Scorpio Dates, Compatibility, Eminent Personality Traits, Symbols & More

“My birth sign is Scorpio, and they eat themselves up and burn themselves out. I swing between happiness and misery. I am part prude and part nonconformist. I say what I think, and I don’t pretend, and I am prepared to accept the consequences of my actions.”
― Vivien Leigh
Scorpio Dates
Scorpio Birthday: October 22 – November 21
Scorpio Month: October and November
The keynotes to the Scorpio personality include determination, adventure, charisma, compulsiveness, and secretiveness. Scorpios are also very strong-minded, sensitive, passionate, and goal-oriented. On their best days, Scorpios are trendsetters. There is very little that scares this sign. On bad days, Scorpios can become manipulative or vengeful, in part because they are intensely controlling. This sign has no patience for dullards, smooth-tongued devils, and questions that pry into very personal matters.
Scorpions are often misunderstood because they make other people uncomfortable. This sign shows us the shadows, the poisons that most prefer to ignore. This approach can be off-putting, but Scorpio truly means it as helpful and potentially healing in nature. Here’s more information about your sign:
The month of October gets its name from the Roman word for 8. Numerology tells us the number eight symbolizes prosperity and all manner of abundance. This is undoubtedly true of most Scorpios. They know how to make and protect a well-padded nest egg from smart business ventures.
November follows with the Roman word for nine. This digit represents knowledge, and the ability to rise up even after devastating set bags. Nine is a number that speaks of Scorpio’s desire to make an important, lasting difference in the world.
Scorpio Sign Eminent Personality Traits & Characteristics
You will never find a truer companion than a Scorpio, nor a more honest one. The Scorpion has a fantastic sense of humor, intense energy, assertiveness and a life-long student of all things mysterious. It’s not surprising to find those born under this sign drawn to occult studies like astrology and alchemy, and in fact, many find jobs in these areas.
If you need someone to keep a secret, tell it to a Scorpio. Not only will they have firmly sealed lips but manage to deter questions calmly. The Scorpion has an innate awareness of universal order, and use that awareness in making sound choices. No matter what, never fib to a Scorpio. They will never forget, and forgiveness is slow in coming.
Adventure & Entertainment: Scorpios don’t relish sports or athletics unless they’re highly competitive and challenging. When traveling, think exotic and enthralling (like a mystery-thriller train ride), and for reading pleasure get suspense thrillers or dramas.
Hobbies: Some Scorpios throw themselves into philosophical studies. While that may not seem like a hobby, they can fill long hours with good books and be perfectly content. If they do decide on other hobbies, there has to be some challenging element. This Scorpion wants to win! Perhaps archery or cliff diving. Alternatively, they may seek out enigmatic pastimes like treasure hunting.
Scorpio Pets: People born under the sign of the Scorpion want a pet that communicates their wants and pleasure in some way. This creates the foundation for strong emotional attachments. It’s not surprising that many are attracted to a snuggle cat, and may enjoy that kitties companionship more than many humans. The cat doesn’t have to be fancy, just wholly imprinted on their owner. There’s no question that this cat is one very pampered puss!
Scorpio Compatibility
- Scorpio and Aries: There is a vast amount of energy in this relationship, in fact too much. This couple is bound for an explosive existence, and not in a nice way.
- Scorpio and Taurus: The Scorpio-Taurus connection is the whole proverbial enchilada of relationships. There’s love, passion, drama, insight, and power. When kept in balance, this is a great partnering.
- Scorpio and Gemini: This partnership often comes about as a karmic lesson or a hang-over from a past life issue. You wouldn’t normally think of these two as an ideal couple, but as friends, they offer a lot to each other.
- Scorpio and Cancer: Cancer and Scorpio have a very difficult road ahead. The commitment to abiding love on both sides is the only way to make this work.
- Scorpio and Leo: Scorpio and Leo face similar struggles as those of Scorpio and Cancer. There is a lot of intensity here. The best means of success is finding mutual goals and sticking with them.
