Libra Dates, Compatibility, Eminent Personality Traits, Symbols & More

”No need to give Libra orders. They won’t obey them anyway.
– Anonymous
Libra Dates
Libra Birthday: September 23-October 22
Libra Month: September and October
Libra represents the eternal partner of the Zodiac, never really liking aloneness. Libras seek strong, long-term relationships that provide harmony and joy to both people. Additionally, as can be deduced from the symbol of the scales, Libras continuously struggle for balance and order. When these cannot be established, the typically easy-going demeanor of the Libra goes by the wayside until the situation is resolved.
Libras make good leaders. They’re just and outspoken, but sometimes that becomes that voice becomes excessive. This is true of many Air signs. They shout instead of whisper. Nonetheless, Libras have impressive charms that endear them to many. Here’s more information about your sign:
September was once the 7th month of the year as indicated by the Latin root word septem. October has a similar struggle being named 8, even though it’s the 10th month on the modern calendar.
For most families, these months mark the start of a new school year where a whole new set of juggling takes place in and around the home. Libras born in either month need a lot of energy to balance all these tasks without stretching themselves too thin. A word of advice: prioritize.
Libra Sign Eminent Personality Traits & Characteristics
As you might expect from Scales, Libra loves peace and harmony. They will bend over backward trying to please everyone, which is indeed an impossible task. The word “no” isn’t really part of their vocabulary as much as it should be.
One of the struggles you may have if born under this Zodiac sign is seeing only what’s on the surface. Yes, that guy or gal looks amazing, but who are they really? Your other challenge has to do with uncertainty. Sometimes you step back, exchanging pleasantries for fear that you may do or say the wrong thing. People can use that fear against you trying to impress their views in an influential way.
On the plus side, Libra is ruled by Venus, meaning you have a strong romantic bend. You dream of meeting that perfect someone, and may truly believe in love at first sight. In conversation you are also quite the diplomat, presenting things in a pleasant, just way.
Adventure & Entertainment: Most Libras enjoy physical activity but are often carried away by fads, so think before you leap into that next tai chi class or set of roller blades. Really, what you want more than the adventure is socialization, which is highly entertaining! Anything you enjoy doing is much better when you have a companion. For reading, mushy romance novels seem to be the genre of choice, whereas movies run the full spectrum so long as you have someone with whom to watch them.
Hobbies: Libra enjoys the arts and often develops one for personal enjoyment. They may take up choir, play music, try their hand at painting or even explore intuitive dance. A favorite pastime for Libra is shopping, specifically for beautiful items for your home or a decadent addition to your wardrobe.
Libra Pets: Whatever pet a Libra chooses you can bet it will be visually stunning. They prefer a social pet (vs. standoffish) so cats might be tricky. Libra wants a cuddle buddy that responds instinctively. When a cat doesn’t quite cut it, as an Air sign, Libra might truly enjoy a bird. In particular the more vocal breeds like a Blue-Fronted Amazon or Yellow Naped Amazon, the Hill Myna, or African Greys, Bear in mind that birds, especially large ones, have very distinct needs and you’ll have to equip your home accordingly.
Libra Compatibility
- Libra and Aries: There are no barriers that can withstand the love in this union. Both parties are full-on concerning commitment and mutual effort.
- Libra and Taurus: This couple struggles for connection, seeing love from very different standpoints. Friendship is usually a better option and more easily sustained.
- Libra and Gemini: These are two odd birds, who are not exactly sure how to nest together. It can happen, but only through complete transparency.
- Libra and Cancer: The Libra-Gemini connection has strong emotions when these two are together, but they also have no issue being apart and exploring their independence.
- Libra and Leo: These two make sensational business partners, being creative and respectful. If they can bring that same dynamic to a relationship, it has longevity.
- Libra and Virgo: There is too much head and not enough heart in this equation. Both become impatient waiting for that nuance that seems slow in coming.
- Libra and Libra: The propositions here are iffy. Both people yearn for that perfect puzzle piece. They’re certainly kind about their approach, but in the end, intimacy often lacks.
