The Magic in Auras

“Why not walk in the aura of magic that gives the small things of life their uniqueness and importance? Why not befriend a toad today?”
-Germaine Greer
Modern metaphysics describes the Aura as a field of energy that surrounds all living things. The condition of this field reveals much about the condition of life within it. Think of this like a spiritual atmosphere that is as unique to you as your fingerprints. The proverbial weather pattern of your aura illustrates how stormy or calm you are in body, mind, and spirit. Thus, learning to sense this sphere and becoming aware when it shifts, or changes is also an important part of knowing the self better. In turn, that awareness cues you as to what type of magick, if any, you can effectively enact at any given moment.
Think of it this way. You are preparing for a Wiccan ritual that includes a guided meditation. You notice that a member of your group has a blurry aura around their head region; this would inhibit their ability to follow the visualizations; this also inhibits their ability to “tune in” to the whole coven. What’s most interesting here is that person may not even know that their aura is out of balance. If they did, steps could be taken for clearing and stabilizing that energy and making it ready for magick.
Seeing Auras
A minority of people are fortunate enough to be able to see auras. No one knows why exactly. We know that mystics wrote about bands of light around people considered holy. This belief took form in many paintings of Saints, for example, with halos over their head or shimmering around their whole body. The halo is an Aura.
One theory of seeing auras has to do with a condition called synesthesia, a term that means “the union of senses.” A person with synesthesia experiences the world differently. Projective synesthesia could be tied to auric visions. A person with this condition may watch a musician and see colors, shapes, forms, etc. from the sound it makes. So, with another person, the presence of an aura translates into color.
What do the Colors of Auras Mean?
Color symbolism is one of the key components in magic. Much of the energy signatures and symbolism we have assigned to each color’s meaning remains true with auras. For example, a person with a lot of mucky red in their aura is probably angry or stressed out. On the other hand, a clean, bright red indicates a passionate person (or someone focused on something that really piques interest). Magically, clear red can be useful for honing our will and putting strong emotion behind a spell. Here are some other clear color associations for Auras and how they impact magical practices.
Orange: An Orange Aura is filled with creativity and productivity. Visualize sparkling orange light filling your aura when you’re devising your Book of Shadows, or when working magic for general happiness.
[wisew_rectangle_large align=”left”]Yellow: The Yellow Aura is very playful, upbeat and hopeful. If you have been feeling apathetic or pessimistic about your spiritual path or manifesting a magical goal, this is a good color for you. Wear yellow clothes, bring in some yellow flowers and get some sunshine to soak up those yellow vibes.
Green: Green in your aura indicates health and growth, be it in body, mind, and spirit. Green is one of the best hues for those with healing aptitude as it supports their efforts. Bring Green into your space and aura when learning new magical methods or studying various philosophies of the art.
Blue: Blue is another hue associated with healers and sensitives. When you’re practicing psychic or divinatory skills, bring blue into your aura and light a blue candle on your altar.
Indigo: This auric color reveals your emotions. It is also the hue associated with visionaries and clairvoyants. Envision blue light filling into your aura when you want to communicate your spiritual understanding effectively and live your highest truth.
Violet: Violet auras resonate with our Crown Chakra which connects to our Higher Self. The auras of mediums often have this color throughout. Imagine Violet in your aura during your rituals for communing with Deity.
Metallic Colors: Silver and gold sometimes appear in auras of people who are truly focused on reaching enlightenment. Learning cutting-edge magic that progresses the soul is the symbolism of Silver and Gold. These are good choices for inner workings.
White: White auras are relatively rare as they are found in people who are totally honest and act as a channel for Higher Beings. You may see white in the aura of someone who practices Reiki. For personal purposes, bringing white light into your aura acts as an all-purpose cleanser.
Interpreting Auras Through Other Senses
When we begin to extend our senses to become more aware of auric energies, our minds will often interpret that energy through the sense to which we relate most strongly. So, you might come to discover that auras communicate to you through smell, textural cues, tastes, and sounds.
So, exactly how do you interpret these sensual cues? Here’s a list to get you started:
- Itchy Aura: Discomfort or dishonesty; be cautious when working magic with this person.
- Hard Aura: Protective (not open), a loner who probably prefers being a Solitary Witch.
- Soft Aura: Gentility and compassion. These people are usually coven “moms.”
- Jagged Aura: Anger or tension. Figure out the source, so that doesn’t translate into disruptive energy.
- Sticky Aura: Clingy personality, not releasing the past; This might be a very needy coven-mate.
- Bulge or Bump: Possible area of injury or disease. Someone in need of a healing spell.
- Loud Sounds: Boisterous personality, high energy. Give them the job of calling the Quarters!
- Melodic Sounds: Peaceful and balanced. This person can find ways to renew accord in a group or situation.
- Static: Communication problems; This person is often misunderstood. They may stutter or simply say very little. Don’t push it. Just listen closely when they do speak up.
- Overly Sweet: Putting on airs; this is evidenced in people seeking power and acclaim from magic. Yuck.
- Bitter Aroma: Tension, blockage, sarcastic or bitter personality. This person may have had a bad experience with a group in the past and needs time to trust the present circumstances.
- Forest Aroma: Improved strength or outlooks; nature-oriented. This is the barefoot Pagan. Very down to earth.
- Spicy: Adventurous, enthusiastic. Rituals will never be dull with this Witch around!
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These are generalizations at best, but you get the idea. Always begin your adventure in exploring auras with yourself. As you find the best way to sense your own and make a note of it, also make a note of your physical, mental, and emotional conditions at that time; This will provide you with an even better guide as to what your aura is trying to tell you.
When you get really good at this awareness personally, you can then extend it to your interactions with other magically-minded people (or even friends and family). Just be careful that you don’t overstep personal boundaries in this exploration. The aura is very intimate. If you’re trying to understand someone better and want to get close enough to really interact with his or her ara, it’s polite to ask first.
Adapted from the “Witch’s Book of Wisdom,” by Patricia Telesco. All Rights Reserved.