Sagittarius Dates, Compatibility, Eminent Personality Traits, Symbols & More

“Sagittarians are aliens disguised as humans.”
– Ramana Pemmaraju
Sagittarius Dates
Sagittarius Birthday: November 22-December 21
Sagittarius Month: November and December
The keynotes to the Sagittarius personality include an optimistic outlook, honesty, willpower, tolerance, and a great love of nature. The Sagittarius personality often boasts a contagious sense of humor, empathy, and charm, but also requires a lot of activity to keep that upbeat demeanor going.
Sagittarians are the gypsies and wanderers in Western Astrology. Those travels are not merely whims, however. The Archer drives himself in seeking out the truth wherever it may lie. Along the way, they gather knowledge that helps answer some of those nagging personal questions. It is not surprising to find Sagittarian born folk drawn to spiritual pursuits or philosophical studies. Where else does one begin discerning the meaning of life? That doesn’t mean the Archer relinquishes logic. This sign prides itself on clear thought and global awareness.
November begins the late-year holiday season in many cultures (even though the actual Celebration may differ). It’s a time for “intake” – reaping. For the Archers born in November, this represents an excellent opportunity for internalizing all that knowledge you’ve gathered recently. November gets its name from the Roman number 9, as it was originally the ninth month. In Numerology, nine represents wisdom and intelligence, wholly in tune with Sagittarius.
December’s name is also numerical, meaning 10. Ten symbolizes independence, determination, personal confidence, and willpower. The most significant holiday in December is the Winter Solstice, a celebration of light. This month is about the promise of tomorrow and all the new adventures awaiting for our Archer.
Sagittarius Sign Eminent Personality Traits & Characteristics
You would be hard pressed to find a skittish Sagittarius. Confidence is the Archer’s middle name, trusting that his aim will always stay true. Sagittarian-born people are open-minded, curious and adore the freedom of the road. No matter what the Archer encounters, she always seems to make the best of it.
If you have a Sagittarius in your life, be aware that they are as direct with words as they are with their bow and arrow. This sometimes feels harsh, but it is the complete truth to the best of the Archer’s knowledge, which is something on which this sign prides itself.
With a keen mind, Sagittarius measures all manner of philosophical ideas and outlooks and can speak on them with ease. No matter the doctrine at hand, the heart of the Archer holds plentiful helpings of generosity.
Adventure & Entertainment: Sagittarians love reggae, calypso, and other rhythmic sounds. For some outdoor activities, how about an old-fashioned hike in a nearby forest? This is an all-weather adventure that generally requires nothing more than a backpack, proper clothing, and good shoes! It also appeals to your love of the outdoors. By the way, when time allows for any type of travel, definitely go for the slower transportation options, like boat and train. Sagittarians generally want to experience everything fully—it’s all about the journey, not necessarily the destination.
Hobbies: The Archer’s hobbies reflect a passion for risk. Diving deep into an underwater treasure cavern, skydiving and extreme sports appeal to you. Travel is certainly high on the list of preferred hobbies for the Sagittarian. The more exotic, the better – gravel roads, jungles, ancient monuments, wild cuisine – they get your heart racing. The Archer’s passport NEVER expires.
Sagittarius Pets: Being on the road, the Archer needs animal companions that are pretty independent. Fish certainly fit the bill, but generally, this sign likes fanciful fish, not just garden-variety guppies. This could lead to a saltwater tank, but only with the caution, there’s higher maintenance involved (i.e., teach a friend how to care for it while you’re on the road). Turtles and lizards might also be good choices. They’re quiet and will enjoy savoring the simple home provided for them.
Sagittarius Compatibility
- Sagittarius and Aries: When this pair discover similar convictions and visions they can make a pretty amazing pair, particularly in manifesting combined goals.
- Sagittarius and Taurus: Two kind-hearted souls filled with joy. If they have synchronized bio-rhythms and don’t get tired of what can be a nearly syrupy love, this works.
