Book of Shadows Notes for Creating Sacred Space

“You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.”
– Anthon St. Maarten
One section for your Book of Shadows could be delegated to ways of creating sacred space. This is one of the central aspects of many coven rituals. It is also something you can do for yourself. As you find other invocations and approaches to sacred space, you can put them in behind this primer. You will also find ideas on the best times for working on your Book of Shadows so the effort shines with energy.
Sacred Space as a Magic Sphere
Think of sacred space as being like a bubble that surrounds a room, an outdoor region or even yourself. This bubble not only keeps out unwanted energy but keeps your magickal power firmly in place until you’re ready to direct it toward your goal.
Different magickal traditions have typically different ways of creating this sphere. Most Wiccans, however, call upon the Four Quarters (the Powers of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) and the God/dess for protective assistance. To “call” a Quarter simply means to invite that spiritual energy to join and help you.
A Tour Around the Wiccan Sacred Space
The calling of the Quarters usually starts in the east where the sun rises. There are reasons you might not wish to begin there, but right now we’ll go with a standard operating procedure. As you invoke each Quarter, you move to that part of the room (or area in which you’re working). In your mind’s eye, you might visualize each point connected by a bright, white light of energy. This reinforces the effect.
Here is a sample invocation:
Call in the Direction East
[Standing in or near the east and lighting a yellow or white candle.] Welcome Powers of the East and Air, the winds of change, the hope of a new day. Come join me in this sacred space to guide and protect my magick.
Call in the Direction South
[Standing in or near the south and lighting a red or orange candle.] Welcome Powers of the South and Fire, the light of truth, the spark of spiritual energy. Come join me in this sacred space to guide and protect my magick.
Call in the Direction West
[Standing in or near the west and lighting a blue or green candle.] Welcome Powers of the West and Water, the waves of understanding and health. Come join me in this sacred space to guide and protect my magick.
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Call in the Direction North
[Standing in or near the north and lighting a brown or dark green candle.] Welcome Powers of the North and Earth, the soil of growth and good foundations. Come join me in this sacred space to guide and protect my magick.
Call in Spirit (God/Goddess)
[Standing in the center, possibly at the altar, and lighting a white candle.] Welcome Spirit*, that which binds the Quarters together. Come join me in this sacred space to bless, guide and protect my magick.
*If you have a personal God or Goddess certainly call on them specifically.
Now you’re ready to work. Bear in mind this step isn’t a requirement before magical workings. Sacred space increases the overall positive energy around you, which your Book of Shadows absorbs. This sphere also places a spiritual shield between you and outside influences that could detract or distract from what you’re trying to accomplish. In other words, it’s a great help, but not always necessary if you don’t have the time or the right circumstances available.
Timing your Magical Efforts
Nearly any time is the right time for magick. Nonetheless, your schedule probably gets pretty busy between school, home, chores, and friends. That means you’ll want to set aside some time specifically for working on your Book of Shadows, and for studying your Craft— we suggest minimally once a week, but you’ll have to gauge this according to your own pace. Just remember that magick isn’t a shake-and-bake proposition. It requires time and patience. The more attention you give to the task, the better your results!
Besides setting aside some time regularly, you can consider choosing a period for magic and casting your circle so that it’s astrologically beneficial. Our ancestors felt that timing was an important part of nearly every process. They used the moon phases, the positions of the sun, and placement of the stars to influence and support whatever process they were doing.
While this seems like an odd idea at first, consider what happens to people every time there’s a full moon, or when Mercury goes retrograde. In the first case, people seem to go a bit wacky, driving a little crazy on the roads and so forth. In the second case it seems like every form of communication goes awry (Mercury rules over communication). So, if Mercury is retrograde, don’t work on your Book of Shadows or engage in that conversation about magick with your folks!
Moon Phases and Signs for Magic
Here’s some information on utilizing specific phases of the moon and moon signs to empower your efforts:
Waxing to Full Moon: This time stresses personal and spiritual growth (also the increase of any specific type of positive energy). Nice time for any magic (with caveats: See waning moon).
Full Moon: Go for it! The moon supports your intuitive, psychic self. This is great when you’re working on fleshing out Your Book of Shadows – particularly the parts about divination or the paranormal.