- Scorpio and Virgo: The biggest challenge for this couple is that of overcoming those dark rain clouds that hover over both signs. That brooding can spiral into mutual depression, sucking the life out of that great sex.
- Scorpio and Libra: These two have a rather unique sex life that both enjoy. They just have to take care of becoming too independent from each other.
- Scorpio and Scorpio: The mirror of self can be harsh and unforgiving. That’s this couples’ problem. Both reflect each other’s negative features, which can lead to offensive words. It takes a heaping portion of sensitivity to make this work.
- Scorpio and Sagittarius: All is fine and good until both parties realize that their expectations for this partnering are very different and not terribly realistic.
- Scorpio and Capricorn: When Capricorn comes into a Scorpio’s life, its a great growth-oriented experience for both people. They will find something greater together than they ever would achieve alone.
- Scorpio and Aquarius: The difficulty with this couple is that they’re both stubborn, wanting the other person to do all the changing. This wears thin very quickly.
- Scorpio and Pisces: Just keep it real you two. No need to be the day to someone’s night. Settle on noon together and enjoy your love.
Scorpio Love & Sex: You cannot hope for a more sensual partner than a Scorpio. Intimacy is their middle name. In relationships, the Scorpion needs a bright mind and a trustworthy soul. These are not people who jump into love. They want to be sure, taking baby steps in building a sound level of communication and mutual respect. Once in love, they are dedicated as the day is long, and rarely (if ever) stray.
Being the partner of a Scorpio is often surprising. They seem so staid and cool during daily life, but in the bedroom that demeanor comes off. Emotions pour out like a flood. Their passion is so intense that words seem inadequate qualifiers. That sensation always rumbles inside a Scorpio, and sex is where it explodes. They love experimentation and excitement for both parties.
Scorpio Family & Friends: Once you set your sights on something specific, it’s likely you’ll follow through 150 percent! So, why not use that upbeat, positive energy to do something good for someone else? You can get involved in special charitable functions or community service, and these are ideal places to let your talents shine. By the way, the elderly or housebound could benefit from your natural empathy too. Scorpios tend to be “born old.” Your honesty, warmth, and realness appeals to the elderly and can give them a lot of happy moments that might have otherwise been spent alone.
Friends always find the Scorpio very fair and loyal. They’re funny and enjoy having a good time with a few close companions. You will rarely find your Scorpio boring – they’ll surprise you daily with ideas or actions that you never see coming.
This sign of the Zodiac cares about family and strives for authenticity in that circle. The Scorpio’s word is their bond. Everyone in your family unit knows of your devotion and helpfulness. The only time this ceases is when someone breaks their word.
Scorpio Symbol & Planet
Scorpio Symbol: The image for Scorpio is a Scorpion with its stinger. That aspect of the illustration infers the highly sexual nature of those born under this sign.
Scorpio Ruling Planet: Pluto: This planet rules all things having to do with magic, the occult, and other metaphysical topics. Until 1930 when Pluto was discovered, Mars ruled Scorpio, reflecting their bravery in battles.
Scorpio Element: Water – In Scorpios, the water element reaches deeply into the psyche, especially hidden sides of life and existence. It’s not surprising that this sign is not afraid of wading through mud puddles (or whole pools) to reach a goal.
Scorpio Colors & Numbers
Scorpio Colors: Your power colors are absolute black or vibrant red, and in combination—can you say wow! Also, crimson, burgundy, and maroon (to show off your passionate side).
Scorpio Lucky Numbers and Days: 2, 4, Tuesday
The number 2 represents partnership, peacemaking, and general loving nature. In the Tarot, it is the glorious High Priestess with all her power and authority. She is intuitive just like the Scorpion. 4 provides the Scorpio with stability, a great work ethic, and reliability that is legendary. It’s not surprising that 4’s Tarot Card is the Emperor, giving Scorpio its strong, brave core.
Tuesday is named after Tyr, the Norse / Germanic God of combat. He was fearless and sacrificed his hand to leash Fenrir wolf who, at the world’s end, will consume Odin.
