Earth Healing Prayers for Wiccans, Witches and Pagans

“Converse with God through nature.”
– B. Cheevery
Earth as Our Sacred Home
In Wicca and many other spiritual traditions, the earth is far more than just an amalgam of rock and water. The earth is a reflection of, and dwelling place for, the Great Spirit. It is also a living, breathing organism worthy of respect. Humans are slowly becoming more aware of their intimate responsibility to this organism. We have a lot of cleanup work to do to repair the damage done in the name of progress. This planet is always needing our dutiful care and attention to recuperate. These prayers are part of that caring process.
Earth Awareness
To become conscientious caretakers of this planet, we must first make ourselves more aware of it. This includes nature’s cycles, signs, and spiritual lessons. While we walk on the sacred ground each day, few of us even notice a passing ant, a new sprig of grass, or a bird overhead. The purpose of this prayer is manifesting renewed awareness of, and appreciation for, all corners of creation.
A Prayer for Earth Awareness
“Earth Goddess, by all your great names−Gaia, Demeter, Inanna, Isis, hear my prayer. Help me and the citizens of Earth to remain ever attentive to this planet and how our actions affect it. Help us to better appreciate the beauty of earth’s seasons, the wonder of flowers and fruit, the glory of animals in their natural environment, the warmth of grass beneath our feet.
As I go about my daily tasks, harmonize my spirit with your cycle. Attune my soul to your voice, synchronize my heart to your rhythm. Let me approach each day as a miracle and an opportunity to serve you. So be it.”
Gaia’s Body
Earth’s body is composed of molten lava, soil and rock, plant trees, animals, atmosphere, and weather. Each part of this ecosystem has strong correlations with our own bodies−blood, skin, arms, legs, breath, and emotions, respectively. As animistic as this metaphor seems, without an understanding of earth’s body or how it works, we cannot hope to heal it. This prayer encourages that understanding and asks for the healing process to begin with us.
A Prayer for the Planet
“Creator, look upon this beautiful blue world and see its wounds. I and others have left scrapes, scars, and open sores across the land, sea, and skies. We cannot roll back the pages of time and make the ugliness go away, but we can learn from our mistakes. Help this process to begin in my heart today, and every day.
Teach me to hear the words of the wind, the whispers of waves, the music of sunlight, the dancing of rain, and all the other voices of the elements as they join in the chorus of life. Teach me to honor those voices and those of all earth’s creatures, and treasure them with reverence. Give me the strength, vision, and wisdom I need to become a good caretaker for the sacred space of Earth. So be it.”
Gaia’s Mind
Earth’s mind is her intelligent inhabitants (namely us). This collective mind needs many things to serve the earth better: Oneness, accord, thoughtfulness, and wisdom to name a few. So, our prayers for Gaia’s mind reflect the things it lacks, or that sorely need improvement.
A Prayer for Gaia’s Mind
“Janus, God who sees both past and future, look upon this world with merciful eyes. The mind of Gaia has grown ill with all manner of dis-ease, yet you have the vision and wisdom to help us. Let us peer from your perspective for but a moment, to know what might have been . . . What could still be if we change the way we live. Help us to learn that reciprocity with Nature takes thoughtfulness−day to day, moment to moment, making each one count.
For myself as part of this collective mind, I ask for awareness and respect, even for the smallest things. Let me walk gently on this world so beauty replaces destruction; so that life replaces death. Let me leave behind a world that is better for my time upon it. So be it.”
Gaia’s Spirit
The spirit of Earth has been called by many names, Gaia being but one of them. No matter the culture or historical setting, this spirit symbolizes the vibrant abundance of the planet−its plants, animals, and the network of life. Wiccans and Pagans continue to see it as such and pray for its continued well-being.
A Prayer for Gaia’s Spirit
“Lord and Lady, whose power created the Big Bang, whose essence gave life and soul to this world, hear my prayer. In the spirit of Gaia is weakened and weeping. It weeps for her children who know not what they do. It weeps from the raping of her mountains and meadows and the creatures who will never return home.
Find the salve to ease this sadness and rejuvenate her spirit. And, once found, let my hands be those that help to apply it. Embrace the planet with a warm, white light like a hug to chase the shadows of darkness. Embrace Gaia in your protective care until we can make her whole once more. So be it.”
Adapted from “Wicca 2000,” Patricia Telesco, all rights reserved.