Leo Dates, Compatibility, Eminent Personality Traits, Symbols & More

“Dating a Leo is like dating the head cheerleader in high school, there’s a bit of an intrigue about someone like that who would actually date a mortal.”
— Chrissy Stockton
Leo Dates
Leo Birthday: July 22–August 21
Leo Month: July and August.
Leos love the spotlight and have the necessary personal charisma to take on public roles with seeming ease. Just like kings and queens of the concrete jungle, they are very determined, which allows them to accomplish almost anything to which they set their minds. In fact, the bigger the project, the better, for these fiercely status-oriented lions.
Leos are among the most loyal of friends and companions. No matter how sticky the situation, your Lion will pull you through it. Just do not take advantage of such kindness. If they discover such unfaithfulness, it will be more than just a roar you meet.
It is interesting that both July and August are named after renown Roman Leaders, Julius and Augustus Caesar. These historical figures created the calendar system we now utilize. Both were energetic statesmen being articulate, cunning and shrewd administrators. Their strength, renown and might through the ancient world certainly suits the Leo personality perfectly.
Leo Sign Eminent Personality Traits & Characteristics
The worse parts of the Leo personality profile come in the form of inflexibility and arrogance. They also get very grumpy if they feel ignored. This can often be overlooked, however, thanks to the Lion’s infectious joy and passion. They are creative, funny and so charismatic as to be nearly irresistible.
Leos attract numerous friends who appreciate the lion’s generous nature and leadership ability. This Zodiac sign can gather a group of very different people and focus them successfully on one great cause.
The Fire aspect of Leo gives them a warm heart. Even when their dramatic ego screams, there is still a sensitive side to this pussycat. The main caution for them is avoiding admiring their own handiwork too much and incurring jealousy or scorn.
A “nesting” place is essential for Leo. They don’t necessarily stay in that spot for long periods, but it is where a Lion licking fresh wounds recoups. When they reemerge, they will have the same dignity and bravery as ever.
Adventure & Entertainment: Dramatic or romantic— and very little in between—pleases the Leo’s need for entertainment. Concerning adventure, if you’re going to travel it’s in style (nothing goes unattended). Musically, you like artists who show longevity (none of these two-day, knock-off boy bands for you)! And, in sports—nearly anything goes. You love a good, fair competition.
Hobbies: For hobbies they’ll look to things in which they feel expressive and accomplished. Think ballroom dancing, ice skating, martial arts, and adventure sports.
Still, there is a time and place in Leo’s life where a “hobby” means taking a well-deserved nap in a sun puddle or engaging in a quiet game of chess with a friend. In either setting, there will be some form of luxury afoot (perhaps the food choices or furniture).
Leo Pets: A cat, of course. Now, this isn’t just any cat. Leo is going to want a pure bread like a Birman or Russian Blue. These and similar breeds are not only beautiful but smart. They also develop strong attachments to their human counterparts, which is something Leo desires. Should a Leo opt for a dog instead, it’s still going to be a champion in one way or another, perhaps a show dog that can prance beside the Lion in the judging ring.
Leo Compatibility
- Leo and Aries: When Leo and Aries remain devoted to each other you get one of the warmest relationships for which either could hope. Both want to build a firm foundation for the future and have enough passion for the long haul.
- Leo and Taurus: The Leo-Taurus relationship is filled with fire and sensuality. The love here seems unending. Pace yourselves and move forward.
- Leo and Gemini: Watching this couple is like observing an adult game of Follow the Leader. Typically the Lion heads the pack, with Gemini gleefully urging them on with all manner of fun ideas.
- Leo and Cancer: Not the best choice for longevity. Water and fire signs rarely play well together. Leo’s fire gets Cancer all steamed up, and Cancer’s water douses Leo’s enthusiasm.
- Leo and Leo: The caution with two Lions in one space is battling for attention and the upper hand. If both Lions can give each other a unique space to shine, they can do well.