Scorpio Crystals
There are a variety of sacred stones associated with Scorpio. One is the Rhodochrosite that balances out the intense emotions inherent in this sign. Scorpio can wear citrine to increase their fortitude even further. Sodalite calms the high-vibration of Scorpio’s body and “busy brain” and amethyst is a recommended talisman for Scorpions to soothe their weary brow.
Scorpio Physical Traits
Many Scorpios have dark hair, usually brown. Their skin may have a slight olive tint to it, as if slightly tan. The Scorpio face has strong feature, with an angular shape, a strong chin, and dark, brooding eyes. Even with all these complimentary features, you will never be able to tell what’s going on in Scorpio’s mind with a simple glance at their face or body language. Hint: Don’t play poker with a Scorpio.
Body Tips: Scorpio rules over the genitals, meaning you really have to be careful to discriminate between real feelings versus hormone-inspired charges (especially until you’re about twenty-one). Take a deep breath and think seriously before diving into anything for which you might not really be ready.
Scorpio-born people love food, but it can often be their undoing health wise. When they worry, they eat and end up with indigestion. Additionally, Scorpio has to learn to tame their intense work drive and stop for rest. Your sleep disorders stem from too much stress.
Clothing & Jewelry: Wear things that make you seem even more mysterious than the Scorpio personality projects already. Don’t let anyone predict you or pin down your style. Electric metallic fabrics, sunglasses, unique shirts that make people wonder “what’s that about?” are all perfect for your personality.
Through the week – Start off your week with a subtle look using elementary colors. This improves the Scorpio secretiveness, and no one will have a clue what statement you’re making today (when, in fact, it’s none at all!). Tuesday is an excellent time to break out a high-quality item that’s classic year after year, with strong lines. Wednesday let your inner artist play a little Think of your wardrobe like a canvas today and paint how you feel.
By Thursday black is back! Be it shes, pants, jacket, tie or boots black is one color Scorpio rocks any time of year. Friday, enjoy a little of that sex appeal in the way you dress (within reason). Maybe wear a tight top that shows curves under a jacket that you can toss over your shoulder later at the club.
For the weekend your comfort clothes are soft and pleasing to the touch, but also practical. When going on the town, pick out your favorite sultry ensemble and wow them!
Aromas that accent the positive: For relationships, use basil or patchouli. Otherwise, try geranium, hyacinth, and fresh-picked woodruff.
Scorpio Career & School
You’re mystical and magnetic, hardworking, and sometimes very demanding (especially with yourself). While you’re still in school, see if you can’t apply that energy to some volunteer work in keeping with your personal career goals for the future! These types of efforts make for great resume builders, provide job skills, and help when you’re competing for awards. Additionally, you may find that some types of service like Greenpeace or the Peace Corps could allow you to reach out far beyond your backyard to other parts of the world!
Career-wise, Scorpios can manage anything, especially creative endeavors. They also enjoy positions that feed a very-hungry mind. Examples include research, science, psychology or being a detective.
Scorpio Money Luck
For you, money is a means of obtaining control, security, and most of all a sense of freedom. You’re more than happy to work hard and give up a few things if it gets you closer to those goals. Scorpio generally sticks to the budget like glue, enjoying that sense of control. Investment isn’t something done regularly unless it’s been well-researched. Instinct is your best ally here. You also always have a “rainy day” fund stashed somewhere safe.
Luck for Scorpio comes from their natural intuition. If something’s going wrong, a brief check of the psychic self-help center can turn things your way. Moon and star-shaped jewelry (particularly if made in silver) act as good luck charms for this sign.
Famous Scorpio Personalities
- Leonardo DiCaprio
- Hillary Clinton
- Bill Gates
- Caitlin Jenner
- Prince Charles
- Marie Curie
- Puff Daddy
- Calvin Klein
- Emma Stone
- Julia Roberts
- John Adams
- James A. Garfield
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Warren G. Harding
- Robert Louis Stevenson
- Voltaire
- Pablo Picasso
- Jimmy Kimmel
- Whoopi Goldberg
- Marie Antoinette
- Madame Curie
- Carl Sagan
- Alfred Wegener
- Edwin Hubble
- Mikhail Kalashnikov