Cancer Dates, Compatibility, Eminent Personality Traits, Symbols & More

”Cancer is a sort of mental archaeologist, always digging for more fascinating facts.”
― Linda Goodman
Cancer Dates
Cancer Birthday: June 22-July 22
Cancer Month: June and July
Cancers can be very successful, insightful, creative, and good leaders. Nonetheless, the key quality of the Cancer personality is not being outgoing but delighting in the simple pleasures of home and family. Cancers like retreating into their shells. For this sign, nothing is more highly prized than household harmony.
Generally speaking, Cancer people are very complicated. They’re highly emotional and have no issue showing when they’re crazy-happy or incredibly sad. Despite this roller-coaster ride, Cancers will do anything for the people in their lives. Here’s more information on your sign:
The sign of Cancer begins in the later part of June. As the traditional month for marriage, love is in the air. It’s named after the Goddess Juno who oversees nuptials and happy relationships. This suits the Cancer personality perfectly. Their hearts are always filled with love.
Moving into July, we come to the “dog days” of summer in the Northern climes. The birthstone for this month is a Ruby, representing the contentment that Cancer craves.
Cancer Sign Eminent Personality Traits & Characteristics
If you have a friend who seems to know things without being told, he or she is likely a Cancer. They are very observant, picking up little cues that others miss. This is a sign common among notable psychics and fortune-tellers, based heavily on their keen intuition.
When you first meet the Crab, you may find them off-putting. It takes a while for Cancer to emerge from that safe shell. And the minute they sense displeasure or criticism, they duck right back in.
There is no question that Cancer is the lead home-body of the Zodiac. No manner of adventure brings pleasure more excellent than that of hanging out with friends and family in their own backyard.
Adventure & Entertainment: Romantic books, happily-ever-after movies, retro music, and eating out are all high on Cancer’s list of enjoyable activities. Concerning sports, look to swimming or other aquatics.
Hobbies: For hobbies our Cancer has a green thumb, an eye for decorating and a fantastic palate for cooking. Some like creating collections that fit neatly into the home like antique furniture or coins.
Cancer Pets: The Cancerian likes to fuss about the house, and everything should always seem pristine. That means low-maintenance pets like a guinea pig or hamster. They are clever enough for entertainment and cuddly enough for gentle adoration.
Cancer Compatibility
- Cancer and Aries: Aries is way too impatient for a Cancer’s tastes. If friends, the Cancer-Aries connection needs firm boundaries on both sides of the equation.
- Cancer and Taurus: This couple shows great promise for blossoming into not only a marriage but a very happy family. Intimacy and mutual discernment drive this love forward.
- Cancer and Gemini: Cancer and Gemini make better playmates than they do partners. Both have very refined ideas about expressing emotion and passion that rarely click.
- Cancer and Cancer: If you can handle the tidal wave of emotion in this relationship, fine. Otherwise, you may become exasperated by your partner.
- Cancer and Leo: Fire and water don’t mix. This relationship might work ok as friends, but in love resolving differences is very difficult.
- Cancer and Virgo: If these two open themselves up to each other, this has wonderful potential for a happy ending. Cancer’s planet is the Moon, filled with romance, and Virgo brings Venus into the picture.
- Cancer and Libra: This is an odd partnering. Both signs need breathing space regularly. So, the emotional connection must develop rather quickly in “together” times.
- Cancer and Scorpio: These two fall very deeply in a kind of love that’s rare. The only problem is that it may not last. If this relationship fails, the lasting pain will be undeniable.
- Cancer and Sagittarius: Superficially you would think this is an easy match. Both signs are smart and have similar ethics. However, for some reasons this little spark fizzles for lack of attraction.
- Cancer and Capricorn: This is a perfect pairing for those who love family and who have a curious nature. This couple sometimes consider themselves mated in previous lives.
- Cancer and Aquarius: This isn’t the dynamic duo regarding romance, in part because they are very different people. If they search for similarities, however, this could go long-term.
- Cancer and Pisces: There is no lack of emotion in this bond. Love seems to come of its own accord. The key for this couple is being truthful and changing things up from time to time.
Cancer Love & Sex: For Cancer, sexuality goes hand in hand with love and devotion. Passion has its own proverbial altar in this home. The Crab will never rush the physical, looking for intense sensuality. When this happens, it brings Cancer to “life” and puts a spring in their step.
There can be no sex without love, and no love without fidelity. There is no compromise in this. Cancer needs to trust their partner wholly. If they have that assurance, their partner always receives special attention. Giving of themselves is one of the love languages for the Crab.
The only problem is that Cancer’s choice in bedfellows does not always return their efforts 100%. That leaves the Crab, well crabby and frustrated.
Cancer Family & Friends: On the positive side, Cancers make generous, protective friends and family members. You are always there to lend a hand when people need you, and God/dess forbid anyone hurts someone you care about. That’s when the Crab comes out with claws open for a fight.
On the downside, because of the strong Water element here, Cancers have a tendency to be overly sensitive, emotional, very stubborn, sulking, and vindictive (none of which usually provides the results you want). You laugh easily, cry easily, get hurt easily, and when faced with not getting your own way, you’ll want to retreat into your shell until you’re ready to play or work again. This shell often equates to a secret place—a spot near the water where you can heal and refresh. If you don’t have one already, find one.
In a family unit, Cancer is a wonderful mother or father with strong traditional values. Family-first is not an issue here. The Crab will put everything on hold to resolve an issue at home that’s upsetting the delicate balance there. Oh, and be ready for dozens and dozens of pictures. Keeping mementos is natural to such a sentimental creature.