- Leo and Virgo: For business, sure Leo and Virgo can work together, particularly on very rational projects. In love, they simply do not cut it.
- Leo and Libra: If Libra shows the Lion respect and that is returned by Leo appreciating Libras responsible nature This could become a very enjoyable and creative pairing.
- Leo and Scorpio: You have two very intense personalities here. Leo and Scorpio manage best when they have several mutual goals that they can manifest together.
- Leo and Sagittarius: This connection is strong and filled with emotion. Both partners here have to remember that no matter what’s outside, you two have an inherent softness. Be gentle.
- Leo and Capricorn: Two huge wills in one space is quite the challenge. The success of this couple depends heavily on giving a little leeway, then working together.
- Leo and Aquarius: This is a power couple with a capital P. Erotic, wistful and downright steamy comes to mind. They literally ooze sexual attraction toward each other.
- Leo and Pisces: The Pisces psyche and world outlook are far too fragile for the Lion’s intensity. Pisces never feels secure or that the Lion truly understands their feelings.
Leo Love & Sex: As a Fire sign, there’s no question the Lion has sincere feelings and passion. Toward a chosen partner, Leo shows kitten-like playfulness and enjoys cuddling. They think about their loved one in every stage of the relationship be it a word over breakfast or a hot roll in the hay.
Leo seeks out self-aware partners who aren’t afraid to express themselves. They also want someone fun-loving, adventurous and filled with energy. Leo values intimacy, and not just physical. Focus on that emotional connection with your Lion for greatest success.
Leo Family & Friends: Despite their driven personality, Leos are warm and approachable, making them well-loved by many. The only real problem comes when their integrity is questioned—and then watch out. The inner lion will roar and bite the person perceived as being the source of the accusation (whether or not they’re the actual source of the statement or rumor). When this happens, Leo should stop and take a breath and make sure their anger is being directed accurately, or they may end up damaging a friendship forever.
With their inner circle of friends, Leo shows great commitment. They love helping people and don’t make offers without following through. The Lion always creates grand celebrations with their friends where they can show off decorating or cooking skills while socializing.
With family, Leo always puts their own first. Protecting that pride is nothing less than essential.
Leo Symbol & Planet
Leo Symbol: The symbol for Leo shows the male of a lion and a heart in two pieces. The heart symbolizes the romantic nature of Leo, balanced against their sense of self-importance.
Leo Ruling Planet: The Sun. The sun symbolizes the individual, particularly our sense of self. Leo has very lofty ideas about their role in this world. The Sun also provides the Lion with a pretty hardy body.
Leo Element: Fire – the element connects us to the Sacred Masculine or Yang of the Universe. Fire is active, bright, energetic and excitable. Fire needs an appropriate container so it doesn’t impatiently jump right out and burn someone. Fire brings clarity and idealism. Leos are candid and won’t tolerate lies gracefully.
Leo Colors & Numbers
Leo Colors: Since Leo is ruled by the sun, look to golds, bronze, and orange hues to really energize that lion-heart.
Leo Lucky Numbers and Days: 8, 9, and Sunday
In Numerology, the number eight focuses our attention on the mundane elements of our life, particularly our careers and money. In a personality, 8 brings out a balancing attribute. The Lion will always tell you when you’re out of your comfort zone and heading into danger. I also represents intelligence, facilitation, and a drive for success. Just like Leo, 8 comprises authority and power.
Number 9 speaks to us of love and faith. Those born under Leo have a tremendous capacity for love so long as its earned. Nine also reflects the generous nature of the Lion, inner strength, leadership and loyalty as well as their romantic inclinations.
Sunday bespeaks of good fortune, confidence, clarity, health, and self-expression.
Leo Crystals
Tiger’s-or cat’s-eye (of course), and also sunstone. These all please the Lion, who loves a little flash, but it also empowers the solar aspect of your sign, giving you greater presence and control. Your birthstone is Ruby, representing contentment and power.
