Magical Familiars & Pets in Astrology: Aries Dog, Cat & Bird

“The difference between friends and pets is that friends we allow into our company, pets we allow into our solitude.”
– Robert Brault
Paws for a Forecast
Around the world, thousands of people turn to their Astrology forecasts every day. For those of us who have special animals in our lives, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to have celestial insights for them too? Well, you can! By using basic Astrological associations, you can discover a lot about your companion or Familiar’s personality, particularly when young. Will they grow up playful, nervous, lap-loving, or independent? Figuring that out is where the fun begins.
Animals in the Stars
Look up in the night sky. One of the most visible stars is Sirius, known as the Dog Star, which is part of the constellation Canis Major the big dog. The ancients held this constellation and star in such regard that the Hindus called the Dog Star he who awakens the gods of air. Here, Sirius is the watchman of the heavens. As with this Star’s Canine earthly counterpart, this dog is steadfast in its purpose.
Divine and Magical Animals
With this in mind, it seems fitting to use stars to help us understand and interact with not only our dogs but also other common pet personalities. Did you know that the ancient Egyptians probably had a system of Astrology for cats? It makes perfect sense. After all, the Cats were considered an aspect of the Goddess Bast, worthy of worship (and they’ve never forgotten that!).
The Aries Dog: 3/21-4/20
So, your dog’s birth sign is Aries the Ram. That can have an interesting impact on a creature known for devotion and obedience. What can you expect from your pup?
Keynotes: Active, expressive, and protective
The Aries mixed breed is always a take-charge dog. He or she will not be content to stand on the sidelines of life they want to lead everyone in the household. This means as an owner you have to remain aware that your dog will try to run off with a head of steam on a regular basis.
Having a really good fence is one solution, but even this may not be sufficient – remember Houdini was an Aries! Another solution is working extremely hard on leash training from an early age onward. On the upside, if you enjoy jogging or travel, your Aries Canine will be a steadfast companion in those adventures. This pooch will protect you with his or her last breath and isn’t shy in the least about expressing needs, happiness, or displeasure.
Learning Curve: Aries dogs learn very quickly, but that doesn’t mean they’re overly obedient. That sense of independence asserts itself with some stubborn tenacity. At times your pet may be a little snippy. This is because they’re easily excitable and also a bit demanding – as a leader, they feel their desires should have been answered immediately.
That intelligence is why it’s unwise to leave your companion alone for even short periods of time – you won’t like the results. Crate training and housing for short periods help to avoid chewing and other negative behaviors while you’re gone. Remember that the Aries dog needs activity (they’ll often get up and want to run in the middle of the night just for the fun of it). Keeping this dog cooped up for long periods is very cruel. If you don’t have a reasonably big living space or yard for an Aries Canine, don’t expect this pup to be happy.
Overall the Aries dogs are Alphas, with a quirky humor and a tendency to get into fights. In short, they will train you, not vice versa.
Favorite Toy: Frisbee
Toss it across the park. Toss it further! Not only does your Aries pooch get a good work out, but they love showing off.
Mates & Companion Signs: Leo & Sagittarius
Either of these signs have the stability and strength to balance out the more unpredictable aspects of the Aries personality. Remember that the Aries dog will see other adult animals as intruders and respond accordingly. So, if you plan on having a multi-pet household to give this dog some company, it’s important to introduce a young animal to your dog and give him or her plenty of time to adjust. Do not leave these two alone until you’re sure your Aries dog isn’t affronted by someone in that space.
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Favorite Activities: Running, Swimming, Fetch
Did we mention the Frisbee? A long ride in the car won’t be unwelcome so long as they have room to enjoy the wind in their face.
Snacks: Because the Aries dog is always on the go, you’ll want handy portable treats that you can stick in your pocket. Those little liver pieces vet offices often carry are one example. Also, don’t be surprised if you find one or two of these around the house in odd places. Aries like to have secret stashes of snacks for the middle of the night.
Happiness Is: Having the stick thrown again, and again, and again, and again! No, I mean it! Again! You will wear out long before your dog does.
Bad Dog Behavior: Ever impulsive and impatient, the sit and stay command will be among the last your dog learns, and one he or she loves to break. You can almost see the haughty gleam in their eyes that says, who’s leading who here? Overcoming this is going to take a lot of praise. Like any Aries, stroking the “good dog” ego and constant positive reinforcement of “right” behaviors is the best approach. Don’t scold – this dog won’t sulk, they’ll get even!
Names: Think of your favorite adventurer – Conan, Mata Hari, and Indy for example. Or look to the energy / activity level of your dog for clues like Sparky, Bullet, Kamikaze, and Flash.
Best Breeds: An Aries hunting dog will be an incredible asset in the woods if properly-trained by a strong owner. The basic instincts of Springer Spaniels and Retrievers match this sign very closely (but you could end up with double trouble). Small breed Aries dogs think they’re three time their actual size, while larger breeds sometimes become the bully of the block.
Energy Level & Health: Very High. If you want a quiet, laid-back dog, this is not the sign for you Aries dogs are typically strong and athletic, having few health issues other than those caused by breeding.
Aries Cat: 3/21-4/20
Keynotes: Melodrama, high energy, very clever, independent
Most cats run a house, and the Aries cat insists on it! These are highly creative little beings but in very unusual ways (think of what Van Gogh (who was also an Aries) — could have done with a ball of string). They’re also talkative and dramatic. This cat never enters a room quietly – they want the red-carpet treatment suited to their obvious importance.
