Pisces Dates, Compatibility, Eminent Personality Traits, Symbol & More!

“Pisces are the great chameleons of the Zodiac. They often survive through the art of camouflage. Well, doesn’t Water do that? Bodies of water take on the qualities and characteristics of their surroundings, the climate zone, etc.”
― Genevieve Vierling
Pisces Dates
Pisces Birthday: February 19–March 10
Pisces Month: February-March
Dear Pisces, you have a very big heart that often overwhelms your head. (Yes, I know people tell you that all the time, and you’re probably tired of hearing it!) This makes almost all your relationships really intense—sometimes good and sometimes bad. There is very little middle ground for people close to you: You’re either dissing them or applauding. The good news is that the people who you love, know without a doubt that you do so completely. This is also true of anything that you care about, be it sports, art, or a political ideal. When you care about something, you wrap yourself into it and rarely let go. Here’s more information about your sign:
Pisces are born in late February and early March. In Latin the word Februaris means purification. This ties to the Roman tradition of focusing on virtuous living. Considering that January started off with plentiful partying, those born in February might want to focus some of their spiritual efforts toward cleansing negative energy out of your life.
For those born in March, this month is named after the God of war – Mars, This God was very important to Roman Emperors in that he controlled the aspects of Heroism, successful battle and the noble fight for country and family. Pisces born in March have a bit of that fighting spirit in themselves. Pisces are born in late February and early March.
Pisces Sign Eminent Personality Traits & Characteristics
Pisceans are very social. They have a great capacity for compassion and wisdom. Because of their empathy, Pisces often retreats to regroup his or her energy. In the Zodiac, the fish come out on the side of romance, art, and spirituality. They have no patience, however, for cruelty or feigned knowledge.
As a water sign, it’s not surprising that Pisces jumps into the pool to rescue someone, even if it’s over their heads. The intuitive nature of this sign makes it hard to fool them. The Fish need that gut awareness as people sometimes try to abuse their generous nature.
Pisces Adventure & Entertainment: Romantic, dramatic, and imaginative books and movies capture the Pisces attention very quickly. Your musical tastes tend to be eclectic— everything from movie themes to Gregorian chants! For sports, trust in your fishy nature and go swimming, water skiing, or surfing.
Pisces Hobbies: True to the symbol of the fish, any water-related activities are welcome. They also enjoy a good book, joyful dancing, mood music, and creative cooking.
Pisces Pets: There isn’t a furry face that the Piscean doesn’t love. Every stray would be part of her home if possible, but you may have to limit the capacity! And as the sign of the Fish, a wonderful, whimsical aquarium would not be unwelcome. Saltwater fish offer more color (like the clownfish) as do living rocks like coral and sponges.
Pisces Compatibility
- Pisces and Aries: Both have distinctive voices, and both need quiet regularly. Unfortunately, the timing rarely works out. If they are lucky and the stars align so that both signs know each other’s rhythm, this makes a creative team
- Pisces and Taurus: Is a dream come true, complete with poetry and whimsy. This is a loving match even for a short connection.
- Pisces and Gemini: Is similar to Taurus in that some discover true love instantly. However, they usually find themselves at odds when it comes to decisions.
- Pisces and Cancer: Exude emotions. Both fall in and out of love easily. For this relationship to last, it has to stay fresh and real.
- Pisces and Leo: Is a difficult relationship. The Lion roars into the Pisces whimsy and thereby undermines their sense of security. Even in friendships, trust is difficult and must become the “earned” part of the relationship.
- Pisces and Virgo: Is challenging to say the least. In this relationship, you must release your idea of the “perfect” mate. Over time the two can find a deep emotional connection that can withstand high ideals.
- Pisces and Libra:Face similar struggles as a Virgo connection, with the problem being disrespect on both sides of the Zodiac isle. Until they bridge that gap, this relationship just spins its wheels in mud.
- Pisces and Scorpio: Connection is one without words. They love very deeply. The only caution is not playing the role of devil’s advocate in each other’s lives.