Leo Physical Traits
Any Leo you meet seems to have a twinkle in their eye like they know a secret. Their posturing speaks of that dramatic outlook. The Lion is typically good looking with a very expressive face. Eye color may be hazel or blue, and their lips always have an implied smile.
Leo’s stand tall, but even if shorter than average they quickly garner the attention of any room. A sensitive would tell you that Leo’s aura enters a space long before they do.
Body Tips: Leos are very body conscious so it wouldn’t surprise me if you already have a workout program. Just be aware that not everyone is as physically competitive as you, and don’t think less of them because of that. Also, Leo rules over the back, so make sure you pay particular attention to strengthening that region in your exercises and remember to visualize a sparkling white light pouring into your mane from above. This improves confidence and also brings protective energy to bear.
Clothing & Jewelry: It’s a natural tendency for Leos to primp and preen. They flourish in bright, bold colors, sassy clothes, and anything else that draws attention. The more expensive, the better, but on your budget that’s not always possible. So, find other ways to jazz up your clothes with small, vibrant accents.
Through the week – Start off on Monday with the warm tones suited to your sign. Think soft gold and yellow with a hint of orange thrown in for good measure. Just avoid dark clothing – that’s going to put you in a bleak mood all week. Tuesday turn the energy up a notch with something trendy, vibrant and bold. Wednesday is trinket day and boy do you love gold pieces! The bigger, the better. Combine these with an animal print somewhere in your attire and let that Lion roar.
Thursday go with your mood. How do you feel? Interested in that faux leather jacket that makes a fine cut? Or maybe something softer for your inner kitty. End the week on a cheerful note. Get creative and put together an ensemble that no one’s seen you in before.
On the weekend, you’ll generally reach for very lush casual for lounging around the home. If you’re going out, show off your physique with clothes that accentuate all your best attributes.
What’s Leo’s secret scent? For relationships, use sage or marigold. For personal aromatics, consider scents that are fiery like you—orange, frankincense, cinnamon, and ginger are four examples.
Leo Career & School
Seeking attention as you often do can be bothersome to others. Your natural charm and charisma will work for you without your pushing yourself on people. In fact, being a little aloof presents an air of mystery that makes people curious. Know your jungle, pace it out, but remember that you’re not really the ruler here—just a very intense guest.
As one might expect Leo slides into leadership like a perfectly fitted glove. They want to be busy so having authority provides that. Where ambition and optimism come into play is Leo’s domain. Using investments to establish and run a charity would be one good example.
Leos also do well in jobs where they work with what most of us consider luxury items, like owning their own antique or designer clothing shop. Finally, because of the Lion’s love of the spotlight—any entertainment field is also a great place for Leos to shine.
Leo Money Luck
In particular, Leo excels in financial ventures, having amazing luck with money (and loving the glow of coins). They are also resourceful, knowing how to balance out even an excess of spending or losses. With this in mind, those born under this sign would do well to develop investing and entrepreneurial abilities early in life.
The only caution is being aware that a Leo’s idealism, generosity, and pride can sometimes undermine his or her goals. Idealism puts on “rose-colored glasses” toward situations that could use scrutiny. Generosity may lead to having hard-earned money go out without expectation of a solid return. Finally, pride works hand-in-hand with a Leo’s ideals, as they want to be in control, decisive, and expect that others to follow. This means any financial decisions require slow, patient consideration rather than a lion’s pounce.
Famous Leo Personalities
- Madonna
- Sandra Bullock
- Jennifer Lopez
- Robert Muller
- Amelia Earhart
- Princess Margaret
- Hulk Hogan
- Halle Barry
- JK Rowling
- Norman Lear
- Louis Armstrong
- Lucille Ball
- Mick Jagger
- Barack Obama
- Lucille Ball
- Madonna
- Helena Blavatsky
- Alfred Hitchcock