- Libra and Scorpio: Whoever coined the idea of “dark” love was talking about Libra and Scorpio together. Both have extreme sexual needs, and if those aren’t met, they go their separate ways.
- Libra and Sagittarius: Where there’s a spark, there’s often fire. These two definitely work in the bedroom, but the rest of the relationship depends heavily on the rest of their personal Zodiac chart.
- Libra and Capricorn: When the stars shine on this couple at just the right time in their lives, you’re looking at many years of happiness.
- Libra and Aquarius: Opposites in nearly everything in life. One likes it hot, the other cold. One wants it tidy, and the other never touches a sock on the floor. Stick to a head-level association.
- Libra and Pisces: The Libra-Pisces connection (if one happens at all) comes thru the ruling planet Venus. If nothing else these two can enjoy a lovely sexual connection that’s mutually satisfying.
Libra Love & Sex: If any sign represented marriage or long-term partnership its Libra. The Scales search for compatibility. They want happiness, harmony, and hope and will give 100% toward keeping their relationships on solid ground.
In many ways, the relationship roadmap for Libra depends on the route they lay out. They like having some type of framework in which each person has a role to play, complete with safety precautions. Connections don’t come easily for the Libra-born. The only person to whom they truly bear their soul is their chosen partner.
As you might expect with someone focused on bonding, sexuality is all about bringing two into oneness. Libra commits to the physical act completely and expects that his partner will do likewise. This can’t be a time when one person nudges the other into an agreement. That simply will not do, and won’t come close to fulfilling the Libra spirit. Details matter as does a proper amount of quiet bundling afterward.
Libra Family & Friends: Librans are fantastic diplomats; they constantly seek harmony and understanding. This either endears them to people or infuriates folks. While Librans are sociable, cheerful, and charming people, indecision is a huge problem for them. They dislike taking sides. This, again, is where having a divination tool like the coin or another binary system (yes—no, stay— go) comes in handy. It will help when you’re really stuck. Better still, once you’ve made a choice, it makes everyone else feel better—as yours is typically a deciding vote
If your friend is a Libra, you will be center stage. Be aware that your Libra will often have high expectations and you have to tell them to tone it down. They also require a good ear when measuring their choices. You will find that providing active listening improves your relationship with this person.
Family for Libra can be down-right daunting. How do they choose between a sister or mom? The dynamics of close relationships worry Libra because they detest conflict. Often when a heated discussion arises, Libra simply slips away to a private spot until it blows over.
Libra Symbol & Planet
Libra Symbol: Artistic renderings of Libra show equally weighted scales, representing symmetry and fairness.
Libra Ruling Planet: Venus: Venus brings love and desire into the Libra equation, but for them, this emotion is more an ideal vs. raving passion. Libra’s love of all things beautiful also stems from Venus’ influence.
Libra Element:
Air: There is no question that Libra is unpredictable because they vacillate between two options, trying to make everyone happy or get equal footing in a situation. Unfortunately being an Air element means that some of your actions seem blustery while others merely stop from indecision.
Libra Colors & Numbers
Libra Colors:: Royal blue and rose pink (and when one is balanced against the other the results double). Pale tones of these two, in particular, seem to calm the Libra’s aura and provide a little more clarity.
Libra Lucky Numbers and Days: 6, 9, Friday
In Numerology, six is as harmonious as Libra wishes to be. 6 is very caring and nurturing. It also seeks to protect the family and the community. Sometimes all that involvement seems meddlesome, and sometimes 6 just gives too much hoping to “fix it” even when woefully broken beyond repair. Nine has similar tendencies toward the love language of service. When Libra does “good,” there’s no thought of reward. It’s just the right thing at the right time. Nine is usually pretty easy going, but when really pressed, there is untapped power there.
Friday gets its name from the enigmatic Norse Goddess Frigg, who presided over marriage and fertility. Frigg could see the fates but chose to keep most of that knowledge to herself. Libra certainly relates to the marriage aspect of Frigg and a little of that secretive nature that’s used for self-protection when the Scales disagree with a popular viewpoint.
Libra Crystals
Your lucky stones are opal and chrysolite. You might also want to carry one black and one white stone in your power pouch to accent the Libra sense of symmetry.
