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Magical Meditations & Exercises for Finding the Divine Within

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Negative self-images are perhaps the most challenging barriers for anyone to overcome. Know that you are your own worst critic. It is good up to

Seasonal Prayers for Wiccans, Witches & Pagans

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“Let our days begin and end with God.” – William E. Channing As the annual wheel turns, Wiccans and many other magical practitioners honor earth’s

Meditations for Calming Anger

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“Anger kills both laughter and joy. What greater foe is there than anger?” – Thiruvalluvar, Fifth-Century Poet Legend tells us that Thiruvalluvar was a Jain

Neo-Pagan Perspectives on Prayer

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“Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.” – H. W Beecher

What to Expect from Meditation

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“Faith is the touching of a mystery.” – Alexander Schmemann Meditation Musings: The results from meditation vary from individual to individual. Much depends on a

Earth Healing Prayers for Wiccans, Witches and Pagans

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“Converse with God through nature.” – B. Cheevery Earth as Our Sacred Home In Wicca and many other spiritual traditions, the earth is far more

Seasonal Meditations for Wiccans, Witches & Pagans

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“Earth, teach me stillness.” – Ute Prayer Harmony with Earth’s Cycles: Seasonal meditations are somewhat unique in that they often achieve results after one try.

Seasonal Prayers for Wiccans, Witches & Pagans

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“Let our days begin and end with God.” – William E. Channing Honoring Seasonal Cycles: Our 365 Day Routine As the annual wheel turns, Wiccans

Meditation & Visualization in Witchcraft, Paganism & Magic

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“I have lived with several Zen masters — all of them cats.” – Eckhart Tolle Spiritual Meditation & Visualization: The practice of both meditation and