Kitchen Witch Principles and Philosophy

“And, indeed, is there not something holy about a great kitchen? The scoured gleam of row upon row of metal vessels dangling from hooks or reposing on their shelves till needed with the air of so many chalices waiting for the celebration of the sacrament of food. And the range like an altar, yes, before which my mother bowed in perpetual homage, a fringe of sweat upon her upper lip and the fire glowing in her cheeks.”
– Angela Carter
Pantry Ponderings: For the ardent Kitchen Witch there is nothing more satisfying and pleasant than puttering in the pantry and whipping up a little magick as they go. What’s interesting, however, is that some people think kitchen magick is limited to the kitchen and others who feel that this cunning art is just too simple to work. Bah to both: The basic principles of Kitchen Witchery apply to all aspects of life and certainly aren’t wimpy in any shape or form.
Kitchen Witch Philosophy 101
- Life is an act of worship.
- Treat all things like implements of the altar (i.e., everything in this world has magical potential if you learn to perceive that potential and then enable it).
- Simplicity, creativity, and personalization = power and manifestation.
- Laughter and playfulness are sacraments.
- Spirituality must blend with and reflect, everyday life or it lacks true meaning and power.
- Remain connected to your principles and ethics−kitchen magick always honors these in word and deed.
- How you do things is not nearly as important as why.
- Reciprocity in all things is a keynote to success.
- Honor, respect, and gratitude are the trinity on which a sound spiritual life is built.
- Your body and your home are sacred spaces: treat them accordingly.
- Pets are not “property” but rather important companions in our home and lives.
- The Earth is sacrosanct. We must be responsible stewards.
In reading this, it’s easy to see why Kitchen Witchery has a place not only throughout one’s home but also one’s daily Life. Kitchen magick developed with everyday people trying to make their lives a little better. It’s practical, frugal, wise, and ever-evolving with the times. This makes kitchen magick very vital and adaptable, which considering our fast-paced times and technological advances is very important. Better still, one need not be a proclaimed kitchen witch to practice kitchen magicks!
What is Kitchen Magic Exactly?
Okay, so what is kitchen magick exactly? Ask ten witches, and you’re likely to get ten slightly different answers. This is but one. Kitchen magick is a hearth-and-home-based system. Our components are everyday items, found in and around that sacred space. Our processes reflect our everyday lives, and our magick meets everyday needs. Perhaps that sounds rather uninteresting and ordinary, but it truly is an extraordinary way of going through a day!
And what about the results obtained? They are as potent as any other form of magick so long as you trust in the process and understand the symbolism. Our society often reflects the idea that fancy= better, but that’s simply not the case with a vision based, will-driven system like the Craft. While there are times when (as they say), “it’s all in the details,” there is an equal number of times when releasing ourselves from complexity allows us to turn our minds wholly toward the magick we’re producing.
Adapted from “Witch’s Book of Wisdom,” by Patricia Telesco. All rights reserved.