- Pisces and Sagittarius: Is a fun-loving relationship. They’re highly social couple who fill the world with a sunny outlook.
- Pisces and Capricorn: Can do quite nicely. Capricorn offers stability and Pisces motivates. If these two have a shared spiritual vision, it will be quite lovely.
- Pisces and Aquarius: Has strong connections that comes through the mutual ruling planet of Neptune. This relationship has all the earmarks of a “happily ever after” story.
- Pisces and Pisces: Is a relationship filled with romance and a deep sense of belonging. This is not a love filled with fire, but rather the tenderness of water. They may join Pisces-Aquarius in the fairy tale ending.
Pisces Love & Sex: Flowers? Chocolates? Serenades? Pisceans eat it up! When a partner shows affection, it is always returned. In sex, the Fish is filled with passion so long as there is a real soul-connection between the two. Every part of the sexual experience focuses on the needs and wants of their partner. If the Pisces is your partner, remember they don’t like taking the initiative, even with their willingness is obvious.
Pisces Family & Friends: Unfortunately, the Piscean tendency toward extreme love and passion can mean stubbornly holding on to those things that may not be really good for you. It often happens when someone points this out to you, proud Pisces says, “I don’t think so!” Keep this in mind, especially when family and friends are trying to help. It doesn’t mean you have to take their advice all the time, but at least try to listen with a more open mind. Remember: You’re a Pisces, not a Taurus. You don’t need to be bull-headed. Release, listen, consider, then decide.
Along the same lines, your natural creativity often means you’re a daydreamer, which can get you in trouble. People tell you to get your head out of the clouds when they don’t understand the amazing things you see there. Nonetheless, tighten up your mind, and know that you really have the power to make life what you want it. Once you find the right outlet for all that creativity, you’ll be incredibly successful, and some of those daydreams will come true.
Pisces Symbol & Planet
Pisces Symbol: The Fish: Pisces is depicted as two fishes on one string. The two make somewhat of a yin-yang symbol by swimming in opposite directions. This represents both balance and duality.
Pisces Ruling Planet: Neptune. This planet rules our dreams and intuitions. People born with Neptune as a ruling planet often gravitates to Witchcraft, magic, the occult, and mysticism. Additionally, Neptune creates a very philosophical outlook combined with keen perception.
Pisces Element: Water – The element of water stresses intuition and sensitivity. This element is all about emotion, compassion, healing, and understanding.
Pisces Colors & Numbers
Pisces Colors: Your power colors – All shades of blue and purple please the watery Pisces, but most find purple the predominant hue for energy. Another good color is sea green.
Pisces Lucky Numbers and Days: 2, 6, and Friday. In numerology, 2 represents harmony and partnership. Two is a peacemaker and uniter, which sums up Pisces pretty well. Number 6 is sometimes called the “motherhood” number. Six works cooperatively with two encouraging balance, personal culpability, and spiritual love. Friday wraps this all up in a bow from the Goddess Venus, filled with romance and creativity, and a sprinkle of happiness for good measure.
Pisces Crystals
Lucky stones include amethyst, blue lace agate, and fluorite. Also, anything that comes from the sea (shells, pearls) accents your dreamy, imaginative nature.
Pisces Physical Traits
The Pisces eyes are like priceless gems. They light up when you smile – complete with dimples. Everything you need to know can be read in those eyes.
Your skin and hair tend toward a healthy glow and delicate feel. Height wise many are short and have larger than normal shoe sizes.
The fish are fragile creatures. They do not manage stress well and often take longer to recuperate from an illness. The physical weakness of Pisces rests on their feet. Fish simply were not made for land!
Body Tips: As a Pisces, your power is in your eyes and feet. You can charm, taunt, teach, and tell whole stories with nothing more than a glance. You can also readily walk away from those things that seem uninteresting, unhealthy, or just plain dumb. To accentuate your eyes, choose a variety of colored sunglasses. Dark ones mean business. To anyone looking at a Pisces wearing these (especially on a cloudy day), they say: “Stay away; I’m not in the mood!.” Bright colors imply that you’re happy and ready to have some fun. Rose-colored glasses are great for when you only want to see the best in everything around you or to lift a gloomy mood.
