to glamoury. Divine the answers to questions for determining if a certain person is interested or elsewhere committed.
- Moon in Virgo: Make an intellectual connection. A Virgo Moon enhances spells designed to encourage a healthy relationship. Divine the answers to questions about when and where a good relationship will begin, or if a present relationship will improve.
- Moon in Libra: Emphasize friendship and mutual creative interests. A Libra Moon enhances spells designed to improve personal charm. Divine the answers to questions of friendship.
- Moon in Scorpio: Focus on family, but avoid arguments. A Scorpio Moon enhances spells designed to augment sensitivity between people. Divine the answers to questions about the home, domestic matters, or communication.
- Moon in Sagittarius: Be honest and thoughtful; break out of outmoded routines. A Sagittarius Moon enhances spells designed for the adventurous spirit. Divine the answers to questions in which you need to hear the whole truth.
- Moon in Capricorn: Be practical and tenacious. A Capricorn Moon enhances spells designed to increase self-discipline. Divine the answers to questions focusing on obstacles impeding a relationship.
- Moon in Aquarius: Socialize and listen to new ideas. An Aquarius Moon enhances spells designed to smooth love’s pathway. Divine the answers to questions providing wisdom and guidance on the next steps to take.
- Moon in Pisces: Seek advice and trust your instincts. A Pisces Moon enhances spells designed to cultivate spiritual love. Divine the answers to questions for improving your decision-making before you consider a leap of faith.
So Many Ways to Divine the Future!
As you can see, there are many methods for predicting the future, so if you find yourself struggling to find answers or insight using one way, you can always try another. Sometimes using one means of divination will take practice; the more you use the tools available to you, the more comfortable you’ll become. Remember, not every method of divination begins working immediately. Learning to interpret dreams may take longer than fire scrying or learning what lunar or astrological conditions reveal. The key to choosing the appropriate divinatory method for you is giving each technique a try out for size and allowing yourself adequate time to grow comfortable with the practice. You’ll find some methods work better than others, and there may be more than a single technique that appeals to you.
Visit our sister site if you’d like to learn more about the meaning and symbolism of Zodiac Signs.
Adapted from the “Little Book of Love Magic,” by Patricia Telesco. All Rights Reserved.