- Sagittarius and Gemini: This couple needs little more than a shared glance for processing an entire conversation or mutual joke. The Sagittarius-Gemini link very animated.
- Sagittarius and Cancer: A great mental pairing, but physically not even a little flicker (a shrug and “meh” is more like it). Still good potential for a high-brow working partner.
- Sagittarius and Leo: These two look so strong and sure on the outside, but they’re really old softies. When they meet that gentle middle ground and combine it with creativity and sensuality – wow!
- Sagittarius and Virgo: Nope, not happening. Even if there is a moment of puppy love, this coupling typically cannot survive their differences.
- Sagittarius and Libra: At first contact these two have an immediate intimate attraction. They both crave intimacy. No matter the future plans, if you want a steamy playmate, you have it.
- Sagittarius and Scorpio: Not usually a very successful long-term prospect. Both parties have definite ideas about what their partner should do and be, and those rarely match.
- Sagittarius and Sagittarius: A total whirlwind of not knowing what comes next, but oddly fun and filled with childlike love (if only for a season)
- Sagittarius and Capricorn: This couple represents the “builders” of the Zodiac. They combine vision and strong protective instinct in creating something really amazing both in love and life.
- Sagittarius and Aquarius: If you ever need inspiration, hang out with these two. They always seem filled with energy and ideas, with a foundation of strong, steady feelings.
- Sagittarius and Pisces: There are certainly some differences here for our couple, but they have Jupiter on their side. This plant supports an upbeat, joyful relationship.
Sagittarius Love & Sex: When A Sagittarian has an open-minded partner there is no end to the playful nature of sex. The Archer expresses himself lovingly and enjoys diversity. That’s a great foundation, but those born under this sign also expect faithfulness and loyalty along with a quick wit.
Sagittarius can be a bit pie-in-the-sky with love, falling for someone that they can never have. They may simmer with longing for some time before snapping out of it and seeing what’s right in front of them. That longing may lead to imagining with another partner, which isn’t necessarily “cool” unless that person doesn’t mind role-playing.
Once in a sexual relationship, your Archer is still going to want some solitude. That time away allows for re-grouping and coming up with even greater ideas and dreams. Upon their return, they may behave as if they have no particular desires, which is somehow alluring.
Sagittarius Family & Friends: Sagittarians need a lot of change to keep them happy. In particular, adventure, moving, and travel all hold great appeal. With this in mind, you may want to seriously look into taking trips with family and friends over winter, spring, and summer breaks or finding other ways to “see the world.” The only caution in traveling with others is that your Sagittarius personality is prone to possessiveness. You are also sometimes overly blunt to the point of hurting others, even when that’s not what you meant to do. So, in any on-going interactions, periodically take “down time” alone to decompress.
Friends of the Archer find themselves laughing often and just enjoying his company. Sagittarius has many non-romantic associations, all of whom have high energy and a sprinkle of genius. In the family unit, the Archer remains devotes so long as that circle doesn’t try to restrict her freedom.
Sagittarius Symbol & Planet
The symbol for Sagittarius is that of an arrow pointing upward. This symbolizes the Archer’s goal of ever reaching higher and expanding his or her horizons.
Sagittarius Ruling Planet: Jupiter. Jupiter was the Roman King of the Gods, and the Archer sometimes seems like he likes that Noble standing. They like taking on strong leadership roles where they can enjoy a little self-indulgence while garnering admiration.
Sagittarius Element: Fire – It’s an element that’s is very difficult to control. Its intensity and direction changes with the wind. This too is the Archer. Sagittarius goes from one proverbial flower to another, rarely becoming nostalgic. The Archer’s fire can also sometimes burn when they become verbally combative.
Sagittarius Colors & Numbers
Sagittarius Colors: Midnight blue or royal purple (anything regal). For good luck, cream and light orange also work.