Cancer Symbol & Planet
Cancer Symbol: If you look at the symbol for the Crab it appears to be the number 69 sideways. This represents the crab’s claws or female breasts (Cancer is very closely associated with the Sacred Feminine).
Cancer Ruling Planet: Moon: The moon waxes, wanes, disappears and returns. That dramatic transformation is really at the heart and soul of Cancer’s changeable moods. The Moon also provides a chameleon-like vibration for the Crab. They adjust their aura based on the emotions surrounding them.
Cancer Element: Water: Everything about the Water element has a home in the sign of Cancer. Water flows. Sometimes it is on the surface, and other times it moves deep. Water heals, shows compassion and emotes with full-on honesty. Many people born under this sign find themselves attracted to beauty in many forms because of water’s influence.
Cancer Colors & Numbers
Cancer Colors: Silver, pale blue, and sea green (or anything else that reminds you of the moon or water). Also light violet, peach, and mint.
Cancer Lucky Numbers and Days: 3, 7, and Monday
Three is the number of harmony in body, mind, and spirit. Three is an imaginative number, often ascribed to talented artists. Three is a numerological dynamo!
Numerology tells us that 7, by comparison, reflects the introspective nature of the Crab along with refinement, wisdom, and focus.
Monday draws us back into lunar energy (the Moon’s Day). Monday can be as erratic as a Cancer’s feelings.
Cancer Crystals
Your birthstone is ruby, but as with other signs you can utilize nearly any red or pink stone to accent the best of the Cancer attributes. In particular, an agate with this hue draws good fortune. Also, moonstone is an excellent choice because of its association with water (When you can’t get close to a pond or ocean, use the crystal as a calming influence.).
Cancer Physical Traits
Cancers are small in stature (or at least they feel that way to an on-looker) This sign doesn’t like drawing too much attention and its reflected in their body or stance. Both men and women tend toward thin arms and legs. Like the Moon, their eyes, face and even their body look round. And no matter what they are doing, the Crab’s lips look they’re always grinning quietly.
Body Tips: Cancer rules the stomach (and sometimes your stomach rules you). It’s not uncommon for Cancers to have a passion for good food, even if it’s food that’s not really “good” for you. So, do watch what you eat and consider a good holistic exercise program that fits into your schedule.
Clothing & Jewelry: rends don’t faze the Crab in the least. You want to wear what you like, and what feels good. You have clothes that are tattered and torn, but you can’t bear to part with them and would rather shop secondhand than spend a fortune on something new. Be aware; however, that comfort doesn’t mean you have to give up looking good. Dress up your wardrobe with wraps or jewelry, especially anything with pearls in it.
For wardrobe tips, start out the week with simple clothing that makes you feel centered and calm. This can be the most emotional day for the Crab, so avoid the mascara girls! Tuesday is the day to feel pretty or handsome. Put on that lace-adorned dress or top. Guys, pick out that power tie. Anything that has the color orange in it improves the evenness of your aura throughout the day. Wednesday is for celebrating your Water Element. Go with fluid pieces. Guys, no shirts buttoned up to your nose.
When Thursday rolls around, play with your accessories. Moonstone jewelry always flatters be it a tie tack or ring. Opals are another option, looking very much like a full moon. Friday, keep it fresh with all natural fabric clothing. Play with a nautical theme.
For the weekend? It is time to pull out that very comfortable, costly work-out suit. Toss that aside later for a night out, kicking up your heals in a high-fashion way.
Your hidden surprise – aromas accenting the positive: For relationships, agrimony, or jasmine work well. For yourself, look to scents aligned with the Water element, such as lemon and lily.
Cancer Career & School
In their youth children have a hard time getting on the bus that first day. Attachment to home and family is very strong. In the learning environment, they’re shy, fearing whispers and giggles. Even so, Cancers often end up with followers as a result of their natural charm. This can be difficult as you’ll want private time regularly (and, even then, people “find” you!). Trust those instincts. If you have one social outlet (like the swim team), that will probably be enough.
As an adult, Cancer is a very devoted worker. Even so, they have no trouble putting that job down at the end of the day. Their office has family pictures everywhere and probably a cup reading “world’s greatest parent.” Cancer does not adapt readily to change. A very dependable job makes them far more content. Looking to the future, the Cancer love for food might lead to a career as a chef. Alternatively, Cancers tend to feel strongly about their country and often go into public service (like the military or politics). A good third option for any Cancer is a career that either involves working with money (accounting, banking) or keeps them near the water, like marine biology or professional water sports.
Cancer Money Luck
Cancers are very adept at both making and managing money because they treasure security. With this in mind, combined with your homebody nature, you would do well to look into various “backyard” tasks through which you can earn some fun money. Depending on your living environment, there are plenty of possibilities. Sit down with your family and discuss what they want and need, then bargain out a price in typical Cancer manner! Also, open a bank account so you can put that money to work for you.
Luck for the Crab comes when they think outside the box. Cancer seeks out good fortune, it doesn’t come to them otherwise. A talisman that the Crab can carry for good luck would be a sturdy seashell.
Famous Cancer
- Nelson Mandela
- Robin Williams
- Tom Cruise
- Cyndi Lauper
- Princess Diana
- The Dalai Lama
- Michelle Kwan
- President Bush
- Priyanka Chopra
- Malala Yousafzai
- Vin Diesel
- Harrison Ford
- Sir Patrick Stewart
- Helen Adams Keller
- Carlos Santana
- Edgar Degas
- Red Skelton
- Dan Brown