Spells for Abundance, Prosperity & Success using Candles

“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.”
– Margaret Fuller
Do the WAVE: The linguistic root of the word abundance means and wave. W.A.V.E in acrostic form equals Wealth, Abundance, Victory, and Empowerment. What wonderful goals for our magic! To have what we need generally leads to greater success and confidence.
Putting this another way: Abundant energy is like a swelling tide to the point of it overflowing. With that in mind, you have an opportunity here for mingling Fire and Water energies into your spellcraft.
Supporting Cast for Success Spells
There are a few things you can add to your spell that support this type of magical goal:
- Time your spells for the waxing to full moon, the season of Spring, or dawn
- Add aromatics such as sandalwood, ginger, or vanilla that support your goal.
- Use green candles (for growth, money), blue candles (for the “wave”), or gold or yellow candles (solar energy, prosperity).
- Apply other components and symbols like yellow apples, berries, seeds, and anything that reminds you of profuseness.
8 Day Abundance Spell
For this first spell, you’ll need seven light green candles (the color of new growth). You’ll also need something that symbolizes the area of your life to which you wish to bring abundance.
Put the symbol in the middle of a sturdy table. Starting on the day of a waxing moon, place one candle adjacent to the emblem and light it. As you set match to this candle say:
“Over seven days, this light shall shine;
Come the 8th abundance will be mine!”
Leave this to burn for a few minutes while you focus your attention on the symbol, then blow it out to release your prayer. On day two, put the second candle clockwise to the right of the first. Light the first and second candle (in clockwise order), repeating the incantation twice. Follow this process on days three through seven.
On day eight, the candles surround the symbol in a circle (representing completion). After lighting the candles take them to eight places throughout the house (to spread abundance) and let them naturally burn out. The symbol can be buried if it’s biodegradable (so the energy is nourished and grows) or it can be kept in a safe place until the spell manifests.
Edible Accomplishment Spell
Your components are a gold or yellow candle, a yellow apple, a pinch of ginger, one-half teaspoon. Vanilla, and a pat of butter.
Slice the apple thinly across the width so that you can see the natural pentagram on every slice. Put this in a greased oven pan, sprinkling the slices evenly with the ginger and vanilla and breaking up the pat of butter over the top. When you’re done, rub a little of the ginger and vanilla on the candle then light it saying:
“By this blessed candle’s light,
Accomplishment in every bite!
This apple I bake for success’ sake.”
Put the candle near the stove (but not so close that it melts). Bake the apple mixture at 300 degrees for about 20 minutes until it’s golden brown and tender. Cool and perhaps drizzle, with sweet cream (to encourage life’s sweetness). Consume expectantly. You can re-use your candle in future spells of this nature.
Moon Money Magic
You need a drip-less candle (your choice of color). Additionally, gather some potting soi1, a plant dish, the seed from any blossoming plant and a little water.
Wait until the moon is in the waxing to full stage. (Alternatively, wait until the Moon is in Taurus. Astrological almanacs contain his information.) Name the kernel after the area of your life that needs financial improvement (like an overdue car payment).
Place the seed purposefully in the soil. Add a little water, then secure the candle over the top, using the soil as the “holder.” Light the candle and repeat this incantation three times (to improve the body-mind-spirit connection):
“The seed of prosperity I sow, in rich soil you shall grow.
By the wick and the flame, when you blossom, prosperity I claim!”
Remove the candle and tend to the plant with loving care. By the time the kernel sprouts, you should begin to see a turn-around.
Based on “Mastering Candle Magic,” by Patricia Telesco. All rights reserved.