Seasonal Prayers for Wiccans, Witches & Pagans

“Let our days begin and end with God.”
– William E. Channing
Honoring Seasonal Cycles: Our 365 Day Routine
As the annual wheel turns, Wiccans honor earth’s cycles with rituals, spells, and prayers. We do this to bring ourselves into closer harmony with nature and the universe. As time’s wheel also marches forward, this harmony becomes increasingly important. We cannot lose sight of the Earth Mother and her needs in serving our own, now or in the future.
Seasonal prayers reflect the changes in the earth, and the theme generated by those changes. Spring, for example, is a time of renewal and vitality, so the prayer given at that time reflects those themes; this approach blends nature’s energies with prayer to generate specific transformations in and around your life. By continuing to pray through and with these cycles, the process of personal change likewise continues, building the foundation for a better tomorrow.
These seasonal prayers somewhat short, anticipating that most Wiccans, Witches, and Pagans will want to add them to rituals, spells, and other observances, or extend them through personalization.
Pagan Prayer for the Season of Spring
Spring’s theme centers on earth’s renewal, so consider those things you want to restore or revitalize in your own life. All around the earth is budding with new life. If you have been considering having a child, now is an excellent time to pray for that blessing. Thanks to the ever-whimsical spring winds, this is also the perfect season to ask for help in gaining new perspectives, refreshed outlooks, and an improved sense of humor.
Spring is a season for planting. Ask yourself what types of seeds of character you want to plant in your heart, so they blossom by fall. Pray for help in tending and cultivating these attributes with loving care.
A Spring Prayer
“Great Lord and Lady, thank you for the life you have brought once again to the earth. Your magic touches the world, plants blossom, the sap in trees begins to run, animals bear young, and the entire planet sings with joy. Let this vibrant energy all around me also energize my spirit.
Wherever ice dams the flow of love between me and another, let it melt beneath the sun. Wherever snow hides a problem, reveal, and resolve it. Where there has been illness, replace it with health. Where dark clouds linger, bring hope. Help my heart and soul blossom anew like a fresh blade of grass, reaching ever toward the light. So be it.“
Pagan Prayer for the Season of Summer
Summer’s theme is one of abundance: abundant flowers, abundant creativity, abundant energy. As the sun reaches high in the sky, it represents the fire of passion within us, so begin focusing your prayers for improved, sensitive, sexual expression. This same light also helps us see things clearly, so pray for insight into perplexing situations. Finally, in Wiccan traditions, the summer months are considered lucky so pray for improved fortune.
A Summer Prayer
“Lord of the Sun, thank you for warming the soil to bring forth earth’s bounty. As the flowers and fruits grow to fullness around me, likewise mature the fruits of my spirit. As you burn brightly in the summer sky, so, too, burn in my heart and soul.
Wherever a relationship has grown cool, bring warmth. Wherever secrets dwell, let them be revealed. Wherever any lingering darkness hides, chase it away with brilliant light. Let the embers that embody you ignite in me a love-based passion: for my job, for my art, for my mate, or for just cause for all that is my life. So be it.”
Pagan Prayer for the Season of Fall
Fall’s theme is the harvest of your labors and loves. The seeds that you planted with prayer in the spring are now ready to be reaped. Be thankful for that and for the earth’s plenty
As the sun’s light slowly starts to wane, it gently reminds us that this plenty must be offset with prudence. Ask the God/dess to teach you the value of caution and foresight. Also, consider renewing your attention toward any skill and pray for continued growth in that area: The energies of autumn accent mastery.
A Fall Prayer
“Mother of Creation, thank you for your bounty. All around the earth has grown to maturity. So too, I pray, may I see signs my own maturity. Help me to recognize the progress in my spirit, to see the fruits of character and insight that have developed since spring. Let me hold those gifts close to my heart as sacred and special.
As I move into fall, teach me balance. Let me know the wonders of both sounds and silences, rest and action, the temporal and spiritual. As I walk the Path of Beauty, keep my eyes on the horizon, but my feet grounded in truth. So be it.”
Pagan Prayer for the Season of Winter
Winter’s theme centers on taking a rest before rebirth occurs. In Wiccan traditions, this is a season for purification, introspection, and banishing any ghosts that linger in the closet. Through prayer, let the Divine cleanse any negativity, anxiety, or past wounds that hold you back spiritually.
As the sun’s power seems all but gone, our minds also turn to those who have passed on to Summerland. Winter is a fitting season to pray for the peace of those souls. Also, for our own souls, ask for health, well-being, and the vision to keep hope in our hearts until spring comes again.
A Winter Prayer
“Ancient Ones, bend down your ears to hear my prayer. The world is quiet and resting. So to bring peace to my soul, and to the spirit(s) of ________, [insert any names of people who have passed over] who await reincarnation. Take any restlessness, any worry, and cover it in a healing blanket of snow.
During this time of darkness, let me recognize my own shadows, but not be overcome by them. Let me also see that the night is not only full of shadows but full of beauty and potential; the loveliness of the stars; the wonders of my dreams. Hold me in your arms as I rest and sleep now, keeping hope in my heart until spring brings the dawn. So be it.”
Adapted from “Wicca 2000,” by Patricia Telesco. All rights reserved.