Waning Moon: This is the time of decrease. Want that gossip at school to calm down? Work your spell for that now. Has your house been full of bad vibes? Banish them!
Dark Moon: This is a time for introspection. Pause and absorb what you’ve studied in working on your Book of Shadows as well as ritual constructs.
Moon in Aries: You really feel independent and assertive. Challenges welcome! This might be a good time to talk to a friend or family member about your choice to be a Witch.
Moon in Taurus: This is a very strong earth sign. You’re loving tastes, touches, sounds, and aromas. So, research things like the symbolism in food and aromatics (like your incense) and add that material to Your Book of Shadows. In ritual – focus on grounding and centering.
Moon in Gemini: While being naturally curious about your Wiccan Path, don’t spread yourself too thin. You’re craving knowledge, but in magic, you’re teaching your mind focus. Narrow down your magical efforts and writings for your Book to one or two key topics.
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Moon in Cancer: The Cancer moon supports creativity and awareness. As a Water sign, the spiritual aspects of your life become clearer. This is also an active sign, perfect for socializing at an open circle or other magical event.
Moon in Leo: Leo loves drama and self-expression, being a Fire sign. If you have ever considered writing or participating in a ritual play, this is the perfect time.
Moon in Virgo: This moon phase stresses organization and a systematic approach. It’s a great time for reviewing your Book of Shadows concerning where things go. Doing this regularly keeps your Book “logical” regarding contents.
Moon in Libra: This moon helps keep your Book of Shadows balanced so that it reflects both your spiritual life and mundane reality. This is also a time for making peace with a situation or person. The exchange of ideas becomes clearer so people understand your point.
Moon in Scorpio: This is an intense water sign that may mess up your emotions. It feels like a roller coaster. So, if you do any ritual work, make sure you are in the right “head space” for it.
Moon in Sagittarius: Your energy is very positive right now, but you also feel a little itchy, like you need a bit more variety in your magic. So, what other traditions interest you? Are you feeling drawn to a specific cultural approach? Hop online and check those out.
Moon in Capricorn: This is the best time to work on very personal issues, as a moon in Capricorn stresses self-truth. If you’ve been thinking about a self-dedication ritual or a magical name ritual, both fit this timing.
Moon in Aquarius: People start noticing that you are a bit different. They may ask a plethora of common questions about Wicca so be ready with those answers. Also, if something has been confusing you of late, meditate on it. Clarity is right around the corner.
Moon in Pisces: Your emotions are intense right now, as is your sensitivity. This is a very creative sign, so perhaps consider how you might decorate the pages of your Book. Studies also benefit from using this timing. You will soak up magical information like a sponge.
The Meaning and Symbolism of Weekdays for Magic
- Monday: This is the “moon’s” day. Magical potential abounds. Set a specific tone for your whole week with spells or rituals worked today. Stick with positivity.
- Tuesday: Mars governs Tuesday, producing a ton of active energy. If you have an important spiritual decision, muddle it over today. Or, any magical projects that have been on the proverbial back burner dust them off now!
- Wednesday: Pull out your Book today if you’re doing something really creative (like making paper). Mercury rules Wednesday, stressing personal expression. It’s also a good day for networking with others regarding magical questions.
- Thursday: If you find you’ve had trouble getting your words down on paper and having them make sense, Thursday’s energy stresses order and understanding. Thursday is Thor’s day, and it’s ruled by Jupiter. Do anything that expands your global or universal thinking.
- Friday: Sacred to Venus who oversees matters of the heart. Spells for supporting relationships work better on this day. Also, if the work on your Book of Shadows has been lagging, get a fresh start today.
- Saturday: Ruled by Saturn who says get organized! De-clutter the area in which you work magic. Also, if you’ve neglected homework lately, get caught up (that leaves you more time for your magical studies.
- Sunday: As the name implies the Sun rules this day of the week. Work on the areas of your Book of Shadow that bring you joy and capture your spirit. Afterward, go out and enjoy the company of family and good friends.
Now please don’t get too hung up on this. The whole timing issue is highly symbolic. So, think of astrological timing as an “add-on” option for those occasions when you want extra supportive energy.
Adapted from “Your Book of Shadows,” by Patricia Telesco. All Rights Reserved.