The birthstone for Libra is Peridot. This sacred crystal comes in various tones including a lovely yellow-green, often used by students as a charm. The best thing about Peridot for Libra is that it keeps your Heart chakra on an even keel.
Libra Physical Traits
The Libra face and body both have symmetry. The entire package simmers with charm, including a wisp of curly hair on the forehead that never stays in place. There’s a dimple in every Libra smile, and often on the chin which has a V-shape. No matter their disposition, the face of a Libra always seems cheerful.
Body Tips: Libra rules over the backside and kidney area. Since you like physical activity anyway, find an exercise that works in that area. Regarding the kidney’s in particular, avoid too much red meat and drink plenty of water. Fresh vegetable juice makes a great purifier. Many people born under this sign struggle with stress-induced lower back pain. This is the time to back down on the sugars and do some calming meditations.
Clothing & Jewelry: Libras have a great deal of self-confidence physically, and that shows in the way you present yourself. Quite honestly, you can turn heads wearing a gunnysack, let alone something you really like. So, rather than fussing every day, just pick out your clothes a week in advance and line them up in the closet. It will alleviate a lot decision making. During your fun, free time wear clothes that show off your belly button—it’s bound to catch some admiring glances!
For some specific ideas in your daily wardrobe, Monday is a good day to play with opposites. Put a fanciful top over a very prim and crisp bottom piece, for example. Blazers always come in handy. Tuesday use your “go to” outfit – you know that one thing that you just love for its versatility. If it’s blue or ivory, even better. Wednesday we move into accessories with some bold bling. Now, as a true Libra, you won’t put this with similarly embellished clothing. The background for your bobbles is sleek and demure.
Thursday, let your romantic nature evidence itself. Think a bit of luxury without too much flash. Remember you can look fantastic without killing your budget. At the end of the week pick out something that can go from the office to the dance floor, like an ensemble in grey, black or navy to which you can add a fresh pair of shoes or other touches on the way out.
Weekends are very different for Libra. You don’t keep a bunch of jeans or sweatpants around. Even when relaxing you want something that’s ready for anything. Hey, you never know. Whatever you choose, it’s sure to have that pulled-together impression.
Libra aromas that accent your style: For relationships, bergamot or geranium are ideal. Additional scents that support your positive attributes include vanilla, daffodil, geranium, and pine.
Libra Career & School
Libra personality may find himself or herself pulled in two directions at the same time, and always by equally appealing choices. This inner battle gets tiresome, especially in school where people are constantly presenting them with options. To help make decisions without waffling, get a coin minted in the year you were born and keep it in your locker. When you feel vacillation setting in, flip the coin. If the head side comes up, it means your initial “gut” instinct was a good one, so follow it. If the tails side comes up, stop where you are. This is the “just don’t go there” signal.
Libras can struggle with work because they prefer ideal environments in which to apply themselves. Nonetheless, as a seeker of truth and justice who enjoys a good exchange of ideas, advisory positions, or those requiring negotiating skills, are well suited to Libra sensibilities. Look at a career path in law, counseling, or something similar.
Libra Money Luck
Libras love comfort and luxury, and, consequently, they’re often short on money, having spent it on the latest acquisition. Don’t take out car or college loans unless you have someone better with the budget than yourself to help keep the bills paid on time. Otherwise, pay cash!
Luck is somewhat elusive to a Libra because they just can’t make up their mind. If making a bet, they second guess it ten times first, and even then might walk away altogether. When Libra ignores any “fortunate” potential in a matter and just goes with the flow, that’s when luck comes. A good amulet for Libra’s serendipity is a piece of Jade. This helps when evaluating options, which is exactly what Libra needs.
Famous Libra Personalities
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Will Smith
- Aleister Crowley
- Sigourney Weaver
- Brigitte Bardot
- Julie Andrews
- Arthur Miller
- Simon Cowell
- Ronald McNair
- Jim Henson
- Augustus Caesar
- Oscar Wilde
- Kublai Khan
- TS Eliot
- Groucho Marx
- Francis of Assisi