Aries Dates, Compatibility, Eminent Personality Traits, Symbols & More

”Aries individuals need to be first, but they will want you to be a passenger on their adventure ride.”
― Lynn Hayes
Aries Dates
Aries Birthday: March 21-April 19
Aries Month: March and April
Being the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries tend to want to be at the head of the pack. You are always first in line at the cafeteria or ticket booth, and the first person to try new things. Better still, Aries make great leaders. When there’s a tough project or critical game coming up, you’re the person everyone wants and needs on their side, because you have an uncanny knack of overcoming the odds.
Aries begins in the latter part of March, named after Mars, the war God. What many do not know is before he turned to war Mars actually had ties to agriculture, specifically new growth come spring. He also oversaw procreation in both the animal and human kingdom. People born before the end of the month may find that they’re charged up by the first signs of Spring, or anything that is “just beginning.”
Moving into April, the Romans attributed this month to Venus, which seems somehow apt considering the beauty in earths new blossoms. April comes from a word that means “to open”. April Aries, where do you need to be more open in your life? This is a perfect time for working on that issue, especially in relationships.
Aries Sign Eminent Personality Traits & Characteristics
Aries are bold and determined, brave and truthful. These lovely attributes come with the down side of having short tempers and an impulsive nature. The Ram has no time or patience for delays. You can’t get to the head of the line by standing still!
Aries put multi-taskers to shame with their adept skills. They truly can hop on one foot, pat their head and rub their belly while chewing gum. When things can’t be completed, that’s when the Ram’s anger erupts. Aries is not afraid to become aggressive in achieving a goal.
Adventure & Entertainment: Aries is a natural entertainer. Not enjoying boring events, he turns the energy around like a very impressive class clown. Joining people in fun and games makes the Ram very happy, but he’ll always want even more excitement.
Hobbies: As one might expect, the Ram can be a bit intense. They love energetic sports like riding a motorcycle. Intense music also invigorates the Aries soul. These people NEED challenges for happiness. Just sitting around makes the best Aries very grumpy indeed.
Aries Pets: The Ram needs a pet that can keep up with an adventurous spirit and a very busy lifestyle. Dogs fit that bill, depending on the breed. Border Collies are one example. They want to keep moving as much as do you. However, the Ram isn’t overly patient so rather than getting a puppy consider adopting an older dog with the right personality. Don’t be impulsive here.
Aries Compatibility
- Aries and Aquarius: This is a show and tell couple. They love open expressions of their feelings toward one another. This can become a long-term relationship fairly easily
- Aries and Taurus: As signs ruled by Mars and Venus, this relationship has constant struggles between head and heart. When they say “opposites attract” they were probably referring to the Aries-Taurus connection.
- Aries and Gemini: Aries and Gemini both have enough initiative and creativity for a sound foundation in their interactions. They are both sexual, adventurous and inventive together.
- Aries and Cancer: Aries is impatient. Cancer is slow on the uptake. One or the other (or both) will be hurt in a long-term commitment.
- Aries and Leo: This is a warm connection that has every possibility for wonder and passion. The only caution is remaining faithful. Once that trust breaks – it is gone forever.
- Aries and Virgo: Talk about dull. These two take everything way too seriously. Unless they learn to loosen up, this is not a fairy tale relationship whatsoever.
- Aries and Libra: These two are problem solvers. This means that when they put their heads together there is little that deters their love.
- Aries and Scorpio: When you get too close to a raging fire you’re likely to get burned. Sadly that is the fate of the Aries-Scorpio union. Both come out of this with scars.
- Aries and Sagittarius: A visionary couple with specific shared goals. When they work together it can be something close to miraculous.
- Aries and Capricorn: The Aires-Capricorn relationship is, well, itchy. Neither are patient, both are stubborn and overall they find each other annoying.
- Aries and Pisces: Simply stay clear. This relationship either turns into a shouting match or the silent treatment with little in the way of effective communication.
- Aries and Aries: Two Rams locking horns. No matter the feelings, they will always collide.
Aries Love & Sex: Aires looks for a partner who listens actively. They think long and hard about commitments. Once in love, they shower their partner with all manner of attention. Sometimes this gets out of balance, and Aries is left totally drained.
In the bedroom Aries has intense passion and curiosity. If they remember to take cues from their partner, Aries comes thru with shining colors. Even during sexual encounters Aries like to nurture. Be tender, laugh and don’t forget the foreplay!
Aries needs a strong creative partner that can keep up with the Ram’s desire for more excitement.
Aries Family & Friends: Not known for shyness in any way, energy, charm, and charisma make Aries very popular. You don’t have to work overly hard to get people to like you—but sometimes your presence can be daunting, as can your sense of competitiveness. Not everyone can keep up with you, so watch that your expectations of others aren’t unrealistic. Also take care that you don’t act like a Ram, and batter people with ideas or opinions that may not interest them.
Socially Aries is all about new encounters. A variety of personalities fascinates them. In turn, their circle has an eclectic assortment of individuals that otherwise wouldn’t “fit” together, but somehow it works. Aries can take a healthy portion of credit for this, being the ever-forthright communicator.