It’s very important for you to wear good shoes. As a Pisces, you’re bound to have regular bouts of insecurity or uncertainty. Strong, sturdy shoes give you a greater sense of physical balance, which also translates into metaphysical reality. These shoes don’t have to be drab. Dress them up and let them communicate what you may not be saying in your words! A well-supported set of heels on young women says, “Look and appreciate, but don’t touch without permission! If you do, the heel will end up in your face!” Sneakers imply that you’re ready to run or walk on the wild side and are just waiting for a good opportunity.
Clothing & Jewelry: Pisces are very free spirits who like to have clothing that’s as free and unconstrained as their imagination. While some people might look at you and wonder about the fashion statement you’re making, you know exactly what you want to say and how you want to communicate it through your wardrobe. Nonetheless, everyone has days when they’re not feeling wholly “on.” This is the time to get a little outrageous and daring. Mix colors and textures. Be playful! And look to lightweight fabrics that will keep you feeling unconfined and independent.
Regarding daily wardrobe tips, on Monday, go with silver or white highlights to honor the moon, which is important to Pisceans. On Tuesday, you can turn to yellow hues to improve your ability to connect with more logical matters, like studying. Wednesday is a fire day—wear orange or bright yellow and put all that energy into your favorite pastime. Thursday turns your attention to those things you hate doing but have to anyway. Wear a color that keeps you on task. Friday is the heart day for Pisceans, and you will inevitably feel more of everything on this day of the week. If you feel sad when you wake up, go for something bright to lighten the mood. If you’re overly happy to the point of distraction, tone it down with dark accents. And, since Saturday and Sunday are the weekend—hey, wing it! Pisceans love spontaneity.
As a hidden statement add various aromatics to accent the positive – a little dab will do it. For relationships, try hyacinth and jasmine. For yourself, look to lily, ylang-ylang, apple, and ambergris, or anything that reminds you of the sea.
Pisces Career & School
Pisces are very creative, which will make or break your educational focus. Some apply this creativity for success, while others find it downright distracting. If you are in the second category, you can turn things around without losing that spark. For one, try surrounding yourself with the aroma of rosemary and toning down the wardrobe a bit so you look and feel more serious. For another, experiment with a variety of educational paths until you find the “right” one. Typically, the first career a Pisces thinks he or she wants disappears in college, and a better life path appears. Once settled into a study, Pisces feel best in a position where their creative skills will come to the fore, even better.
In the work-a-day world, the imaginative nature of Pisces makes them somewhat unconventional. They prefer “freelance” style work over a regimented routine. And, in many cases, it’s good for a Piscean to work alone. This tunes out other voices so he or she can hear the Higher self clearly. If they do choose working at a company, they’re very aware of the environment around them, and particularly co-workers feelings. Pisces cannot work with hardened people with no sense of humor or whimsy.
Occupational ideas that fit Pisces are advertising rep., attorney, architect, veterinarian, musician, social worker, teacher and game designer.
Pisces Money Luck
Pisces have a tendency for dreaming big, but having no foundations for that fiscal or career goal. You’re also not patient about getting results and walk away from an opportunity that’s just about to knock. Fortunately, you always have some money in reserve. You need that sense of financial security.
The Pisces intuition comes in handy, often bringing good luck. The key here is trusting that inner-voice, avoid the turnabout. Good news is that no matter the way the winds of fortune blow, Pisces adapts.
Famous Pisces Personalities
- George Washington
- Edward Kennedy
- Prince Andrew
- Frederic Chopin
- Andrew Lloyd Weber
- Sir Elton John
- Smokey Robinson
- Michelangelo
- Auguste Renoir
- Sidney Poitier
- Jackie Chan
- Robert Downey Jr.
- Jennifer Love Hewitt
- Harry Belafonte
- Liza Minnelli
- Albert Einstein
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Steve Jobs
Based on Works by Patricia Telesco. All rights reserved.