Birthday Blessings using Candle Spells

“You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.”
– Bob Hope
It’s Your Special Day: On your birthday you’re the most important person in the world. That day is certainly worth a moment’s pause for celebration and some magic. Blessing spells are something we forget to do for ourselves, and they are important.
Don’t forget to blow out the candles on your birthday cake with a wish. In Greece, this tradition began with the followers of Artemis who made moon shaped, candle-decorated cakes on her traditional festival day. When the candles went out, they released the wishes to the Goddess herself.
Spellcasting for Birthday Blessings
- Time your spells for first thing in the morning so they set the tone for the entire day. If that’s not possible, time the casting for when the moon is in Pisces or Taurus.
- Add aromatics such as hyacinth, elderflower, lavender, and lily of the valley (all of which encourage happiness).
- Use your favorite color candle, an astrologically aligned candle (if you’re a Pisces, for example, use Indigo or Blue) and/or birthday candles (of course!).
- Integrate other components such as your favorite cake, decorations, a party horn, upbeat music, or anything else with a celebratory feeling to it.
Birthday Spells
12 Months of Magic
For this spell, you’ll need twelve candles placed in a circle so they’re spaced out like the face of a clock. Dab each with a bit of your favorite cologne or perfume.
Beginning at the candle in the one o’clock position, light the candles clockwise saying:
“One month of blessings;
“One month of health;
One month of joy;
One month of wealth;
One month at home;
One month away;
One month of laughter;
One month to play;
One month of solitude;
One month of peace.
A whole year of magick, may it never cease!”
Bear in mind that you can change the last word of each wish to suit your circumstances better. Leave the candles to burn for one minute for every year you’ve been alive, then keep them for the following year.
When the candles finally start getting too small to use, light fresh tapers from them the following year and re-melt the wax, recycling it for something special.
TIP: You can perform this spell for a child every year, then give them the candles you’ve kept when they come of age.
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Health & Joy
This is an adaptation of the traditional birthday wish.
Take the birthday candles and dab a little culinary lavender oil on them. Lavender accentuates keen-mindedness. Arrange them on your cake and light them saying:
“Flower of blue… flower with a calming hue,
bring me joy, bring me peace,
good health and blessings n’er cease.”
Remember to focus on your wish while blowing out all the candles on your cake!
Blessing Your Candles
This spell focuses your attention on the candles you regularly use in magic. In this case, to take out those you want to use for your birthday spell and energize them.
Place the candles on your altar. Put your hands palm-downward over them. This action appears in many ancient traditions as part of blessings.
Visualize a bright light from overhead flowing down through your arms into the candles. Whisper a prayer to whatever vision of the God/dess you wish, asking for His/Her sanctification for these tools. Make the prayer specific so that it designates each candle’s role in your birthday magic. Continue until you feel the palms of your hands growing slightly warm. Wrap the candles in a soft white cloth (also good for polishing) until you need them that day.
Magical Self-Blessing
Rituals of self-blessing are very popular among Witches. We believe that to truly help others, we must first be whole in body, mind, and spirit. This means that regular blessings become a maintenance method with the goal of wholeness and ongoing rapport with Spirit in mind.
For this spell, any candle will do, but white is a good choice. Carve images of the types of blessings you wish to bring into your life over the next year along the length of the candle. Light the candle and concentrate on the first symbol. As it begins to melt, speak your prayer. For example, if the first symbol was a heart your prayer might be:
“God /dess bless my heart that I might develop greater self-love.”
Continue this way until all the symbols have melted. Put out the candle and light it the next time you need to manifest a few blessings quickly.
Based on “Mastering Candle Magic,” by Patricia Telesco. All rights reserved.