Ritual for Finding a Magical Name

“Jason scratched his head. “You named him Festus? You know that in Latin, festus means happy? You want us to ride off to save the world on Happy the Dragon?”
– Rick Riordan, The Lost Hero
To know the true name of a thing is to have power over it, or such was the belief of the ancient mages. In a spiritual setting the power of names is no small matter. The importance of names is mirrored in temporal reality with various rituals that involve the giving or changing of names, such as marriage, birth, and induction into religious orders.
Discovering Your Magical Identity: Name Quest
Your name’s vibration can effect overall outlook toward, and reactions in, life. If you don’t believe me, watch what happens when you continually mangle or mispronounce someone’s name. In a name quest, the purpose of the ritual unlocking a name that’s known only to you, the Divine, and the Elemental powers unless you choose to share it with others. This name may stay with you for a season, creating a specific energy pattern in your life, or it may be yours for a lifetime, helping create your soul’s legacy.
Magical Name Ritual Invocation
If practicable do not eat at least three hours before enacting this ritual. Drink plenty of water – it clears out your system a bit. Also, take a ritual bath or shower so that your overall auric energy is as clean and natural as possible. Citrus scented soap works well.
“Winds, I listen and seek your aid
Move to my ears with my true name
The one written on spirit.”
“Fires, I look closely and seek your aid
Move to my eyes with my true name
The one written in the light of my soul.“
“Waters, I feel intently and seek your aid
Move to my heart with my true name
The one that flows with blood’s beating.”
“Earth, I reach down and seek your aid
Move through my body with my true name
The one that resonates with every step I take.”
“Ancient Ones, Guardians, Great Spirit
I stand between the planes
Pray, welcome me in your presence Aid my quest.
So be it. “
Body of the Magical Name Ritual
The body of this ritual consists of a visualization. Sit comfortably in the center of your space and begin meditating. Breath slowly and deeply. See yourself ascending upward into the heavens toward a great library. The building spans as far as your eyes can see. It has many doorways. Pick the one to which you feel attracted (don’t think too much about this – just trust your instincts). Once you walk through the door. Look around closely. Take your time. Is there a name on a noticeable tome, archway or wall?
Realize as you observe that your magical name may not be in any language you know or recognize. In fact, it could be a series of musical notes, a rhythm, clicks etc. Don’t dismiss what you see or hear just because it’s unfamiliar. Whatever you experience, repeat it to yourself several times so it becomes imprinted in your memory. Afterward, bring your inner vision back to Earth. Re-connect with the space around you.
Stand to thank and dismiss the quarters from the center of your circle:
“North and West, South and East
all my magic is complete
Earth and Water, Fire and Air
Thank you for your loving care”
So mote it be.
Helpful Hint: IF you did get a word or series of words that you do not recognize, try looking them up using an online translator. You may find they’re from a specific language that ties to one of your past lives!