Using Zodiac and Moon Signs for Money Magic

“So few people admit to belief in astrology, but I am yet to meet anyone who doesn’t know their star sign.”
– P.K. Shaw
Astrology as a form of natural omen interpretation began sometime around 2000 BCE. That means modern practitioners have nearly 4,000 years of information at their fingertips when working with astrology alone or combined with other magical techniques.
Your Birth Sign and Money Matters
Now, only a handful of us have the time to sort through 4,000 years of information! To help with that this list provides an overview of general tendencies with money for each birth sign. Consider these propensities when handling any aspect of your finances. You can also think on special spells, meditations or rituals that off-set any negatives or strengthen the positives. For example, a Gemini might create a charm for herself that inspires wisdom with money.
The Aries personality wants to control the money in the house and will be adamant about this. Every coin goes through his or her hands before it goes elsewhere. The best way for an Aries to make money is either by selling personal creations or by vying for jobs that will eventually put you in a position of authority. Work magic that supports wise financial delegation. Your loved ones will thank you.
Taurus, although sometimes bull-headed about a budget, has a very pragmatic approach to finances. There will always be a sound budget in place and a bit of bumper room for emergencies. The best way for people born under this sign to make money is through an artistic outlet or a creatively-oriented job. Work magic that keeps you in tune with your trustworthy inner-accountant.
Gemini hates balancing his or her checkbook and really has no idea where that $25 went last week. Typically, no one should trust Gemini to utilize credit cards or cash responsibly because they use both like water, not really thinking much about the bills to follow. Nonetheless, people born under this sign can make money from writing, teaching or other challenging careers that keep them from getting bored quickly. Work magic that keeps money in your wallet or bank account, not in your eager hands.
One of the finest signs for solid finances on every front. Cancers win at bets, are wise with stocks, and know how to handle every portion of a home’s economics with a shrewd eye. The best place for Cancer to make money professionally is in a job that deals with the public, especially a public accounting firm or financial management company. Work magic that keeps your luck rolling.
Leos are great at working with financial changes. If something shifts suddenly, for boon or bane, you can depend on a Leo to find a way to work with that situation and come out shining. Professionally, Leos make the most money in highly visible jobs where they can be center stage, complete with a spotlight. Work magic that hones your intuition even further.
Virgo tends to be a bit impulsive with money, especially when it comes to philosophical investments. They feel that money spent on a good cause or for “brain food” is well spent, even if other things suffer a little. On the career front, Virgos quickly become prosperous and successful in jobs like detective work and politics. Work magic for more logical financial choices.
The Libra personality is not at all happy when finances start looking thin. This person wants security in black and white; no gray allowed. Consequently, Libras don’t enjoy having to confront people about loans (either asking for one or getting back monies owed). In business, Libras tend to fare well no matter the choice of profession, so long as they perceive the associated profession as staying on an even financial keel. Work magic that liberates you from insecurity when you honestly need help.
Scorpio goes to extremes with money. Either they’re spending every last dime and getting in debt or saving like crazy, with nothing in between. In other words, don’t ask a Scorpio to balance the budget! The best way for a Scorpio to make money professionally is through highly skilled, energetic work. Work magic for equilibrium: wants vs. needs.
Generally, Sagittarians are successful with money. Even when something goes awry, they seem to have a flexible nature that can recoup from losses gracefully and put windfalls to work. People born under this sign can make money in sports professions or in any job that allows them to provide insights and advice, which they have in abundance. Work magic so that you know when people abuse your good nature when your ship comes in.
Capricorns are excellent budgeters with patience akin to a saint. You want someone to barter or haggle for you? Find a Capricorn and get the deal of a lifetime even after paying a professional fee! In business, Capricorns excel in trade negotiations or anything that requires strong methodology, such as science. Work magic for your conscious mind.
You will rarely see an Aquarian remember to mark anything down in a checkbook. His or her approach to money will always be unconventional, such as betting on emerging stocks rather than something more stable. For money-making propositions, the Aquarian should look to the field of research and development or other cutting-edge businesses. Work magic for improved memory (wear rosemary oil).
Pisceans like security, being the motherly sort to begin with. They will nurture funds as they would any proverbial child. Nonetheless, if the decision about how money gets spent becomes a tug of war between head and heart, the heart will win every time. For work, Pisces should look to any career that stimulates the imagination, such as art and writing. Work magic for your own protection with finances. People know you’re a softie.
Although this is just a general list, it’s a good starting point. Besides getting to know your astro-self better, means you can seek out people with aptitudes you might be lacking for financial help! However, astrology doesn’t stop there.
Money and Moon Signs
Get yourself a good astrological calendar (one that lists moon signs, moon phases, transits, and so on). Before making financial decisions, changes or weaving any spells, consider the current and then determine your best course of action. The following will help get you started. When the moon is in…
Not a good time to make any financially risky move. While everything around you is rushing, you should probably wait and think things through thoroughly. Cast spells or work rituals for breaking down any barriers standing between you and success so that when this moon sign passes, you can act with confidence.
Do not make any dramatic financial changes until this moon sign has passed. Think, instead, of continuity and general maintenance. Work magick focused on your ability to follow through, which in turn leads to productivity and abundance.
Read over financial paperwork carefully, looking for fine print. Basically, the package you’ve been presented with may not be as good as you think. Also, be aware that communications about money may be awry. Consider working spells that keep both your checkbook and your perspective in balance.
Don’t let your heart lead your head concerning a financial choice. No matter how much you might want to help that good cause, remember the proverb that says that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Focus your magick on prosperity that comes from personal creativity.
[wisew_rectangle_large align=”left”]If a monetary opportunity comes your way, seize the day! The moon in Leo is very money- friendly. This is an excellent time to support your skills, knowledge, and prosperity goals with both mundane and spiritual efforts.
An excellent time to shop for deals and watch for unique opportunities. Also, don’t be afraid to spend a little money on your mental development. An overall good sign for any type of money magick.
If you’re thinking about investing in art, this is the best time to go looking. You will find a treasure that either pays off immediately or that builds long-term equity. Spiritually, meditate on improving your discernment of how you use money and how it affects your life.
If something looks too good to be true, it is! This is not a good time for making get-rich-quick deals or signing loan papers; for that matter, don’t sign any paperwork if you can avoid it. Magickally focus on protecting your resources and turning away any negative energy aimed your direction.
Something out of the ordinary might come your way, and if this happens, look at it with avid interest and close scrutiny. This may be an opportunity knocking! Just take care to be wholly honest in your deals and with your ability to follow through. Spiritually speaking, this sign supports goal-oriented magick.
Whatever personal ground rules you have for your budget and spending, stick to them wholly! Don’t look for the easy way out financially; let your hard work speak for itself! In spellcraft and ritual, work on developing a strong sense of focus, tenacity, and follow-through.
Social interaction may bring unexpected financial rewards. When this opportunity presents itself, however, don’t wait too long to jump on it; it’s short-lived, and delays will likely close that window firmly. In your sacred space, work magick that’s aimed at refilling the well of inspiration for everything you do.
When you find yourself wavering on a financial matter, stop listening to everyone else and key into your inner voice. It will not lead you astray. In fact, as well-meaning as friends and family may be, they could guide you in the completely wrong direction! Magickally speaking, this is a sign that represents the proverbial miracle. Wherever you need one financially is the area in which to direct your spells and rituals.