About the only time the Aries cat stays quiet is when they’re up to something. When in a playful mood, your feline can be sneaky. Woe to the untied shoe or fluff ball that catches his or her eye, let alone the stray bird or mouse. You’ll never want for interesting gifts from this kitty.
Room to Roam: Because of their sense of adventure, it’s important to let your cat have plenty of space in the house. When confined, they’ll tend to claw furniture or tear up whatever papers they find out of boredom. Also, watch where you put breakables – this cat loves to climb up on things for a better view where they make plans for global domination.
If an outside cat, its highly recommended that you have identification on his or her collar as they’re likely to take off on wild jaunts for days on end. This propensity may land your Aries in trouble from time to time – stuck up a tree, trapped in a hole, or whatever. But as soon as he or she gets out, they’ll be right up to their old tricks again. In particular, running too quickly on a newly waxed floor quickly turns into a four-legged, undignified sprawl, after which the cat will righteously hiss at the floor for its disrespect.
Those cat people who want lots of love and attention would do well to avoid Aries cats. This feline sees sleep as a waste of time, and like most Alphas, he or she will find it hard to just sit still for any length of time. When our Aries wants your attention, however, they’ll be quite insistent and demanding about it. Be ready for verbal assaults with robust, husky meeeeeooooooooooooows until you stop whatever you’re doing and direct all your efforts to the cat.
Overall this is the ideal kitty for someone who likes independent pets.
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Favorite Toy: Brightly colored feather toys on a bungee cord.
Mates & Companion Signs: Humans and animals born under Leo and Sagittarius get along best with the Aries cat. Both signs appreciate the bull-headed approach of this feline, and neither find the cat’s dramatic personality threatening. In a household with other animals, the Aries cat is exceptionally aggressive and dominant. He or she will either rule by force or ignore everyone but their designated human.
Favorite Activities: Hunting, watching the fishbowl (beware they’re not idly interested) and all forms of interactive play. Hint: Just for fun, hide little shiny toys around the house for your Aries to find. They’ll love it and make that a treasured part of a growing collection in their bed.
Snacks: If you can find your cat to give them a treat, a little bit of cooked fish or cheddar cheese is always welcome.
Happiness is: Sneaking outside for a wild romp in the fresh grass.
Bad Cat Behavior: Clawing and scratching. Normally this only happens if the Aries cat is cooped up or bored. Supply plenty of toys and make sure they don’t accidentally get locked in a room alone.
Names: Whatever you do, don’t even think of using names like Fluffy or Precious! These cats are fearless and spicy, and will not forgive you. Sample names include Cajun, Spike, Nitro, etc.
Best Breeds: Because of this cat’s activities, shorthairs are a good choice. The Aries kitty doesn’t mind getting messy, and short hair just means less fuss! Birmans and Siamese are also natural fits when it comes to the Aries cat, both being highly vocal and expressive. Of the two, the Birman Aries will be more affectionate and attentive.
Energy Level & Health: This is a highly active cat with seeming no sense of time. It could be 5 pm or 3 am, and they’re still playing. Healthwise, they usually have beautiful coats, strong legs, and a fantastic capacity for jumping. However, this is one cat that will test the limits of having nine lives with its adventurous spirit.
Aries Bird
Keynotes: Chatter bug, smart, attention-seeking
The Aries bird is the living embodiment of the saying, “a bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer – it sings because it has a song.” Your feathered friend enjoys talking, and music, and will likely contribute a note or three when you play tunes of any type.
No matter the breed, you’ll find this is a very clever and persistent bird. He or she will untie your clothing, steal shiny jewelry, and seek out mirrors to adore himself or herself in all that wonderful beauty! While this shouldn’t prove overly problematic, be careful the items your bird steals can’t be swallowed for safety sake. Also, avoid allowing them to pick at threads. This can cause digestive issues.
Elbow Room: When buying an Aries bird, remember – the bigger the cage, the happier the bird. They aren’t fond of confinement. Larger breeds will want to be out and part of every family happening – it’s even better if they’re the center of attention! Left alone or confined for too long, the Aries bird becomes a neurotic, feather-picking spectacle: That’s a hard habit to break once started. By far the most insistent Aries bird is a cockatiel that will cry like an injured child for even the shortest periods of inattentiveness. This is an odd twist in the Aries personality as evident in birds – rather than asserting independence, Avians generally manifest competitive attention-getting ways.
Favorite Toy: Any mirrored surface.
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Mates & Companion Signs: Humans and animals born under Gemini, Leo, and Sagittarius get along best with the Aries bird. The Gemini provides endless diversity, while Leo and Sagittarius are strong enough to offset this bird’s headstrong nature. In a household with other animals, the Aries bird is very needy and really doesn’t share its human very well.
Favorite Activities: Anything that makes them the center of attention. This is the time to work on some tricks because they revel in praise.
Snacks: If ok for the breed of bird – peanut butter (this also has the benefit of keeping your squawker quiet for a minute or two).
Happiness is: A long, leisurely fly, complete with spectators.
Bad Bird Behavior: Feather removal (i.e., if you don’t love me, I won’t be pretty either!)
Names: Think rich and musical like Allegro and Cantata.
Best Breeds: Larger Aries birds, like a Macaw, seem more secure in themselves and that voice they so desperately want to be heard.
Energy Level & Health: This is a highly active bird who cares little if it’s day or night. Even when the cage is covered, they’re twittering. These birds often have a luxurious feather covering and a reasonably strong immune system.