4 Easy Magic Sleep Potions: Who Says Sleep is Overrated?

“The amount of sleep required by the average person is about five minutes more.”
-Wilson Mizner
There are days when you might give anything for a decent nap or a full night’s sleep. Besides being too wound up for rest, you might experience physical aches and pains – not to mention, and outside noises to contend with as you fight for quality sleep. Maybe your proverbial mommy ears pick up everything! Or, you might find you are too in tune with the surrounding environment. It makes it impossible to shut out the outside world.
Sleep is important in our spiritual and mundane lives. We need to get proper rest to be whole and capable of working magick with success. Our Dreamtime can be telling. But, it’s hard to dream if you can’t even get through an hour or two of sleep! So, what kind of potion helps carry us off into a deep, restful sleep (or maybe a power nap when you’re short on time)?
Magickal Sleep Potion #1: Lavender Leisure
Lavender’s magical properties make it perfect for magical sleep potions (it is an edible flower).
Potion Instructions
Heat 8 ounces of water to a low rolling boil. Add 4 teaspoons of fresh lavender (you can put this into a tea ball to avoid straining). Steep the lavender for about 10 minutes. Add honey if you wish. Honey acts like a turkey dinner on your body. One spoonful in your tea supports restful sleep. For a little charm add:
Lavender flower in this cup
Instill sleep in each sip I sup.
Magickal Sleep Potion #2: Sleepy-Time Tea
Your thoughts and feelings before consuming any potion influence its outcome. So, begin with some simple ways of stilling mind and spirit.
Starting Out Right
Start your efforts with a spiritual perspective. Take a relaxing bath, meditate, walk–whatever helps turn off your busy brain or ease your discomfort.
Make yourself a tea out of the above herbs or blends. One Word of Warning:− Valerian has a nasty aroma, so you’ll want to cover it up with something else! Stir the tea clockwise with whatever additives (honey, lemon, etc.) you wish, adding an incantation like:
“When taken to my lips
Peaceful sleep in every sip
This magick brew quaffed deep
Brings to me a night of sleep!”
Magic Potion #3: Moonstone Crystal Tonic
Moonstone has wonderful properties for supporting a good night’s sleep and good dreams.
Gather your Moonstone
Get well-washed moonstones and a glass of pure water, then go to where you sleep the most. Place the four moonstones into the glass water. Energize these stones saying:
“Four by four, side by side,
In this space rest abides,
Within, without, and all around,
Gentle rest and sleep abound.”
Consume a sip of the potion before sleep, putting the rest in the refrigerator for coming nights. The FDA tells us that water in a clean, airtight, cool container for about six months. Doing so ensures your bedtime refreshment remains ready and waiting for days or weeks depending on how often you use it.
Magick Potion #4: Catching Some Z’s
This potion has foundations in herbs that deter anxiety (or busy brain). Use the freshest ingredients you can find.
The Recipe
To one cup of filtered water add 1 teaspoon valerian root. Place these in a non-aluminum simmering pot until it looks like black tea. Add a little water if it appears your herb does not submerge in the liquid.
Add ¼ cup of alcohol (Vodka is good, but you may choose something that helps with Valerian’s off-putting taste). Take 1-2 Tablespoonfuls at bedtime reciting a charm like
Herb of rest I do behest,
Calm my soul, let deep sleep flow.
The magic potion lasts for about 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
Adapted from, “Witch’s Book of Wisdom,” by Patricia Telesco. All rights reserved.