In the family setting, the young Aries already has goals and ambitions brewing. They do not take well to “rules” and restrictions. Balancing that, the ram takes their responsibility toward family very seriously.
Aries Symbol & Planet
Aries Symbol: The symbol for Aries consists of curing Ram horns, symbolizing a force of nature that refuses to be stopped. Where there are walls, the Ram knocks them down.
Aries Ruling Planet: Mars: The planet Mars has full-on energy for action, desire and general survival instincts. This is fight-or-flee on a very personal level to the Ram.
Aries Element: Fire – The fire element acts as a light in the darkness. It inspires, quells fear and heats-up affection in a bold way. Fire is excitable and dynamic, and needs respectful treatment.
Aries Colors & Numbers
Aries Colors: Reds. You’re all fire, and the brighter the better! Other colors associated with fire like bright yellow and orange work fine. Combine any of these with black and white and watch the sparks ignite.
Aries Lucky Numbers and Days: 1, 9, and Tuesday. Any time you’re planning something special look to Tuesday the 1st, 9th, or 19th (combination of 1 and 9)!
In Numerology 1 is very special. It is the seed from which all energy emanates. This is an active number filled with strength and purpose (perfectly suited to the Ram).
9 provides the Ram wit global perspectives. While they may not seem it, the Ram cares about “world peace” and all those large human goals. Be it the Ram’s neighbor or a child thousands of miles away, Aries hopes to make a difference.
Tuesday, not surprisingly, comes under the rulership of Mars. For the Ram, this is a day to “get it done” in spades. Put energy behind your dreams and dare to create wonders.
Aries Crystals
Diamond is your stone but try a Herkimer (which is far less expensive) to bring out your best. When you need to pace your enthusiasm, go with amethyst for balance. Additionally, red stones such as bloodstone, fire agate, and carnelian bring luck and energy to Aries.
Aries Physical Traits
The Ram is tidy in appearance. They tend toward a slender, but muscular body. There is something in the overall physique that speaks of success and assurance. They often have dark hair, lovely skin and intense eyes.
Body Tips: Aries rules the head of the body, meaning pay particular attention to your face and hair. Use shampoos that have some of the aromatics that energize you, like berry scented for happiness, lavender for calm, and orange when you want people to accept you for who you are. Also consider keeping refreshing face wipes in your locker. The fresher your appearance, the better you feel and think!
Clothing & Jewelry: Always a trendsetter who loves to try new things, use this characteristic in your favor. Find a way to express your vibrant personality within the dress codes of school and work. You can bring flare to anything! Bear in mind that bright colors are best for your energy levels.
For wardrobe hints throughout the week, let’s start off Monday with all that Mars energy. Wear military prints (especially a jacket). Hit the floor running! Tuesday feed your need for perfect accessories. Think hats – brimmed, decorated pieces for women and an old fashioned fedora for men. As mid work-week rolls around streamline your choices. Create a look that can go from your desk to the dance floor for a brief twirl.
On Thursday the Ram can celebrate their natural mix-and-match abilities. Punch up your colors and get a little slinky with animal prints. Create your signature style. We end the week in Aries red. Go red from head to foot, oozing energy. On the weekend, get back to your comfortable, casual roots. You want cutting edge trends with a sporty appeal.
Your hidden message: Aromatics like blackberry or marjoram, for relationships. For yourself, go with something as spicy as are you—ginger, clove, neroli, dragon’s blood, or frankincense.
Aries Career & School
Aries are usually good students, but only if they’re not allowed to get bored. When you’re putting together your annual schedules, think variety and challenge, or minimally break things up with something that really piques your interest.
In the work environment Aries needs both challenges and the ability to release their creativity. People around the Ram see him as a natural leader, but he hates that role. Aries is better suited to hitting deadlines in a stellar way. In challenging environments, they have a “fix it” outlook. Some of the best careers for the Ram include motivational speaking, quality-control, law-oriented positions (like the police). Just don’t ever consider becoming a diplomat!
Aries Money Luck
Aries typically use money for adventure. They’re not overly concerned with riches, but for those that help them reach specific goals (They’re nearly as stubborn as Taurus!). You may find this leads to periodic bad moves, but an Aries likes risks and can typically get out of trouble when it happens.
Rams are careless with money because it simply isn’t in their wheel house. If they find a job where their energy brings prosperity, awesome. Even then, however, they are spenders who never look at their checkbook.
In terms of luck, the Ram has some but that’s because they see things in the long term, not just right now. For the greatest good fortune, Aries can carry either iron or steel as an amulet.
Famous Aries Personalities
- Vincent van Gogh
- Robert Frost
- Diana Ross
- Rosie O’Donnell
- Lucy Lawless
- David Letterman
- Marlon Brando
- Elton John
- Charles Chaplin
- Adolf Hitler (dictator)
- Lady Gag
- Robert Downy Jr.
- William Wordsworth