Sagittarius Lucky Numbers and Days: 5, 7, Thursday
Five is the dynamo of Numerology, filled with energy and a love of freedom that mirrors that of the Archer perfectly. Five has humor, smarts and tons of worldly experience. Seven is the seeker, always thinking and reaching for the next tidbit of yummy mind candy.
Thursday receives its name from Thor, the Norse God of Thunder. A red-headed fiery force, Thor had a sky chariot that carried him from place to place, a movement that the Archer would crave.
Sagittarius Crystals
Turquoise is a great choice, as it provides you with an improved perspective. It’s the birthstone for December, and it also provides luck. Other fortunate sacred stones for Sagittarius are topaz and pearl.
Sagittarius Physical Traits
Archers tend to be tall with warm, welcoming faces. Their hair is a thick brunette or light brown, and you sometimes seem clumsy even when moving gracefully. The Sagittarius face is oval with bright, happy eyes. Some of the most pleasing features on Archers of both sexes are their long waists and attractive backsides.
Body Tips: This sign rules over the hips and thighs, so find a way to accentuate those parts of yourself. Wear hip huggers and a really handsome belt. This is also your center of gravity … and wearing something weighty in that region helps the Sagittarian to feel focused even when on the move.
Healthwise, try to balance your craving for fatty foods and beverages (that eventually land directly on your hips). Look to hot spices, fresh fruit, oats and green vegetables.
Clothing & Jewelry: Since Sagittarians love athletics and tend toward a high-paced lifestyle, dress with your activities in mind. Wear shoes that allow you to hit the floor running (literally) and various types of sportswear that you find comfortable. By the way, comfort doesn’t mean boring—bright colors suit your outlook and keep you vibrant.
Through the week – start out Monday with a splash of color and contemporary style. You don’t need to worry about how others see you. Please yourself. Tuesday bring out the sporty Sagittarius – perhaps khakis, tennis sweaters and a dashing scarf. Wednesday direct your attention back to your shoe shelf. Guys, tennis shoes, dashing boots, or maybe basic leather. Ladies kick it up with something comfortable, playful and a little sassy.
Thursday seems perfect for your “boho” day. If an adventure is on the horizon, this outfit can go from the office into your suitcase in moments. By Friday the game is on! Geometric prints against something both fashionable and straightforward should do nicely. And for the weekend? Jeans, tees, shorts, capris – anything that you can rest or run in! By night go with your dark color palette that screams class.
Aromas that point out the positives: For relationships, use dandelion or hyssop. For personal aromatics, look no farther than the pantry, for nutmeg, clove, saffron, and rosemary.
Sagittarius Career & School
In High School, the Archer might think about becoming an exchange student. This is a great way to experience other cultures firsthand, with all the flavor and intensity Sagittarians love. Ask your guidance counselor about the options offered by your school along these lines.
In looking to the future, any traveling you did during your teen years provides global insights into people and situations. You can apply this wisdom and your personable nature to positions like counseling others, selling any services or products in which you believe, researching nearly any topic (hey, knowledge is power), or maybe even becoming a travel agent so other people can enjoy all the adventures you did! If you can find a career along these lines where travel is required, all the better. You will always be happier on the road and moving toward new horizons.
Sagittarius Money Luck
Whether things are good or not so good, you tend to see the bright side. Many people born under this sign have uncanny luck with finances. While you may never really worry about money, you have this sense that everything will work out (as it usually does) and would much rather focus on other matters.
Archers do tend to be risk-takers, but with a caveat. They plan those risks, particularly with investments. They also know when to divest themselves of stocks, bonds, etc. when the lucrative nature wanes. With the Sagittarian opportunity is the name of the “luck” game.
Famous Sagittarius Personalities
- Walt Disney
- Emily Dickinson
- Beethoven
- Frank Sinatra
- Jane Fonda
- Woody Allen
- Bruce Lee
- Seven Spielberg
- Sammy Davis, Jr.
- Jimi Hendrix
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- Tina Turner
- Mark Twain
- John Milton
- John F. Kennedy Jr.
- Joe DiMaggio
- Katarina Witt